Wrong prompt

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Wrong prompt

Postby Jenx4dickx » 09. April 2016 23:14

I finally got my Apache server working. My course says to go to /aplications/xampp/bin/./mysql -u root which will bring up the dialog box with the Oracle copyright statement and the Mysql prompt. I cannot find any such folder (bin) under the xampp folder.
However if I open the xampp control panel and click shell it will bring up the dialog box and if I type in mysql -u root it will give me the Oracle copyright statement, but the prompt is not mysql. It is Mariadb. Can anybody tell me what is happening and/or what I am doing wrong? With the wrong prompt my instructions in my online course are not working.
ps. Is dialog box the correct terminology for the black screen?
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Joined: 29. March 2016 20:00
Operating System: Richard

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