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Re: Best antivirus

musicmaster wrote:I suspect Windows Defender/Firewall.

i dont.

Probably you have lots of indexes to build in your data, that takes a lot of ressources to be recalculated and inserted. I do not believe in slow Firewalls.
by Nobbie
03. March 2023 21:17
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Best antivirus
Replies: 2
Views: 3465

Best antivirus

At the moment when I import a database it goes terribly slow. On my rather fast notebook it takes hours to upload a 100MB file. I suspect Windows Defender/Firewall.

I would like to hear the experiences of other people. Which anti-virus package works best with Xampp?
by musicmaster
03. March 2023 20:11
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Best antivirus
Replies: 2
Views: 3465

Hoster changed to MariaDB - What do you think about settings

Good evening dear database fellows

By chance I have discovered this community and thought I try my luck here as well :)
Am unfortunately more than noob what the DB settings / db relates. so I wanted to let you take a look at the settings set by our hoster (cloud server) and ask what you think of it.
Attached is the image with the values, which I could also change but so they are first predefined by the hoster.
What irritates me: We moved from a smaller cloud server (2 CPU, 4GB) to a more expensive cloud server with 8 CPU and 24 GB RAM at the same provider/hoster, which also uses MariaDB instead of MySQL. But the values in these settings haven't changed a bit and have remained exactly the same.
What do you guys think about these settings? Do you see anything wrong with the settings or something that could slow down the performance?

Thanks in advance for your time and effort.

Mfg fish

Settings Image:
by Fischauto
20. February 2023 21:14
Forum: MariaDB - MySQL
Topic: Hoster changed to MariaDB - What do you think about settings
Replies: 0
Views: 20778

Re: Please help, HTTP Protocol Doctor Required

dejwa wrote:I will offer a good reward for a solution

How much?

No, thats useless. A slow server is a slow server. There is no way to overcome that. Make the server quicker.
by Nobbie
11. January 2023 21:12
Forum: XAMPP for Linux
Topic: Please help, HTTP Protocol Doctor Required
Replies: 1
Views: 15183

Please help, HTTP Protocol Doctor Required

Hi, I need an advice from HTTP Protocol Doctor please..
I'm also a web developer, but I do not understand one thing, I need to download data from slow server, as fast as possible. I need the correct way to accomplish this, if you have some knowledge about it, or want to hear more details, please DM me, I will offer a good reward for a solution.

Thank you.
by dejwa
11. January 2023 17:31
Forum: XAMPP for Linux
Topic: Please help, HTTP Protocol Doctor Required
Replies: 1
Views: 15183

Re: Xampp is too slow responding

We need more information.

What is meant by "slow"?
Where is Xampp installed?
by Nobbie
04. January 2023 22:53
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Xampp is too slow responding
Replies: 1
Views: 2260

Xampp is too slow responding

Hello Folks,

I am using Xampp 8.1.12, I am facing slowness while getting response. I am not using any additional modules etc. My system configuration is also high. 32GB Ram, 1TB SSD, Core i7.

Thank you for help.

by ashishkumar
04. January 2023 06:10
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Xampp is too slow responding
Replies: 1
Views: 2260

Downloading XAMPP on MAC OS X with M1 chip

Dang, finally....

Look, I'll be frank, that was a lot!

If you just devoted hours attempting to find a solution only to find yourself stuck on the same problem after finding that someone else's Mac solution isn't yours, then I feel you.

Moreover, by now you might have a chip on your shoulder regarding XAMPP, and you might be tempted to trade in XAMPP for MAMP, but whoa slow your roll champ. Here's a tip: it's the chip.

Some said that the Xampp ~~is not compatible ~~ with the M1 chip, but that's false.

Here are the steps to downloading XAMPP version 8.1.2 for Mac OS X:

1.Go to
2.In the nav-bar choose download
3.Scroll down to the XAMPP for OS X section the More Downloads link
5.then click the XAMPP Mac OS X
6.then choose one of the two versions that are compatible with the M1 chip: version 7.4.27 and version 8.1.2 (I can only vouch for the version I downloaded, such as 8.1.2.) xampp-osx-8.1.2-0-installer.dmg
8.After downloading, click the start all servers button
9.If Mysql Database server stopped and is not running, run these two commands in the terminal

sudo killall mysqld

sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start

10.then open your browser and type localhost in the address bar and press enter.

11. If you see "Welcome to Xampp for OS X 8.1.2" then the installation was successful.
-Locate and open Xampp in your finder folder.
-Locate and double click htdocs.
-create a new project folder in htdocs. Name the folder. For example, testing.

12. Drag that folder into your IDE or VSC or the alike and get to work.

13.To deploy it locally, open your browser,and concatenate localhost/+the name of your project folder. For example, localhost/testing.

14. Please do congratulate yourself, you did a good job!
by reel_codes
22. July 2022 08:47
Forum: XAMPP for macOS
Topic: Downloading XAMPP on MAC OS X with M1 chip
Replies: 2
Views: 28906

Re: XAMPP 5.6.31 horrible slow & cant even import 600kb file

Yeah, the settings are set low because most first time XAMPP users are installing and using XAMPP byside many other software and can most likely not spare 50% of RAM for just MariaDB.
by Altrea
09. March 2022 07:52
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: XAMPP 5.6.31 horrible slow & cant even import 600kb file
Replies: 3
Views: 13951

Re: XAMPP 5.6.31 horrible slow & cant even import 600kb file

The reason for that is the InnoDB settings in the /xampp/mysql/bin/my.ini file are set very low.

Had a 14MB .sql file that I was trying to import. Took 3 hours to import it. I then made this my.ini setting changes below and the same DB import took 3 minutes.

Note: I have 16GB of RAM on my computer. So I set the innodb_buffer_pool_size=8G setting to 8GB, which is 50% of my RAM.

# Comment the following if you are using InnoDB tables
#innodb_log_arch_dir = "C:/xampp/mysql/data"
## You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
## of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
## Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
by AITpro
09. March 2022 02:14
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: XAMPP 5.6.31 horrible slow & cant even import 600kb file
Replies: 3
Views: 13951

EndeavorOS: vielleicht das genialste ARCH-bis jetzt? ->Test!

Hallo liebe Communuity hier auf dem Forum,

Heute mal ein anderes Thema - heute mal ein Linux-Thema - und hier interessiert mich eure Erfahrung, eure Ansicht u. Meinung.

los gehts: ;) EndeavorOS - vielleicht das genialste ARCH bis jetzt? - oder wenigstens der einfachste Weg, Arch Linux zu verwenden?

Vorweg: Arch Linux ist seit einiger Zeit immer stärker in der Presse u. irgendwie in aller Munde: Arch hat den Ruf, eine, schlanke, moderne Linux-Distribution,
aber gleichzeitig eben auch ziemlich kompliziert bei der Installation zu sein.
Diesem Umstand scheint EndeavourOS abzuhelfen - in dem es vieles davon bietet, was einer einfachen Arch-Installation am nächsten kommt - den großen
Aufwand bei der Installation aber eher klein hält. Was macht EndeavourOS so interessant - was verbindet es mit Arch u. was unterscheidet es. Wie installiert man EndeavourOS?
Diese Fragen haben mich interessiert - und so hab ich mich etwas eingelesen und einiges ausprobiert.

Im direkten Vergleich zu Arch kommt bei EndeavourOS vor allem wohl der Vorteil des Installers und der Xfce-Anpassung zu Gute. Manche sagen, es ist ein schöneres, hübscheres Arch mit Xfce oder aber:
EndeavourOS am nähsten dran an true- oder pur-Arch: Und darüber hinaus sieht es ganz so aus, als würde EndeavorOS im Kosmos der Distris seinen Platz gefunden zu haben - genau in der Lücke zwischen den Distribitionen wie Arch und Manjaro.
Warum aber ist es attraktiv so nah dran zu sein an Arch!?

Arch - seine Stellung in der Linux-Welt:
Was macht Arch so berühmt und berüchtigt: Arch Linux nimmt in der Landschaft der Linux-Distributionen einen besonderen Platz ein.
Während die allermeisten Distributionen sich von anderen Distributionen ableiten bzw. auf diese aufsetzen, ist das mit Arch nicht so.
Manjaro setzt auf Arch auf oder Fedora auf RedHat - oder Mint und Ubuntu leiten sich von Debian ab.
Arch Linux - für dieses System kann man diese Abhängikeiten nicht so aufmachen. Denn Arch ist im Grunde genommen mehr oder weniger direkt mit dem Linux-Kernel verbunden und
aus ihm abgeleitet. Gut - da kommen dann noch ein paar Dienstprogramme hinzu - und ein Paketmanager (pacman), der für das automatische Handling von packages, der Installation, Entfernung oder dem Upgrade unterstützt.
Arch Linux lässt den Benutzer genau entscheiden, was er in sein Betriebssystem und seine Anwendungen aufnehmen oder auslassen möchte.

Die Prinzipien, denen Arch folgt: Simplicity, Modernity, Pragmatism, User centrality - ( vgl. auch unten.bzw )
Arch definiert die Einfachheit (simplicity) so, dass es ein System bereitstellt ohne unnötigen Ergänzungen oder Modifkationen.
So gsehen ist Arch eines der schlankesten Linux-Distributionen auf dem Linuxmarkt.
Manjaro basiert auf Arch, ist aber nicht Arch Linux. Was können Sie tun, wenn Sie Arch Linux wirklich ausführen möchten, aber die Arch Linux-Installation nicht verstehen oder ergründen können? Hier kommt EndeavourOS ins Spiel. EndeavourOS liefert so nah wie möglich an einfaches Vanilla-Arch, ohne Arch Linux auf die harte Tour von Hand zusammenbauen zu müssen.
EndeavourOS verwendet das bekannte Calamares-Installationsprogramm. Es stellt Ihnen eine Reihe von Fragen—Was ist Ihr Tastaturlayout, welche Desktop-Umgebung möchten Sie, in welcher Zeitzone befinden Sie sich—und installiert Arch Linux so, wie Sie es möchten. In 30 oder 40 Minuten haben Sie eine voll funktionsfähige Arch Linux-Installation mit einigen EndeavourOS-spezifischen Verwaltungstools obendrauf.

zurück zur Ausgangsfrage: Ist EndeavourOS der einfachste Weg, Arch Linux einzurichten?

die Zielgruppe: Das Entwickler-Team hat sich bewusst dafür entschieden, eine Zielgruppe anzusprechen, die entweder Arch Linux bereits benutzt hat, aber eine schnelle und einfache Installation wünscht, oder die "Distro-Hopper", die bereits einige Linux-Kenntnisse haben, aber Archlinux erkunden wollen ohne das manuelle Installationsverfahren der Basisdistribution.
Da standardmäßig kein GUI-Paketmanager ausgeliefert wird, ist das Team davon überzeugt, dass der Benutzer besser weiß, was er installiert, und daher mehr Kontrolle über das installierte System hat. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob der Benutzer sich für "pures Arch" entscheidet, GUI-Apps wie Pamac oder Octopi verwendet oder Sandbox-Lösungen wie Snaps oder Flatpak verwendet. Der Benutzer entscheidet selbst wie er sein System einrichtet. vgl.

Selbst hab ich früher OpenSuse eingesetzt, Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Antergos und Manjaro. Seit drei Jahren setze ich MX-Linux ein. Als Distrohoppper würd ich mich nicht bezeichnen - eher als Tester.
Zur Zeit wir EndeavorOS ziemlich oft diskutiert - einfach wohl auch aus dem Grund, weil es sehr nah dran ist an ARCH...

Die niederländische Linux-Distribution EndeavourOS - sie setzt auf Arch Linux auf und stellt so etwas dar, wie der inoffizielle Nachfolger des ehemals sehr beliebten Antergos - einer Arch-basierten Distribution dar. Antergos wurde vor ein paar Jahren eingestellt. Und der Nachfolger EndeavorOS - er hat den Ruf ganz nah dran zu sein an Arch. Ich frage mich, was ist da dran? Ist dieses Betriebsystem wirklich so leistungsfähig und besonders? Anders gefragt: ist EndeavourOS Grunde eine einfache und relativ unkomplzierte Möglichkeit, ein vorkonfiguriertes Arch Linux zu
installieren. Als Rolling Release bringt EndeavourOS nicht nur die neueste Software, sondern auch insgesamt neun Desktop-Umgebungen mit.

Hab mich mal etwas eingelesen und ein paar erste Schritte auf einem älteren Notebook unternommen:

Abstammung: GNU/Linux
↳ Arch Linux
↳ Antergos
↳ EndeavourOS

Aktuell: das aktuelle Grundsystem kommt mit Linux kernel 5.15.8; Mesa 21.3.1; nvidia-dkms 495.46.
Die Live Umgebung hat Xfce (offline) Edition: Calamares; Firefox 95.0.1; Linux kernel 5.15.8; Mesa 21.3.1; nvidia-dkms 495.46.

Installationsmöglichkeiten: Dieses rund 2 GB große Basissystem EndeavourOS (ISO), kann man mit Hilfe eines entsprechenden Tools wie WinUSB, GParted, Unetbootin herstellen (der eben mit Rufus) - also auf einen USB-Massenspeicher schreiben - damit hat man ein Live-System: von hier aus kann man dann mittels der grafischen Installationsroutine Calamares auf einer SSD oder Festplatte installieren. Das System basiert auf einem Betriebssystem-Kernel Linux 5xx sowie der runderneuerten und ressourcenschonenden Desktop-Umgebung Xfce
Das Tolle: EndeavourOS hat ja nur das nötigste an Board, also auch keine ausgebauten Paketmanager; Dafür ist es aber sehr leichtgewichtig, schnell u. sehr nah dran an Arch Linux.

zur Installation: der Installer bietet die Option der Offline- und Online-Installation - vgl. ... tallation/

a. Net-Installer: hier kann man bereits während des Installationsprozesses die gewünschte Desktop-Umgebung auswählen (Mate, LQQt, Cinnamon u.s.w. vgl.auch unten)
und erhält zudem ein System inklusive aller Anwendungs- und Systemupdates, das nach der Installation keinerlei Aktualisierungen mehr benötigt. Hier wird auf Calamares (system-installer tool), das net-installer-tool, gesetzt. Der große Vorteil der Net-Installer-Variante ist der der Auswahl: Also man ist nicht nur auf Xfce angewiesen. Beim Online-Installationsprozess hat man Auswahl eines
anderen als Xfce Desktops wie z.B. Gnome, Cinnamon oder KDE - und dies sind nur einige wenige Beispiele. Es gibt eine ganze Fülle von Desktop-Optionen.
Darüber hinaus werden im Rahmen der Net-Installation natürlich auch alle anstehenden Pakete gleich noch mitaktualisiert. Der Installer lädt - während des Installationsvorgangs gleich die neuesten Pakete direkt herunter.

b. Der Offline-Installer installiert die Xfce Oberfläche mit dem Paketstand, der aus dem Dateinamen des ISO Images ablesbar ist.
Nach der Installation gibt es dann viele Aktualisierungen. Das ist bei rollenden Linux Distributionen völlig normal.

Zusammenfassend: Offline Installation geht meies Erachtens fast etwas schneller, bringt aber am Anfang dann auch nur Xfce mit. Das fand ich am Anfang nicht schlecht - denn man kann ja später dann die weitern Ausbauten machen - m.a.W. nachinstallieren. Bei der Online Installation werden eine ganze Fülle von Desktops angeboten: Diese Variante dauert zwar etwas länger, liefert dafür aber sofort die neuesten Pakete aus.
Wenn man ein startfähiges Medium hat (also etwa einen USB-Stick o.ä.), dann kann man das vom Rechner aus starten: Alternativ kann man auch auch die ISO Datei in einer virtuellen Maschine einbinden und von dort aus dann starten. Direkt nach dem Start des Images kann man wählen:

- Live Modus: Hier hat man die Möglichkeit, EndeavourOS auszuprobieren - Live und bekannt aus vielen anderen Linux-Distries.
- Installationsmodus: „Start the Installer“ und danach kann man wählen zw. Online und Offline-Installation.

Wichtig: EndeavourOS bietet halt keinen graphischen Paket-Manager als vorinstallierte Vorgabe an, sondern unterstützt die Auseinandersetzung, wie auch Archlinux selbst,
pacman direkt im Terminal zu benutzen, und yay 7 im terminal um AUR Pakete 4 bauen zu können bzw. zu verwalten.

Hier eine kleine Liste von Systemvoraussetzungen in Bezug auf RAM (so wie es in der EndeavourOS’ Website) bekanntgegeben wurde: Diese Daten - die sollten (nebenbei bemerkt) für Manjaro so auch passen);

...wie hier in dem Artikel "liftoff-for-the-net-installer" geschrieben:
vgl. ... aller/2733

Mate: A lightweight Desktop Environment that supports newer technologies with a traditional Desktop. For Mate, we recommend a minimum of 2 GB of RAM.
LXQt: LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment that will not get in your way, so it will not hang or slow down your system. It is focused on being a classic desktop with a modern look and feel. For LXQt, we recommend a minimum of 2GB of RAM.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a Linux desktop environment reminiscent of GNOME 2 that offers flexibility, speed. For Cinnamon, we recommend 4GB of RAM and up.
Plasma: Plasma is made to stay out of the way as it helps you get things done. But under its light and intuitive surface, it’s a powerhouse. So you’re free to choose ways of usage right as you need them and when you need them. For Plasma, we recommend a minimum of 4 GB of RAM.
Gnome: Is a modern and customizable Desktop Environment that lets you get things done. For Gnome, we recommend a minimum of 4 GB of RAM.
Budgie: A Desktop Environment, you can mix modernity and traditions. Based on a classical display and an all-in-one settings bar for music, video and more. For Budgie, we recommend a minimum of 4 GB of RAM.
Deepin: An elegant and modern looking Desktop Environment with its own unique and intuitive functionality. For Deepin we, recommend a minimum of 4 GB of RAM.
vgl. ... aller/2733

Und darüber hinaus gibt es seit einiger Zeit auch das "EndeavourOS ARM": Die Distribution läuft damit auch auf Rechnern mit ARM-CPU.
EndeavourOS bietet Abbilder für einige Mini-PCs und SBC an - wie z.B. RaspBerry Pi 4 und diverse Odroiden an.

Zusammenfassend: EndeavorOS - vielleicht das genialste ARCH bis jetzt? - oder wenigstens der einfachste Weg, Arch Linux zu verwenden?
vielleicht stimmt ja beides - für mich jedenfalls war es Zeit, dieses OS mal zu testen. Ich hab das nun auf einem Notebook drauf - und werde damit mal in den nächsten Wochen arbeiten.
Wie sind Eure Erfahrungen - wie seht ihr das!?
Schoenen Tag noch

Links: Installation: ... tallation/


Mit welchen Befehlen lässt sich pamac via Konsole nachinstallieren?

Create install media (USB key): ... y/2021/03/

Arch User Repository (AUR) is a collection of user-submitted package description files:
by Jonathon The Arch User Repository (AUR) is a collection of user-submitted package description files ( PKGBUILDfiles). These description files can be used to create package archive files

storage-and-partitions: ... artitions/

Das Forum:

The best Linux distro for newbies and average users is EndeavourOS ... uros/24104

das Arch-Wiki:

Die Prinzipien denen Arch folgt: Simplicity, Modernity, Pragmatism, User centrality

Simplicity: Arch Linux defines simplicity as without unnecessary additions or modifications.
It ships software as released by the original developers (upstream) with minimal distribution-specific (downstream) changes: patches not accepted by upstream are avoided,
and Arch's downstream patches consist almost entirely of backported bug fixes that are obsoleted by the project's next release.

Modernity: Arch incorporates many of the newer features available to GNU/Linux users, including the systemd init system, modern file systems, LVM2, software RAID, udev support and initcpio (with mkinitcpio), as well as the latest available kernels.

Pragmatism: Arch is a pragmatic distribution rather than an ideological one. The principles here are only useful guidelines. Ultimately, design decisions are made on a case-by-case basis through developer consensus. Evidence-based technical analysis and debate are what matter, not politics or popular opinion.
The large number of packages and build scripts in the various Arch Linux repositories offer free and open source software for those who prefer it, as well as proprietary software packages for those who embrace functionality over ideology.

User centrality: Whereas many GNU/Linux distributions attempt to be more user-friendly, Arch Linux has always been, and shall always remain user-centric. The distribution is intended to fill the needs of those contributing to it, rather than trying to appeal to as many users as possible. It is targeted at the proficient GNU/Linux user, or anyone with a do-it-yourself attitude who is willing to read the documentation, and solve their own problems.
All users are encouraged to participate and contribute to the distribution. Reporting and helping fix bugs is highly valued and patches improving packages or the core projects are very appreciated: Arch's developers are volunteers and active contributors will often find themselves becoming part of that team. Archers can freely contribute packages to the Arch User Repository, improve the ArchWiki documentation, provide technical assistance to others or just exchange opinions in the forums, mailing lists, or IRC channels. Arch Linux is the operating system of choice for many people around the globe, and there exist several international communities that offer help and provide documentation in many different languages.

Versatility: Arch Linux is a general-purpose distribution. Upon installation, only a command-line environment is provided; rather than tearing out unneeded and unwanted packages,

Zusammenfassend: EndeavorOS - vielleicht das genialste ARCH bis jetzt? - oder wenigstens der einfachste Weg, Arch Linux zu verwenden?
vielleicht stimmt ja beides - für mich jedenfalls war es Zeit, dieses OS mal zu testen. Ich hab das nun auf einem Notebook drauf - und werde damit mal in den nächsten Wochen arbeiten.
Wie sind Eure Erfahrungen - wie seht ihr das!?
Schoenen Tag noch
by unleash_it
18. February 2022 14:54
Forum: Allerlei
Topic: EndeavorOS: vielleicht das genialste ARCH-bis jetzt? ->Test!
Replies: 1
Views: 4997

Re: Import MariaDB (mySQL) zu groß?

Hallo Nobbie,
ich habs jetzt direkt auf C: installiert.

Dennoch kommt folgendes raus:
Code: Select all
C:\xampp>mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u root newdb G:\datenbanken\meinedb.sql
mysql\bin\mysql.exe  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.4.21-MariaDB, for Win64 (AMD64), source revision 4904b0fda91ce6dc169cd2322dcf966a2deafed8
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Usage: mysql\bin\mysql.exe [OPTIONS] [database]

Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
C:\WINDOWS\my.ini C:\WINDOWS\my.cnf C:\my.ini C:\my.cnf C:\xampp\mysql\my.ini C:\xampp\mysql\my.cnf C:\xampp\mysql\data\my.ini C:\xampp\mysql\data\my.cnf
The following groups are read: mysql mariadb-client client client-server client-mariadb
The following options may be given as the first argument:
--print-defaults          Print the program argument list and exit.
--no-defaults             Don't read default options from any option file.
The following specify which files/extra groups are read (specified before remaining options):
--defaults-file=#         Only read default options from the given file #.
--defaults-extra-file=#   Read this file after the global files are read.
--defaults-group-suffix=# Additionally read default groups with # appended as a suffix.

  -?, --help          Display this help and exit.
  -I, --help          Synonym for -?
                      Abort 'source filename' operations in case of errors
  --auto-rehash       Enable automatic rehashing. One doesn't need to use
                      'rehash' to get table and field completion, but startup
                      and reconnecting may take a longer time. Disable with
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-auto-rehash to disable.)
  -A, --no-auto-rehash
                      No automatic rehashing. One has to use 'rehash' to get
                      table and field completion. This gives a quicker start of
                      mysql and disables rehashing on reconnect.
                      Automatically switch to vertical output mode if the
                      result is wider than the terminal width.
  -B, --batch         Don't use history file. Disable interactive behavior.
                      (Enables --silent.)
  --binary-as-hex     Print binary data as hex
                      Directory for character set files.
  --column-type-info  Display column type information.
  -c, --comments      Preserve comments. Send comments to the server. The
                      default is --skip-comments (discard comments), enable
                      with --comments.
  -C, --compress      Use compression in server/client protocol.
  -#, --debug[=#]     This is a non-debug version. Catch this and exit.
  --debug-check       Check memory and open file usage at exit.
  -T, --debug-info    Print some debug info at exit.
  -D, --database=name Database to use.
                      Set the default character set.
  --delimiter=name    Delimiter to be used.
  -e, --execute=name  Execute command and quit. (Disables --force and history
  -E, --vertical      Print the output of a query (rows) vertically.
  -f, --force         Continue even if we get an SQL error. Sets
                      abort-source-on-error to 0
  -G, --named-commands
                      Enable named commands. Named commands mean this program's
                      internal commands; see mysql> help . When enabled, the
                      named commands can be used from any line of the query,
                      otherwise only from the first line, before an enter.
                      Disable with --disable-named-commands. This option is
                      disabled by default.
  -i, --ignore-spaces Ignore space after function names.
  --init-command=name SQL Command to execute when connecting to MariaDB server.
                      Will automatically be re-executed when reconnecting.
  --local-infile      Enable/disable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE.
  -b, --no-beep       Turn off beep on error.
  -h, --host=name     Connect to host.
  -H, --html          Produce HTML output.
  -X, --xml           Produce XML output.
  --line-numbers      Write line numbers for errors.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-line-numbers to disable.)
  -L, --skip-line-numbers
                      Don't write line number for errors.
  -n, --unbuffered    Flush buffer after each query.
  --column-names      Write column names in results.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-column-names to disable.)
  -N, --skip-column-names
                      Don't write column names in results.
  --sigint-ignore     Ignore SIGINT (CTRL-C).
  -o, --one-database  Ignore statements except those that occur while the
                      default database is the one named at the command line.
  -p, --password[=name]
                      Password to use when connecting to server. If password is
                      not given it's asked from the tty.
  -W, --pipe          Use named pipes to connect to server.
  -P, --port=#        Port number to use for connection or 0 for default to, in
                      order of preference, my.cnf, $MYSQL_TCP_PORT,
                      /etc/services, built-in default (3306).
  --progress-reports  Get progress reports for long running commands (like
                      ALTER TABLE)
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-progress-reports to disable.)
  --prompt=name       Set the command line prompt to this value.
  --protocol=name     The protocol to use for connection (tcp, socket, pipe).
  -q, --quick         Don't cache result, print it row by row. This may slow
                      down the server if the output is suspended. Doesn't use
                      history file.
  -r, --raw           Write fields without conversion. Used with --batch.
  --reconnect         Reconnect if the connection is lost. Disable with
                      --disable-reconnect. This option is enabled by default.
                      (Defaults to on; use --skip-reconnect to disable.)
  -s, --silent        Be more silent. Print results with a tab as separator,
                      each row on new line.
  -S, --socket=name   The socket file to use for connection.
  --ssl               Enable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with
                      other flags).
  --ssl-ca=name       CA file in PEM format (check OpenSSL docs, implies
  --ssl-capath=name   CA directory (check OpenSSL docs, implies --ssl).
  --ssl-cert=name     X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl).
  --ssl-cipher=name   SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl).
  --ssl-key=name      X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl).
  --ssl-crl=name      Certificate revocation list (implies --ssl).
  --ssl-crlpath=name  Certificate revocation list path (implies --ssl).
  --tls-version=name  TLS protocol version for secure connection.
                      Verify server's "Common Name" in its cert against
                      hostname used when connecting. This option is disabled by
  -t, --table         Output in table format.
  --tee=name          Append everything into outfile. See interactive help (\h)
                      also. Does not work in batch mode. Disable with
                      --disable-tee. This option is disabled by default.
  -u, --user=name     User for login if not current user.
  -U, --safe-updates  Only allow UPDATE and DELETE that uses keys.
  -U, --i-am-a-dummy  Synonym for option --safe-updates, -U.
  -v, --verbose       Write more. (-v -v -v gives the table output format).
  -V, --version       Output version information and exit.
  -w, --wait          Wait and retry if connection is down.
  --connect-timeout=# Number of seconds before connection timeout.
                      The maximum packet length to send to or receive from
                      The buffer size for TCP/IP and socket communication.
  --select-limit=#    Automatic limit for SELECT when using --safe-updates.
  --max-join-size=#   Automatic limit for rows in a join when using
  --secure-auth       Refuse client connecting to server if it uses old
                      (pre-4.1.1) protocol.
  --server-arg=name   Send embedded server this as a parameter.
  --show-warnings     Show warnings after every statement.
  --plugin-dir=name   Directory for client-side plugins.
  --default-auth=name Default authentication client-side plugin to use.
  --binary-mode       By default, ASCII '\0' is disallowed and '\r\n' is
                      translated to '\n'. This switch turns off both features,
                      and also turns off parsing of all clientcommands except
                      \C and DELIMITER, in non-interactive mode (for input
                      piped to mysql or loaded using the 'source' command).
                      This is necessary when processing output from mysqlbinlog
                      that may contain blobs.
                      Notify the server that this client is prepared to handle
                      expired password sandbox mode even if --batch was

Variables (--variable-name=value)
and boolean options {FALSE|TRUE}  Value (after reading options)
--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
abort-source-on-error             FALSE
auto-rehash                       TRUE
auto-vertical-output              FALSE
binary-as-hex                     FALSE
character-sets-dir                (No default value)
column-type-info                  FALSE
comments                          FALSE
compress                          FALSE
debug-check                       FALSE
debug-info                        FALSE
database                          (No default value)
default-character-set             auto
delimiter                         ;
vertical                          FALSE
force                             FALSE
named-commands                    FALSE
ignore-spaces                     FALSE
init-command                      (No default value)
local-infile                      FALSE
no-beep                           FALSE
host                              (No default value)
html                              FALSE
xml                               FALSE
line-numbers                      TRUE
unbuffered                        FALSE
column-names                      TRUE
sigint-ignore                     FALSE
port                              0
progress-reports                  TRUE
prompt                            \N [\d]>
quick                             FALSE
raw                               FALSE
reconnect                         TRUE
socket                            (No default value)
ssl                               FALSE
ssl-ca                            (No default value)
ssl-capath                        (No default value)
ssl-cert                          (No default value)
ssl-cipher                        (No default value)
ssl-key                           (No default value)
ssl-crl                           (No default value)
ssl-crlpath                       (No default value)
tls-version                       (No default value)
ssl-verify-server-cert            FALSE
table                             FALSE
user                              root
safe-updates                      FALSE
i-am-a-dummy                      FALSE
connect-timeout                   0
max-allowed-packet                16777216
net-buffer-length                 16384
select-limit                      1000
max-join-size                     1000000
secure-auth                       FALSE
show-warnings                     FALSE
plugin-dir                        (No default value)
default-auth                      (No default value)
binary-mode                       FALSE
connect-expired-password          FALSE


Vorher habe ich mit MySQL - phpMyAdmin eine neue und leere Datenbank "newdb" erstellt.
by glitch
16. September 2021 00:36
Forum: XAMPP für Windows
Topic: Import MariaDB (mySQL) zu groß?
Replies: 14
Views: 32157

Re: How to make PHP ob_flush send headers before page compl

let me explain about this situation as I understand It I am going to post some real world examples.

I am dealing with eSCL protocol which you can find more info on here

I can see the following in phpinfo:
Code: Select all
Max Requests   Per Child: 0 - Keep Alive: on - Max Per Connection: 100
Timeouts   Connection: 300 - Keep-Alive: 5
output_buffering   4096

Now I have not been able to change the Keep-alive connection or time-put settings no matter what I do.

The output buffering "off" or "4096" seems to make no difference at least with my code, and without the ability to change the keep-alive settings.

on the original ob_flush question , I ended up with this
Code: Select all
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
header('HTTP/1.1 201 Created');
header('Location: http://'.$ipaddress.':'.$port.'/eSCL/ScanJobs');
$size = ob_get_length();
header_remove('X-Powered-By');    //removes the 'X-Powered-By' header
header('Content-Type:');               //removes the 'Content-Type' header
header("Content-Length: $size");
header('Connection: keep-alive'); //Connection: keep-alive
//header('Keep-Alive: timeout='.$keepalivetimeout.', max='.$keepalivemax);// this seemed to do nothing

It took some time to come up with the above solution however I can confirm with CURL that it is working as expected.

I have an HP scanner that uses this protocol and can use it as a model to try to replicate. I can send a CURL request and get the response below:
Code: Select all
curl -v -X POST -d @1inchoffset.xml
Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> POST /eSCL/ScanJobs HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.55.1
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 749
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* upload completely sent off: 749 out of 749 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
< Location: http://:80/eSCL/ScanJobs/0pvnag6j-8jcq-1adm-1001-c6lj2g43
< Server: gSOAP/2.7
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: keep-alive
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Now I have a Windows machine that I am trying to make emulate that behavior to share the Twain or WIA scanner. and I am 99% of a final working product, except for a connection issue that I think relates to keep-alives

When I send this or a similar command to the Windows server
Code: Select all
curl -v -X POST -d @Platen75PNG2_5Doc.xml
Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred.
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8000 (#0)
> POST /eSCL/ScanJobs HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.55.1
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 811
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* upload completely sent off: 811 out of 811 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2021 18:51:06 GMT
< Server: Apache/2.4.48 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1k PHP/8.0.8
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
< Location:
< Content-Length: 0
< Connection: keep-alive
* Connection #0 to host left intact

So it looks like so far I have the POST command replicated.

After sending that above POST command from a client such as Imaging on OSX, I can see that both the Windows server and the scanner later start to receive requests from the client to /eSCL/ScannerStatus , which is where the document count is located as well as repeating the same URL in the location header reply once the document is ready for download.

I can replicate this manually with curl to initiate the post and a browser to see /eSCL/ScannerStatus and also see what that Mac app sees and have seen it in wireshark traces.

The problem is that after about 50 to 60 seconds after initiating the scan on the Mac App (OSX 10.14 Mojave running on Virtualbox), it seems to fail when the spinning disc disappears, but the "scanning Document..." message remains. The scanned document(s) never appear in Imaging, unless it is single sheet which takes about 40 seconds to scan on the slow Dell 1355cn Scanner at 300 dpi )(with the scanner already "warmed up". I have seen similar results in Linux using the package but have not tested the latest version of my code with a Linux client lately.

Here is another factor to complicate matters: I have also tested with the 'Official" Mopria Scan for Android app. The Mopria Scan for Android app works 100% , even with a very slow sheetfeed scanner scanning multiple pages , it seems to patiently wait till the scan is done then downloads all the files.

So how do I adjust the Keep-alive timeout and keep-alive and connection time-outs? Unsure as to how these time - outs seem to relate to about 50 to 60 seconds and whether or not they are the cause, but i see many sites that say they should be increased for many different reasons. It seems waiting for a slow document scanner might be a good reason.

of course if anyone has a Windows 10 machine, windows scanner and a Mac and wants to help that is extremely helpful too.
by markosjal
08. September 2021 20:29
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: How to make PHP ob_flush send headers before page complete?
Replies: 10
Views: 15733

Re: Apache Updateing Slow


That solved the issue thanks for the help!
by Lukeos11
06. August 2021 10:10
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache Updateing Slow
Replies: 2
Views: 3588

Re: Apache Updateing Slow


Clearing your browser cache should help.
Or reload the page forcing to avoid the Cache. In most browsers this can be done by key combination Ctrl + F5.
More to read: ... your_cache
by Altrea
06. August 2021 09:12
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache Updateing Slow
Replies: 2
Views: 3588

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