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Re: WinMySQLadmin 1.4 New Install Questions

Thanks for the response. Its not like I chose to use this software. :wink: It installed with the XAMPP 1.7.0 package. Although, as I said, I think that Patch2 may have attempted to remove it- out of sight anyway. I just wonder why it installs with the package and how do I get rid of it? Does deleting winmysqladmin.exe from C:\xampp\mysql\bin folder do the trick? I assume that there must be some sort of start up entry that needs disabling also?
by crismahn
24. January 2009 00:25
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: WinMySQLadmin 1.4 New Install Questions
Replies: 4
Views: 9486

WinMySQLadmin 1.4 New Install Questions

I just install XAMPP 1.7.0 and XAMPP 1.7.0 Patch2. Seems to be functioning properly.

However, there is a small thing that seems like a glitch to me. Whenever I start/restart my computer (Window XPPro SP3) I get an icon in my system tray for WinMySQLadmin 1.4. It looks like a traffic signal. When I click on it a WinMySQLadmin 1.4 console opens up.
This is what I see under the environment tab:
1. Before installing the Patch I am pretty certain that this WinMySQLadmin 1.4 console was linked in the menu pane on the left side of my XAMPP Welcome screen. After the Patch was installed, the link was gone. Am I right about this?
2. Why isn't Windows XP listed across the top?
3. In the OS Platform it says "Whistler"- what is up with that?
4. In the MyODBC Window it says "Not Found, Driver 2.51 Not Found". Any worries there?

This is what I see under the StarCheck Tab:
5. Notice the "Fatal error: not found any MySQL Server for NT OS". Any worries there?

Here is what my XAMPP Control Panel shows:
All appear to be normal and all appears to be functionng normally.

6. Do I really need to pay much attention to the WinMySQLadmin 1.4 console?
7. Can I stop it as a service to keep it from opening everytime I start my machine?

Thanks very much,
by crismahn
23. January 2009 23:36
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: WinMySQLadmin 1.4 New Install Questions
Replies: 4
Views: 9486

Re: Xampp 1.7.0 und Mysql

hast recht, von dem admin botton in XCP sollte man die Finger lassen. ich tat es auch - deine unterstellung zielt in leere. aber lies erst mal weiter.

@wneudeck, hallo werner
ich kann dein problem mit datenbanken auf f: nicht lösen und nicht kommentieren, ich >glaube<, dass es damit zuächst nichts zu tun hat.
ich habe mit c: und e: probiert ohne meine alten datenbanken und der mysql dienst (nur dieser) führte zum absturz von mysqld, wie bei dir.
vielleicht liest du mal durch und probierst dann nochmal mit deinen datenbanken auf f: ?

ich habe nun für mich und für c:, e: und andere laufwerke das problem gelöst.

Also mal systematisch, sachlich und nachgedacht:

1.ich habe XP pro mit SP3, system frisch gebootet, keine firewall, kein mysql oder apache dienst laufen (vgl: Verwaltung-Dienste ggf Aktualisieren), auch my.ini ist nicht in c:\windows.
2. alle prozesse und dienste schaue ich mir online mit dem process explorer von an
3. ich habe mal die xampp für 7zip genommen
(den installer habe ich noch nicht probiert, nach dem folgenden denke ich aber das auch der geht) und nach e: entpackt, also steht alles in e:\xampp.
in xampp\ bitte setup_xampp.bat ausführen, als erstes !
4. ich lasse die finger von XCP weg (nachweislich - vgl im process explorer oder dienste - funktioniert er um den apache nicht aber mysql dienst zu installieren)
5. in der xampp\readme_de.txt kann man leicht nachlesen wie man die dienste einrichtet:
für den appache funktioniert das (install & start) auch nachweislich - vgl. dienste oder process explorer mit \xampp\apache\apache_installservice.bat
6. für mysql tut das \xampp\mysql\mysql_installservice.bat nicht - mysql service wird eingerichtet (ok) und dann gestartet - hier crasht mysqld bei mir !
um nun sauber weiter zu machen: sc delete mysql in einer dos box ausführen lassen, d.h. service wieder deinstallieren.
man wird auch eine my.ini in c:\windows finden - mag man löschen, muss aber nicht, denn ...
7. ein blick in \xampp\mysql\mysql_installservice.bat lohnt sich. darin steht ziemlich am ende, und das wird so oder so durchlaufen:
echo Installing MySQL as an Service
copy "%cd%\bin\my.cnf" /-y %windir%\my.ini
bin\mysqld --install mysql --defaults-file="%cd%\bin\my.cnf"
echo Try to start the MySQL deamon as service ...
net start MySQL

a) zuerst wird my.cnf aus \xampp\mysql\bin nach %windir% also c:\windows kopiert (aber vorher ggf. die alte my.ini umbenannt in my.ini.old - also unkritisch)
b) unkrtisch auch die letzte zeile, das ist der start des services mysql - hier crasht es dann später !
c) installation des services wird damit erledigt: bin\mysqld --install mysql --defaults-file="%cd%\bin\my.cnf"
und hier liegt das problem (zumindest meins !), genauer im wert des paramters --defaults-file.
d) offensichtlich gibt es bei meinem xp pro sp3 probleme mit "%cd%\bin\my.cnf" also dem file my.cnf
ich habe den paremeter wert umbenannt in "%windir%\my.ini", also auf die kopierte datei gleichen inhalts.
nun heisst die zeile: bin\mysqld --install mysql --defaults-file="%windir%\my.ini"
8. habe mich vergewissert, dass appache und mysql dienste nicht laufen, sonst killen und deinstallieren
9. dann in einer dos box ausführen:
mysql_installservice.bat <--- die veränderte fassung
10. beide dienste sind nachweislich (vgl process explorer) installiert (start automtisch) und laufen schon !
11. mit
prüfen, dass die wieder weggehen, das tuts auch. ggf. zurück zu 9. um sie wieder zu starten
12. zur sicherheit boote ich den rechner (zum 1. mal in dieser prozedur);
die dienste laufen bereits ohne weiteres zutun, browser zeigt http://localhost an.

Das wars, mir hat's geholfen.
Ich habe nun keine lust mehr zu recherchieren warum xp pro sp3 auf my.ini in %windir% besteht; (mein vista system ist da nicht so streng, zickt aber auch)
Jedenfalls kann man eine nicht so weit gehende bemerkung für alle NT systeme auch in readme_de.txt lesen -> @nobbie, c:\windows\my.ini muss sein !
Und ich weiss auch nicht, warum die my.cnf im o.g. script von entwicklern benutzt wird (system, server, user hierarchie vom unix auf windows übertragen ?)

@werner: nun probier mal mit dem f: lauferk und deinen datenbanken erneut. (deinstalliere zuerst, verändere, installiere neu)

Vielleicht hilft dieses dem einem oder anderem weiter.


Bemerkung zu XCP:
1. dieser, wenn aufgerufen zeigt nun auch korrekt dass die services installiert sind (häckche) und running sind.
man kann nun gut mit den o.g. scripten spielen und XCP als anzeige benutzen - ich trau dem nicht mehr
2. der Service ... botton:
dahinter kann man das XCP panel lediglich als dienst eintragen - erneut vgl. process explorer
ich habe es deaktiviert, die dienste laufen ja auch nach einem reboot.
3. zum installieren und starten des mysql service ist XCP nicht geeignet: das tut es einfach nicht.
by segelwindhose
23. January 2009 14:15
Forum: XAMPP für Windows
Topic: Xampp 1.7.0 und Mysql
Replies: 36
Views: 35232

Where to Start? Setting Up a Local Domain

I am a complete noob and i'm old so be gentle

I wish to install Xampp so i can set-up a Zencart
So I have got the book
In it are Windows Instructions
As i am a mac user I have no idea what the eqivilent paths would be on a mac so I am hoping some kind person would help me out.
I know you experts will think its so simple & i didn't need to post this but I gotta start somewhere :?
Thanks in anticipation
Macbook Pro
OSX 10.5

Setting Up a Local Domain

To set up a domain in Windows XP:
1. Edit the file C: \WINDOWS\system32\dr ivers\etc\hosts with a text editor. Change the drive letter (C:)
to match your own computer setup.
2. Add the following lines to the end of the file. # For browser access # For email access # For mercury mail server
3. Remember to save the contents of the file.
You should now be able to use “localhost” and “” interchangeably when accessing your web
server via a web browser. The “” domain will make more sense to you when you learn how to
configure Zen Cart to send emails in “Mail Server Settings” on page 72. The “” domain will be used in
“Configuring Mercury” on page 38.
Configuring Apache
We have to configure our local Apache to accept connections for any requests to the domain -, instead of allowing such connections to go through the Internet.
To configure Apache to use the new domain you created:
1. Edit the file <xampp-home>/apache/conf /ht tpd.conf with a text editor.
2. Delete and add the following line in the file.
ServerName localhost:80 ServerName

Configuring Apache
We have to configure our local Apache to accept connections for any requests to the domain -, instead of allowing such connections to go through the Internet.
To configure Apache to use the new domain you created:
1. Edit the file <xampp-home>/apache/conf /ht tpd.conf with a text editor.
2. Delete and add the following line in the file.
ServerName localhost:80 ServerName

Start Your Web Store with Zen Cart
To test whether Apache has been configured properly:
1. Start your Apache service via the XAMPP Control Panel.
2. Use your web browser to point to and you should be presented with the XAMPP
welcome screen if your configuration is successful.
Note that you are still able to access your server via the old URL of http://localhost.

Configuring Mercury
Now we have to make sure that all emails for the domain will be handled by our mail server.
To configure your Mercury mail server to use the new domain:
1. Stop the Mercury mail server service via your XAMPP Control Panel.
2. Edit the file <xampp-home>/MercuryMai l /MERCURY. INI with a text editor.
3. Delete and add the following lines in the file.
myname localhost # Canonical name for this server
myname # Canonical name for this server
4. Add the following line just below the words “ :” in the file. :
To test whether your Mercury mail server has been configured properly:
1. Start your Mercury service via your XAMPP Control Panel. Also make sure your Apache service is started.
2. Navigate to the URL to open up your XAMPP page.
3. Click on the Mercury Mail hyperlink on the left-panel. Your right-panel should refresh and appear
similar to the following screen shot.

4. Enter some values for the test email you want to send. You can make use of the following settings

Chapter 2 Installing Zen Cart on Your Local Machine 39
as an example.
 Sender –
 Recipient –
 Subject – Test Message
 Message – This is a test message.
5. Click on Abschicken to send your email. Note: “Abschicken” is the German translation for the English
word “Send”.
6. If all goes well, you should see a message telling you that the email has been successfully sent.

Creating Your Store's Database
A database is used to store your configuration information during the installation process and also all your store's
settings, customer and product information, etc. Our database will be created in the MySQL database server which
we have installed when we installed XAMPP.
To create a database:
1. Start up your XAMPP Control Panel and make sure all services are running.
2. From your web browser, navigate to
by Ozewolf
23. January 2009 07:23
Forum: XAMPP for macOS
Topic: Where to Start? Setting Up a Local Domain
Replies: 3
Views: 10304

Re: Xampp 1.7.0 und Mysql

Ich habe das lesen dem schlafen vorgezogen und im englischen forum genau dieselben Probleme gefunden.
Kommentare viele, fixes keine.

Siehe z.B. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=32965
aber auch davor. Dort gibt es einige spezialisten.

Zusammengenommen: es sind immer XP SP3 Installationen betroffen !!

Dann habe ich folgendes gemacht und reihenweise meine blauen Wunder erlebt.

Ich habe windows\my.ini entfernt, vorher im xampp panel die häckchen entfernt (mysql mag das nicht, häckchen kommt wieder, also sc delete mysql in der cmd console eingegeben (dann ist mysql service auch weg, und ... das Häckchen im panel geht auch weg, wenn es deaktiviert wird)

Sevices die laufen schaue ich mir ständig an: sie zeigen apache 2.2 und mysql, je nach dem wie die häckchen im xampp panel sind.
Ich gebe zu (das wird noch klar, habe mir xampp service nicht angeschaut).

xampp deinstalliert, nochmals installiert ( ins c:\xampp), auch sonst keine veränderungen vorgenommen, auch die services nicht zur installation markiert.
xampp panel gestartet,
apache service installiert (häckchen) und start. okay.
mysql installiert (häckchen) und start. okay.
Aber ... auf dem panel unter Service... war unter Start this modules mysql nicht aktiviert.
Also, oben darüber xampp service deinstalliert (häckchen), mysql bekommt ein häckchen dazu (apache hat es bereits), xampp als service auch und wird damit als service installiert..
Dann ins xampp panel zurück apache und mysql haben/bekommen häckchen um sie als service zu installieren, start bei beiden und ... kein absturz.

In windows services erscheint kein apache und kein mysql, nur xampp service mit dem status " " !! Was ist das ???? Gestartet ????
Aber xampp panel sagt apache und mysql "running". :?: :!: :shock:
Und in c:\windows ist kein my.ini !!!

Also http://loacalhost im browser ... und xampp ist da !! also apache läuft ! mysql auch, sagt der link zum Status.

Und das verstehe wer wolle ... !

Für mich eine Inkosistenz des panel, der .bat scripts und der Eintragungen von xampp in windows services.
Da wird mir gesagt, dass ein service läuft und windows zeigt mir diesen ja nicht an. Das ist nicht nut kosmetik.
Ich werde das morgen auf dem Laufwerk e: genauso machen ... ich ahne weitere inkosistenzen.

Bin ich froh ... Nein ! Ich will es auch e: haben; warum tut das umbigen der Datenbank auf F: nicht ?
Das ist nicht mehr als häcking ... vielleicht sollten sich die Entwickler des Themas systematisch annehmen.

Nachtrag: ich habe es doch noch heute abend getan: auf e: installiert und es läuft !

1. im xampp panel alle services deaktiviert (es sind drei: apache, mysql und in Service... der xmapp selbst)
kontrolliert in windows sc Diensten, dass sie weg sind.
2. windows\my.ini war nicht da; hätte ich sonst gelöscht
3. xampp 1.7.0 installiert in e:\xampp (die installer version; die zip version ist keine Lösung, sagen englische posts)
dabei bis auf c:->e: keine Zusätze, häckchen etc.
4. xampp panel aufgerufen und zuerst in Service...: darin apache und mysql aktiviert (häckchen), xampp service bekommt dabei auch eins
zurück im xampp panel der reihen nach: apache service einrichten (häckchen), start. dito mysql.
5. Kein abstrurz von mysqld !
6. windows Dienste anzeigen (wieder mal etwas anderes) apache und xampp service sind zu sehen, mysql nicht
apache hat status gestartet, xampp " "
na doll ...
7. browser http://localhost .... es tut; link zu status sagt: mysql aktiviert

Nun ... ich habe daraus nichts gelernt. Dass es nun läuft versteh ich nicht !! Und glücklich bin ich auch nicht.
Die gefühlte Erfahrung (!?) sagt mir, dass xampp panel und die .bat script nicht zu vermischen sind.
Ich habe nun alles mit dem panel gemacht und daruaf geachtet, dass der Rechner clean ist (keine Reste der vorherigen xampp Versuche)
Mag sein, dass es mit den Skripten auch funktioniert, dann würde ich xampp panel nicht nutzen.

Wäre xampp 1.7.0 nicht vor Weihnachten herausgekommen, würde ich sagen: ein Osterei !

Hoffe das hilft. :idea:
by segelwindhose
23. January 2009 00:52
Forum: XAMPP für Windows
Topic: Xampp 1.7.0 und Mysql
Replies: 36
Views: 35232

Re: Crash on MySQL startup

segelwindhose wrote:Izzy - things will not become fixed if telling people to use the search engine.
Reading the forum Announcement may help you to understand how to use the forum search facility correctly and being a new Apache Friends forum user it is the best place to start as answering the same questions over and over is quite a tedious task.
Usually laziness or ineptitude at varying the keywords leads to unsuccessful search results.

I just used uninstall xp|sp3 and came up with heaps of relevant results to hunt through.

segelwindhose wrote:There are more than three topics in the english and german forum about this problem
The number of comments (not fixes) is even higher, I've read and tried all !
No solution reported yet ... except GODLIKE who fixed but didn't respond how exactly.
Even the successful solutions in this post which is only a few posts down the forum list of topics didn't help?:

segelwindhose wrote:To be honest: your fix does not work - especially at my machine: XP SP3, fresh and new
Wiedmann's fix list I do believe which looks to me like a general cumulative check list of past known fixes - individual circumstances and PC conditions are not taken into account - flexibility is the name of the game with all things MS.

segelwindhose wrote:When went through the post in the forum, there is one commonality: XP with SP3, e.g.
All install and uninstall .bat does not work ! Unchecking boxes in the xampp does not work too !
Killing services does not work !
..and sc delete mysql at a command prompt not working either - deleting or uninstalling services will only be effective if a service is installed in the first place and for some registry issue can't be uninstalled in the usual manner.

segelwindhose wrote:Just installing xampp out of the box and starting service does not work on XP SP3
Using the installer version are you, perhaps?

Don't elect to start the services until you have successfully installed XAMPP as they can easily be installed from the XAMPP Control Panel afterwards.

Then run mysql_start.bat file and see if you get errors reported.

Uninstall your current XAMPP by following Sharley's procedure in the above link then reinstall with a different version for example EXE(7zip) (preferred) or the zip version and then run setup_xampp.bat file to set your paths.
Restart your PC after uninstalling XAMPP and check that there are no MySQL services started again by using the Task Manger>Processes tab, ie mysql*.exe

Then run the mysql_start.bat file and see if you get any errors.

Don't try and reinstall over an existing xampp folder, delete the existing folder before installing a fresh install.

This has been a known fix for stubborn XP SP3 issues.

No ZoneAlarm or other firewall issue? - try temporarily disabling to test.

This topic had a successful out come on XP SP3 by reinstalling with a different version.

segelwindhose wrote:Right now, I'm going to read and search the solution, will inform in case of substantial progress.
Please do that so it may help others like you that seem unable to find a suitable solution from the many previously posted on the forums.
by Izzy
23. January 2009 00:43
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Crash on MySQL startup
Replies: 9
Views: 13205

Re: MYQSL Crashes

I have same proble with a mysqld.exe and not start service mysql.
For the problem of service i go to start-run: services.msc and find mysql service. Click in settings - start sesion -this account and choose the admin account (the tabs may be other names, i have spanish win). Then click ok and start service.
(sorry for the bad english)
by XPiRiT
22. January 2009 13:30
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: MYQSL Crashes
Replies: 19
Views: 43170

Re: Xampp 1.7.0 und Mysql

ich hoffe, dass ich die Frage richtig verstanden habe. Wenn ich mit mysql_start.bat starte, sehe ich im DOS-Fenster
Diese Eingabeforderung nicht waehrend des Running beenden
Please dont close Window while MySQL is running
MySQL is trying to start
Please wait ...
MySQL is starting with mysql\bin\my.cnf (console)
090122 12:49:23 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 46409
090122 12:49:23 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
090122 12:49:23 [Note] mysql\bin\mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.1.30-community' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL

Das kommt sowohl mit Originalpfad als auch mit dem auf F: geänderten Pfad.
Im error-log kommt
090122 9:33:37 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 46409
090122 9:33:37 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
090122 9:33:37 [Note] c:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe: ready for connections.
Version: '5.1.30-community' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
090122 12:37:03 [Note] c:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe: Normal shutdown

090122 12:37:03 [Note] Event Scheduler: Purging the queue. 0 events
090122 12:37:03 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
090122 12:37:03 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 46409
090122 12:37:03 [Note] c:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe: Shutdown complete
by wneudeck
22. January 2009 12:57
Forum: XAMPP für Windows
Topic: Xampp 1.7.0 und Mysql
Replies: 36
Views: 35232

Re: Xampp 1.7.0 und Mysql

danke für die ständigen Bemühungen. Zur Info, was ich gemacht habe:
- zuerst wurde nochmals der funktionierende Pfad eingestellt
- alle Datenbanken aus c:\xampp\mysql\data wurden nach f:\mysqldata kopiert
- in der my.cnf wurde der Pfad geändert in datadir="F:/mysqldata"
- Apache und mysql gestartet (um 9:18 Uhr)
- es kommt die von mir schon genannte Windows-Fehlermeldung und mysql stoppt
Zu Deiner Frage:
Im errorlog. steht meiner Meinung nach nichts Aussagekräftiges, trotzdem der Auszug
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:37 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:37 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:37 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.8 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:37 2009] [notice] Server built: Dec 10 2008 00:10:06
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:37 2009] [notice] Parent: Created child process 5300
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:38 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:38 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:38 2009] [notice] Child 5300: Child process is running
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:38 2009] [notice] Child 5300: Acquired the start mutex.
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:38 2009] [notice] Child 5300: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:38 2009] [notice] Child 5300: Starting thread to listen on port 443.
[Thu Jan 22 09:18:38 2009] [notice] Child 5300: Starting thread to listen on port 80.

In der Ereignisanzeige von Windows:
bei "Anwendung"
Application Error
und bei den Einzelheiten:
Fehlgeschlagene Anwendung mysqld.exe, Version, fehlgeschlagenes Modul mysqld.exe, Version, Fehleradresse 0x002b8853.

und bei "System"
Fehler Service ControlManager
und bei den Einzelheiten
Dienst "mysql" wurde unerwartet beendet. Dies ist bereits 4 Mal passiert.

Bemerkung: 4mal ist klar, denn ich habe es ja mehrfach versucht.
Ich hoffe, dass die Beschreibung ausreichend ist.
Tschüss Werner
wenn ich dagegen wieder mit dem richtigen Pfad starte, kommt in der Ereignisanzeige bei "Anwendung" die Meldung
c:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe: ready for connections.
Version: '5.1.30-community' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
by wneudeck
22. January 2009 09:32
Forum: XAMPP für Windows
Topic: Xampp 1.7.0 und Mysql
Replies: 36
Views: 35232

Re: apache error on xampp 1.7.0

sunw wrote:When I run upgrade script for MySQL for webERP, and having problems with the foreign key creation:

CONSTRAINT `audittrail_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`userid`) REFERENCES
`www_users` (`userid`);

But, it is OK if the script run in XAMPP 1.64.

any clue?
Off topic in here, start a new thread please.
by Izzy
22. January 2009 06:53
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: apache error on xampp 1.7.0
Replies: 12
Views: 15431

Re: phpMyAdmin gives me Access Denied

jim_genius5 wrote:It gives the following error message:
MySQL said:
#2003 - The server is not responding
Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.
Perhaps MySQL has not started.

Stop MySQL and untick the Svc box in the XAMPP Control Panel (XCP).

Now try running the mysql_start.bat file to see if a better error message is returned why it won't start.

And if you don't really need MySQL running as a service then for now uninstall the service by running the mysql_uninstallservice.bat file in the mysql folder.

Then try starting MySQL with the mysql_start.bat file again.

Then try http://localhost/phpmyadmin and see if you get to the login page.

BTW can you exercise all the demos in http://localhost XAMPP Welcome page?

jim_genius5 wrote:I do have a backup copy of it that I restore whenever an attempt fails.
Please revert to you default backup copy before following the above troubleshoot.

jim_genius5 wrote:...When launching the WinMySQLAdmin 1.4 through the XAMPP CP, it gives me the Access Violation message. It says:
Access Violation at address 1000A1F7 in module 'LIBMYSQL.dll'. Read of address 00000000.
Don't use the Admin... button that invokes WinMySQLAdmin as it is deprecated and should be removed from the XCP - it is causing so many request for support here.

Use phpMyAdmin instead or do a forum search for winmysqladmin which may provide alternatives and a search for access violation will certainly provide the fix for when you used it.

jim_genius5 wrote:I did set a username and password other than the usual 'root' and 'nopassword' ones, but no luck. I had this problem in my 1.6.7 version, but I fixed it through the file.
This is not the recommended fix, see the search results mentioned above.

Revert your file back to the defaults as this may well be causing you to not be able to access phpMyAdmin.

What errors are recorded in your xampp\apache\logs\error.log file about the time you try and access phpMyAdmin?

Make sure you don't have any stray php.ini or my.cnf files in the Windows folder if so then rename them or delete them.
by Izzy
22. January 2009 01:33
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: phpMyAdmin gives me Access Denied
Replies: 4
Views: 21080

Re: von 1.6.8 auf 1.7.0

habe nun doch versucht, die 1.7.0 zu installieren, was aber Probleme mit meiner alten Mysql-Datenbank machte. Dazu werde ich aber in einem anderen thread noch eine Frage stellen.
Als ich feststellte, dass es nicht klappt, habe ich von einer Sicherungskopie (mit Acronis) die komplette Partition c: wiederhergestellt. Im Prinzip läuft alles wieder (warum auch nicht, war ja eine Wiederherstellung der Sicherung, die ich vor der Installation gemacht habe).
Nun aber zu meinem Problem:
Ich habe nach der Wiederherstellung natürlich auch das Xampp-Control-Panel aufgerufen und als ich dort bei "Apache" den Button" Admin" betätigte, kam im Browser (Firefox) folgende Fehlermeldung:
Warning: file_get_contents(lang.tmp) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\index.php on line 2

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\index.php:2) in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\index.php on line 4

Was kann hier passiert sein? Im error.log von Apache finde ich nichts. Ich habe mal mysql und Apache gestoppt und danach wieder gestartet, aber keine Veränderung.
Im Log steht
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:00 2009] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:00 2009] [notice] Child 3476: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:01 2009] [notice] Child 3476: Released the start mutex
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:02 2009] [notice] Child 3476: All worker threads have exited.
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:02 2009] [notice] Child 3476: Child process is exiting
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:02 2009] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:08 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.9 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.9 OpenSSL/0.9.8h mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.6 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:08 2009] [notice] Server built: Jun 14 2008 19:02:12
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:08 2009] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1328
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:10 2009] [notice] Child 1328: Child process is running
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:10 2009] [notice] Child 1328: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:10 2009] [notice] Child 1328: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:10 2009] [notice] Child 1328: Starting thread to listen on port 443.
[Wed Jan 21 11:56:10 2009] [notice] Child 1328: Starting thread to listen on port 80.

Kann natürlich sein, dass es mit dem Installationsversuch und der Wiederherstellung gar nichts zu tun hat, ich rufe das Control-Panel ja nicht jeden Tag auf.
Danke für Hinweise und tschüss
Wenn ich
aufrufe, wird diese Seite angezeigt.
Welcome to XAMPP for Windows Version 1.6.8 !
by wneudeck
21. January 2009 12:21
Forum: XAMPP für Windows
Topic: von 1.6.8 auf 1.7.0
Replies: 7
Views: 6049

Crash on MySQL startup

Hi everybody, I am completely noob on servers install and management, but I have 30 years of experience on computers, also of programming experience.
I now need to learn PHP and MySQL so I decided I'll run the server on my machine for ease of use.

I tried more and more times, installing and uninstalling everything and changing config files.
First of all I tell you that the XAMPP installation for Win does NOT change the drive letter. I installed in D: and all config files of MySQL were still pointing to C:.
Anyway, I tried to install in D:, then in C: and now in D: again.
I tried to delete all config files before reinstalling in C: (because when I uninstalled some old apache config file was probably not removed and was still pointing to D:...).

I opened all the doors manually on the Windows Firewall.

I must say, though, that unluckily the antivirus software here in the office is McAfee and I read in the FAQ that there can be problems with this. Note that I disabled real time scanning during XAMPP installation, though.

Apache server is running fine.
FileZilla is running fine.
I only have this damn problem with the MySQL server.

Here's what happens:
I start the service (it is installed as a service, and I tried both modes), XAMPP says "MySql service started" and after 2 or 3 seconds it crashes and window to send data to Microsoft pops up.
If I click Admin in the XAMPP panel before the service starts, the MySQL panel pops up, then when I click "Don't send" on the MS window it closes, BUT I still have the semaphore icon in the tray.
And the MySQL panel is working perfectly!

This is everything I can say, apart the fact that I am on WinXP with SP3 installed, the machine is pretty new (November) and the system is quite clean, there are only application for graphics, especially Adobe stuff.

Thank you fro help!

21. January 2009 10:11
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Crash on MySQL startup
Replies: 9
Views: 13205

Re: Apache error when accessing mysql php5ts.dll Offset: 0000ac5

Izzy wrote:Any help in these forum search results for php5ts (link) that you probably should have tried before posting your first message as outlined in the forum Announcements !!! Forum Search - Please Read First!!!.

I did that already, that's why I posted my question because my issue isn't listed . :?

What version of XAMPP?


Any more clues in the Windows Event Viewer?

Any clues in the Apache error.log file?

This is the logfile output when the error happened

Code: Select all
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:17 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:18 2009] [warn] pid file C:/xampp/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:18 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:18 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:21 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.8 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:21 2009] [notice] Server built: Dec 10 2008 00:10:06
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:21 2009] [notice] Parent: Created child process 4236
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:21 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:21 2009] [notice] Disabled use of AcceptEx() WinSock2 API
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:22 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:22 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:22 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:23 2009] [notice] Child 4236: Child process is running
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:23 2009] [notice] Child 4236: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:23 2009] [notice] Child 4236: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:23 2009] [notice] Child 4236: Listening on port 4499.
[Wed Jan 21 16:39:23 2009] [notice] Child 4236: Listening on port 9191.
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:29 2009] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting.
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:30 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:30 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:30 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:32 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.8 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:32 2009] [notice] Server built: Dec 10 2008 00:10:06
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:32 2009] [notice] Parent: Created child process 5624
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:32 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:32 2009] [notice] Disabled use of AcceptEx() WinSock2 API
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:33 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:34 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:34 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:35 2009] [notice] Child 5624: Child process is running
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:35 2009] [notice] Child 5624: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:35 2009] [notice] Child 5624: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:35 2009] [notice] Child 5624: Listening on port 4499.
[Wed Jan 21 16:40:35 2009] [notice] Child 5624: Listening on port 9191.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:12 2009] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:12 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:12 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:12 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:13 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.8 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:13 2009] [notice] Server built: Dec 10 2008 00:10:06
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:13 2009] [notice] Parent: Created child process 2188
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:13 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:13 2009] [notice] Disabled use of AcceptEx() WinSock2 API
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:15 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:15 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:15 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:16 2009] [notice] Child 2188: Child process is running
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:16 2009] [notice] Child 2188: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:16 2009] [notice] Child 2188: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:16 2009] [notice] Child 2188: Listening on port 4499.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:16 2009] [notice] Child 2188: Listening on port 9191.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:25 2009] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:25 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:25 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:25 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:26 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.8 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:26 2009] [notice] Server built: Dec 10 2008 00:10:06
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:26 2009] [notice] Parent: Created child process 4416
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:26 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:26 2009] [notice] Disabled use of AcceptEx() WinSock2 API
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:27 2009] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:27 2009] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:27 2009] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:27 2009] [notice] Child 4416: Child process is running
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:27 2009] [notice] Child 4416: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:27 2009] [notice] Child 4416: Starting 250 worker threads.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:27 2009] [notice] Child 4416: Listening on port 4499.
[Wed Jan 21 16:41:27 2009] [notice] Child 4416: Listening on port 9191.

BTW WinMySQLAdmin is deprecated and the use of it in XAMPP is not recommended, use phpMyAdmin instead - a forum search for winmysqladmin may be fruitful for other alternatives.

I can't get phpmyadmin to run, it give the above error

It also sounds like you may have other issues with the XAMPP installation that is often fixed by uninstalling then doing a fresh install - make sure you backup your folders, files and databases before deleting the xampp folder ready for a fresh install.

Did that already before I looked here for help :cry:

Thanks anyway ..
by vk2him
21. January 2009 09:59
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache error when accessing mysql php5ts.dll Offset: 0000ac5
Replies: 3
Views: 10992

Re: only backup neccessary files.

Your welcome.

Don't forget that if you run xampp-control.exe (XAMPP Control Panel - XCP) found in the xampp installation folder you can start and stop Apache and MySQL (also FileZilla FTP and the Mercury Mail servers if required) and then if you click on the X to normally close a Windows program or an open Window, it actually puts the XAMPP Control Panel on the system tray ready for action with a nice XAMPP icon - if you click on the Exit button it will close the XCP.

You can make a shortcut on your desktop for phpMyAdmin by using the URI http://localhost/phpmyadmin in the address bar of the shortcut maker - right click on a blank part of the desktop select New>Shortcut>Type the location of the item>http://localhost/phpmyadmin>Next>Type a name for the shortcut>phpMyAdmin>Finish.

Now you have an icon in the systray that will stop and start the XAMPP components and a shortcut for phpMyAdmin on your desktop and you're all set to go.

Good luck and stay happy.
by Izzy
21. January 2009 07:50
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: only backup neccessary files.
Replies: 3
Views: 3891

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