New Welcome XAMPP and docs

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New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Beltran » 16. November 2014 14:15

Hi Apache Friends,

We are working on a new Welcome page for XAMPP and we need your help!

We would like to include new docs with detailed steps for most popular questions. That way users can easily find help in the Welcome XAMPP easily. We will include the current FAQs per platform and we are working on new "How to" guides. Checking most popular questions in the forum we started with the following ones for Windows, Linux and OS X:

- How to configure and enable FTP to access from other machines. How to configure it to give access for other developers.
- How to configure Apache with VirtualHosts
- Apache troubleshooting: common issues with Apache from the great Altrea's post at viewtopic.php?f=16&t=69784
- How to deploy a PHP application from GitHub
- How to create wildcard VirtualHosts
- How to create/restore MySQL backups from command line and using phpMyAdmin
- How to configure sendmail or phpMailer for sending emails
- How to install Bitnami add-ons on top of XAMPP

We need your help to know which other topics should we include in the new Welcome page for XAMPP. Any suggestion will be welcome!

We will also add all the content of these guides in the ApacheFriends translation application so they will be also available for different languages soon :)

We also want to remove sample applications in the current XAMPP welcome page (like the CD collection example). They are a source of security issues and some users inadvertently leave them available from the outside. We fixed these security issues as soon as they were reported but we think it is better to remove these applications to avoid future security issues.

Thanks for your feedback!
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby teo8976 » 16. November 2014 20:30

One very basic FAQ that is missing is:
- how to fix htdocs folder permissions problems in Mac OS

i.e. avoid this error when you create your first web page in a freshly installed xampp:
Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0

Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/whatever/whatever.php' (include_path='.:/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0.

Actually I believe the XAMPP installer itself should be modified so that this problem would not exist out of the box, but the bare minimum until that is fixed is providing proper installation instructions that include changing the permissions as needed.

P.S. thanks to for pointing me to this thread
Last edited by teo8976 on 16. November 2014 20:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Altrea » 16. November 2014 20:32

Hi Beltran,

That are great news. Let me tell you my suggestions:

Beltran wrote:How to configure and enable FTP to access from other machines. How to configure it to give access for other developers.

Good idea.

Beltran wrote:How to configure Apache with VirtualHosts
How to create wildcard VirtualHosts

One of my Top "How to" Guides still Work in Progress.
Creating (namebased) Vhosts is a very common question/answer here

Beltran wrote:Apache troubleshooting: common issues with Apache from the great Altrea's post at viewtopic.php?f=16&t=69784

Well, these issues there are starting issues, so they have to be accessible even then Apache could not get started.

Beltran wrote:How to deploy a PHP application from GitHub

Great! I look forward to read this guide.

Beltran wrote:How to create/restore MySQL backups from command line and using phpMyAdmin

Again one very common issue, still on my todo for a guide.

Beltran wrote:How to configure sendmail or phpMailer for sending emails

I would like to read that.

Beltran wrote:How to install Bitnami add-ons on top of XAMPP
We will also add all the content of these guides in the ApacheFriends translation application so they will be also available for different languages soon :)

Okay. Great!

Beltran wrote:We need your help to know which other topics should we include in the new Welcome page for XAMPP. Any suggestion will be welcome!

I would like to see a structure change.

The central index.php should persist but should only contain the following information:
- Information that is displayed if the page is not requested correct (opened in the browser directly) and how to solve this, or a simple link to the correct requestable URL
- Maybe information about Apache starting issues (see above).
This page should NOT contain a intransparent redirect because beginner commonly get confused.

The project folder of the welcome page should be renamed to something different. "xampp" as project folder can be confusing for beginners. Maybe "dashboard" is a good name for it, because it is something like a dashboard or could be.

Get rid of the /security section and the status page. They can be very confusing for beginners, because of false negatives. Issues after using the MySQL root password change or creating a folder protection are common.
A better way would be a guide how to change the password the proper way.

Beltran wrote:We also want to remove sample applications in the current XAMPP welcome page (like the CD collection example). They are a source of security issues and some users inadvertently leave them available from the outside.

I don't wish to remove all of them completely, because i think they can be a great inspiration for beginners.
But they should be simple enough and secure. They need a complete rewrite to get protected against SQL-Injections, Crosssite-Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). This rewrite is still on my Todo-List.
I would get rid of biorhythm and instant art. I would leave one database driven application (cdcol) and maybe two or three new applications covering up to date techniques and topics (like Websockets, PHPUnit or emailing). They should all get independend database users (if needed) with only this permissions the application really needs (best practice).

I would like to see the XAMPP Welcome page to be a greater help for developing. We need ressources and tools that provide a more helpful platform.
I would like to see a project management / issue tracker in XAMPP welcome page, like traQ
Tutorials on the following topics would be great;
- Integrating different PHP versions in XAMPP (with FCGI and changing the current PHP version for a folder by .htaccess)
- activating/configurating XDebug
- activating/configurating PHPUnit
- ...

Ideas ideas ideas, but i don't have enough time by myself :D
We don't provide any support via personal channels like PM, email, Skype, TeamViewer!

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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Beltran » 17. November 2014 22:16

Hi teo8976, Altrea,

Thanks for your feedback! We will include these new "how-to" guides in a Beta section in the current Welcome page so users can also contribute with their suggestions in this thread. We will check the permissions issue for OS X (it seems an issue instead of a how-to guide) and the issues that Altrea mentioned with the current application.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Ghafoer86 » 21. November 2014 18:07

there is something broken in this welcome page. the phonebook menu is having an error, there is the message :

Warning: SQLite3::query(): Unable to prepare statement: 1, no such table: users in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\phonebook.php on line 70
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchArray() on boolean in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\phonebook.php on line 73

i thing there is missing database on cdcol but after i read the code(phonebook.php) they are using sqlite.
and i check on php info panel there is report about sqlite :
PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x enabled
SQLite Library


PDO support enabled
PDO drivers mysql, sqlite

SQLite3 support enabled
SQLite3 module version 0.7-dev
SQLite Library
Directive Local Value Master Value
sqlite3.extension_dir no value no value

So, how to fix it :?: :?: :?:
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Beltran » 23. November 2014 12:26

Please check this post about the SQLite issue viewtopic.php?f=16&t=69342#p239275

Thanks Altrea for posting the solution!
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Ghafoer86 » 23. November 2014 15:19

thank's for the solution. i'll try it.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby gsmkasargod » 06. December 2014 00:47

this is good and nice help full forum i would like to expect new ver keep it ip
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby patlecat » 09. January 2015 14:22

"The following guides are available for Windows and Linux in the current versions: ..."
You made the claim that those new guides are available with the latest release, but they cannot be found not even via Google. So where are they or when will they be available? :?:
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Beltran » 30. January 2015 08:40


Currently they are only available when you download and install XAMPP. We will also publish them in soon.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby alfred3x » 09. March 2015 23:13

Those guides, why are they just on the Windows and Linux versions? Why are they not included with the OSX version?

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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby gpl » 26. March 2015 19:13

Hi. I installed the Joomla module and then reinstalled it. I now have TWO Joomla modules showing in the XAMPP Applications window. How can I delete one of the two?

Never mind. I figured it out. I found and deleted the extra <div> in htdocs/applications.html.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby Beltran » 12. April 2015 20:36

Thanks alfred3x, we continue working on the OS X version of the guides.
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby georgesn » 27. July 2015 04:52

How to access the old welcome page (localhost/index.php) instead of the new one (localhost/dashboard/)

Thank you in advance
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Re: New Welcome XAMPP and docs

Postby jwaynes » 28. July 2015 16:36

After installing the new Xampp, from the control panel, I clicked the Apache "admin" button. Instead of the useful set of tools for testing and configuring, I got the new "dashboard" that has NO way of doing functions I needed and am accustomed to doing. Where did it go? I checked the /htdocs/xampp directory and found it to be empty???!!! Where has the functionality gone?
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