New Welcome XAMPP and docs

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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Badooleoo » 30. July 2015 17:42

jwaynes wrote:After installing the new Xampp, from the control panel, I clicked the Apache "admin" button. Instead of the useful set of tools for testing and configuring, I got the new "dashboard" that has NO way of doing functions I needed and am accustomed to doing. Where did it go? I checked the /htdocs/xampp directory and found it to be empty???!!! Where has the functionality gone?

+1 to this. The installer is a lot smaller too, what else is missing

xampp-win32-5.6.11-0-VC11-installer - 108MB
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Nobbie » 31. July 2015 17:49

jwaynes wrote:Where has the functionality gone?

Which functionality?

a) the dashboard lacks a link to phpinfo() - ok, thats a little bit annoying, but stll http://localhost/phpmyadmin leads to phpmyadmin

b) phpinfo() is implented in the dashboard (upper right corner).

c) the "security" link FORTUNATELY hase gone, that link and actions were confusing and most Xampp users DESTROYED their installation after using it.

So, what do you mean with "configuring and testing"? The CD Player did not work since many years as well, there has not been any test. Anyway, a simple "It works" is test enough. There was NO configuration tool for Apache, neither for MySQL, neither for PHP, neither for Mercury etc. - so what do you mean with "configuring"?? Configuring what? What are you missing exactly?
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby elviskenya » 04. August 2015 09:46

I think this latest version of XAMPP is not user friendly. And that is what a user above questioned as functionality? As it were, the user should be able to locate the phpmyadmin link as easily as possible. Is that not a principle in software engineering?

So, can anyone please elaborate on how the user can navigate to the database (phymyadmin) and security link, from the new dashboard? By far it has deviated from what we all know, from the previous (outdated) versions of xampp.

The main questions:
How can one locate the phymyadmin link without appending or typing the url: localhost/phpmyadmin?

PS: Its not compatible with the latest version of Joomla

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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Nobbie » 05. August 2015 18:28

elviskenya wrote:So, can anyone please elaborate on how the user can navigate to the database (phymyadmin) and security link, from the new dashboard?

The phpmyadmin has been overlooked, but it is still availablle at http://localhost/phpmyadmin

The "security" link was heavily outdated, working wrongly and mostly resulted in a devastated Xampp installation. Xampp is secure out of the box on local PCs, there is no more action required.

elviskenya wrote:The main questions:
How can one locate the phymyadmin link without appending or typing the url: localhost/phpmyadmin?

Add it to your favorites, as all other links in the WWW. What is so difficult about that? Where is the difference to any other URL, which has to be entered? I cannot understand this. If i were Bitnami, i would REMOVE phpmyadmin from the installation. As it is already a user defined installation (like WordPress, SMF Board etc. and many more). PhpMyAdmin is not necessary for running a webserver, its only nice to have.

elviskenya wrote:PS: Its not compatible with the latest version of Joomla

I think you mean it just vice verse: Joomla is outdated and not more compatible to the newest releases of PHP/Apache/MySQL. You should ask Joomla development about necessary changes. I definately dont believe, that PHP (or any other tool) will change their API due to Joomla problems.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby FormationISIT » 05. August 2015 22:08

It is very nice to have the traditional
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files back, so that we can still see how the stack works, and we can continue to have them to play and to learn.
Can we please request to add more cool tutorials and examples to the stack, :idea: but do not confuse the community by removing functions that we are all accustomed to see and rely-on to test and play with.

For those interested, you can copy the directory
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files from the previous 5.6.8 release into the new 5.6.11 and gain your functionality back. BTW, in removing functionality should not that be part of a major release?

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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Altrea » 05. August 2015 22:33

FormationISIT wrote:It is very nice to have the traditional
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files back, so that we can still see how the stack works

What do you expect to "see how the stack works"?
What do you need, what do you miss and why?

FormationISIT wrote:and we can continue to have them to play and to learn.

No, please don't learn from this 13 year old buggy code.

FormationISIT wrote:Can we please request to add more cool tutorials and examples to the stack,

Sure, just tell us which tutorials you are missing. You can request everything, but you have to be more specific.

FormationISIT wrote:but do not confuse the community by removing functions that we are all accustomed to see and rely-on to test and play with.

It's the other way round. The old orange XAMPP administration page is buggy and outdated and was confusing users.
Simply search this board here for the mass of users destroying their mysql password by using the security functions
or users confused by setting a folder password which they don't remember
or users trying to use URLs like http://localhost/htdocs/test.php
or users confused that the status checks don't work well
or or or, there are many many examples why the old code has to be gone.

If you have specific ideas how to improve the new dashboard, let us know.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby lethalpixie » 06. August 2015 04:17

What i did about the missing dashboard functionalities is copy the /security folder from a previous install i had, and then i had the old dashboard which worked perfectly.

I also couldn't find the links for passwords and such easily with the new installs I downloaded today. And honestly, did not feel like bothering to find all the variables in the files. :P
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby oitsem099 » 18. August 2015 17:41

is it just me or others also have problem with the new Version of XAMPP.
1. after installing and running xampp. when I open localhost I get localhost/dashboard << what the hell is this. I know they're making a new dashboard thing
the new version is NOT USER FRIENDLY AT ALL.
when I open localhost/xampp ITS EMPTY!! HOW DO I CONFIGURE THIS?!! -.-
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Altrea » 18. August 2015 19:36

oitsem099 wrote:HOW DO I CONFIGURE THIS NOW?

What exactly do you want to configure? What exactly do you miss?
Did you already take a look into the HOW-TO Guides Section of the dashboard?

There you get detailed step to step instructions with screenshots about topics even the old XAMPP administration page doesn't provide, like changing the PHP version, running XAMPP with FastCGI or resetting the MySQL root password.

oitsem099 wrote:the new version is NOT USER FRIENDLY AT ALL.

Then help us improbing it for future releases. But not the way you tried here. Be as specific as possible what you expect, want and need.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Don_Proximo » 25. August 2015 05:27

Hello, I am sorry if this section is not the right area to post this. I am having issues loading the index page. I am currently running windows 10 Pro. I t installed smoothly, but the only page that displays is the dashboard. I can't navigate to any other section. I can't Configure PHPMyAdmin and can't load index page either. Please help.

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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Altrea » 25. August 2015 09:35


Did you already read this thread here?
Did you try to type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ in your browsers address bar?
Which others sections do you mean?
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Edited: A suggestion concerning discussing security

Postby steve_t » 26. August 2015 00:02

OK. I just spent a couple of days figuring out XAMPP security and thinking about why you might have decided to remove the XAMPP 5.6.8- security web pages http://localhost/security/index.php (the subject status table) and http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php (the security console MySQL & XAMPP directory protection form). Here are my thoughts/suggestions.

Concerning XAMPP 5.6.8-

1.) I never found the security web pages http://localhost/security/index.php (the subject status table) and http://localhost/security/xamppsecurity.php (the security console MySQL & XAMPP directory protection form) to be buggy. I did, however, find them to be very confusing. Why? Because for some inexplicable/inexcusable reason they did not explain the XAMPP default security policy, which I will refer to as the New XAMPP Security Concept, whose code is located at the bottom of the C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf file, which institutes a security policy that is different than the traditional security policy of most other LAMPs/WAMPs, and can be described as follows: "By default, most LAMPs/WAMPs expose a LAMP/WAMP directory vulnerability and a MySQL root user account has no password vulnerability to the LAMP/WAMP host computer and to computers on a network with the LAMP/WAMP host computer. The XAMPP New XAMPP Security Concept stops these two vulnerabilities from being exposed to computers on a network with the XAMPP host computer." In short, if this was explained somewhere on the XAMPP 5.6.8- security web pages: 1.) much of the users preoccupation/confusion with changing the XAMPP directory, the MySQL root use account no password, and the phpMyAdmin no secure authentication type from unsecure to secure would/could be stopped; and 2.) XAMPP might be applauded for resolving these vulnerabilities over a network by default. But because this is not explained on the front end, hence, the confusion and the time wasted replying to posts on the af community forums on the back end.

2.) One thing that I liked about XAMPP 5.6.8- was that it offered the possibility (unfortunately never explained/implemented/realized) of instituting three separate security policies:

a.) The New XAMPP Security Concept (default) (recommended): Only the XAMPP host computer, not any computers on a network with the XAMPP host computer, is granted access to the XAMPP directory web pages and phpMyAdmin.

To institute the New XAMPP Security Concept, do nothing. The New XAMPP Security Concept is instituted as the default security policy. In this example, the code for the New XAMPP Security Concept is located at the bottom of the C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf text file.

b.) The No Security Policy: The XAMPP host computer, and any computers on a network with the XAMPP host computer, are granted access to the XAMPP directory web pages and phpMyAdmin.

To institute the No Security Policy, disable the New XAMPP Security Concept. Disabling the New XAMPP Security Concept institutes the No Security Policy. (For additional information, including warnings and step by step instruction see 3.2. To Institute The No Security Policy

c.) The Traditional LAMP/WAMP Security Policy: Upon authentication (i.e., after providing a valid username/password), the XAMPP host computer, and any computers on a network with the XAMPP host computer, are granted access to the XAMPP directory web pages and phpMyAdmin.

To institute the Traditional LAMP/WAMP Security Policy, disable the New XAMPP Security Concept and use the XAMPP directory web GUI to resolve two common WAMP/LAMP vulnerabilities and to select a secure phpMyAdmin authentication type. Disabling the New XAMPP Security Concept, resolving the common LAMP/WAMP vulnerabilities, and selecting a secure phpMyAdmin authentication type institutes the Traditional LAMP/WAMP Security Policy. (For additional information, including warnings and step by step instructions see 3.3. Institute The Traditional LAMP/WAMP Security Policy

Concerning XAMPP 5.6.11+

1.) The new dashboard really needs to explain, or link to an explanation of, the default XAMPP security policy. Moreover, the new dashboard really needs to explain why it does not present, or why it does not need to present, the traditional LAMP/WAMP GUI for securing the LAMP/WAMP directory vulnerability, the MySQL root user account has no password vulnerability, and for selecting a secure phpMyAdmin authorization type. Keeping people in the dark about this would seem to be a mistake for it will likely only lead to more confusion and questions, and that is what the new dashboard is meant to avoid, correct?

2.) I would redesign the XAMPP 5.6.11+ dashboard to; 1.) explain the New XAMPP Security Concept, and 2.) present user with the opportunity to institute the three security policies described above; 1.) The New XAMPP Security Concept, 2.) The No Security Policy, and 3.) The Traditional LAMP/WAMP Security Policy. This would really distinguish XAMPP from the other LAMPs/WAMPs. Toward facilitating this, please feel free to use any of the language/wording in the XAMPP Security section of this web page on my web site:
Set Up A Local Windows Environment For Developing phpBB Styles


Last edited by steve_t on 04. October 2015 02:05, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby abmmhasan » 01. September 2015 06:55

I wanna discuss 2 little off-topic but important, if you say about the post title! But I found no other places appropriate (may be I missed).

I wanted to talk about the integrated php version in XAMPP. I needed a XAMPP version which will include all the latest PHP version in it. We can define which one to use via .htaccess file for the project (the file should be in project home directory). Current latest stable releases are 5.6.12, 5.5.28, 5.4.44.

2ndly, your default localhost. See, we can access phpmyadmin via localhost/phpmyadmin. In the same way I wanted to access localhost/xampp (which will have detailed controls of all modules). You should remove Xampp folders and default index from htdocs folder move it to required places like phpmyadmin. Though You can keep a single index file in htdocs which will list any existing file or folder in that directory.

Thank You.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby kek » 09. September 2015 18:39

i am very new to XAMPP. i installed it today.
so i can't really compare the user friendliness or functionality of the old /xampp or new /dashboard
when i clicked at the admin button on the control panel or typed /localhost at the browser, not being able to see the orange menu bar i thought something is wrong with my installation, configuration or settings of the browser. So i spent more than one hour to fix it. Then finally i found this thread which was linked to another thread.
the video at the homepage misleaded me. so please update the video.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby xfirebg » 22. October 2015 19:17

"How can I test that everything worked?" section is wrong, there is no such page!
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