New version of LAMPP (0.9.8)

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New version of LAMPP (0.9.8)

Postby Oswald » 07. March 2003 12:59

Again a new version of LAMPP. LAMPP now includes FreeTDS to make MS SQL servers accessable via PHP. Also new in this version: GNU gettext and IMAP support for PHP, an up-to-date version of PHP (4.3.1), a new version of OpenSSL (0.9.7) and Perl is now included as Apache module (mod_perl 1.99_08).
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Sorry if this is not the right place

Postby chanio » 22. March 2003 07:48

Hi, Kai, Congratulations, you made a great job. At least for me that I have been trying to find a good win32 Apache conf. for years.
It works great! Let me help with the Spanish translation of most of your files: [url=] download them here!
[/url] Shouldn't be much trouble to add them in your distro since the names are very much alike yours! Added my logo proposal (the .png file) and a favicon.ico. (see the wampp forum for further explanation)
Thank you again for your great production!

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