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Hey, sorry I wasn't clearer... let me try again...
Are you suggesting there is something to be gained by getting another copy of the same thing?

XAMPP does not need to be 'installed' it will run in its own environment... and doesn't need any path or registry entries... it is in fact 'portable'. The installer is a convenience that adds menu links and will put an entry into the enviornmentals and registry... when we set up a ZedFiles package for distribution it is 'copied' to the host computer...not installed and we just include a shortcut that can be put on the quick launch or whatever...

So, I was suggesting that you download an archive or zipped version...the 'Self-extracting ZIP archive Economical: XAMPP as very small self-extracting 7-ZIP archive' is the easiest and simply extract it to your desktop... leave it there for now and open it up and run the setup.bat.... try the controller in non service setting, start Apache and MySql and see what happens... (remembering that you can not have any services from previous installs running...see list and do that drill).

Depending on what you have running... you may have to alternative port Apache and MySQL... you should run a port check too. If that is the case, go to the DTX section of the ZedFiles site and there is a alternative controller there along with instructions in the readme.

We build and distribute portable xampp test beds all the time... every once and a while there is an XP system with its own personality... hey, you may be one of the lucky ones :wink:
by ridgewood
10. March 2008 15:26
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Followed XAMPP Install but Apache not working
Replies: 24
Views: 25078

Checking the web does not seem to come up with a definitive solution for the httpd.exe entry.

The MySQL entry looks like some residue from wamp after uninstalling.

BTW - only have one on board at a time either XAMPP or WAMP not both.

Try the remedies in relation to the Service Controller clean up for Apache and MySQL in this post, it won't hurt and may eliminate any registry entries that have been left behind after repeated installs. ... 772#113772

Manually search the registry for xampp entries or wamp entries that may be left overs after uninstalling.

This post, albeit a bit long winded, but on page 2 has some references to the registry search and other remedies perhaps:

Check the Task Manager (right click on the Task Bar and select Task Manager ->Processes), after first stopping all XAMPP modules, to see if there are any instances of apache.exe or mysqld - there should be no entries.

When starting apache using the .\xampp\apache_start.bat file what messages are returned and does Apache start from this method?

Also try installing again with an older XAMPP version...
(using the non installer method of choice, as this does not make entries in the registry)
... from the Archive and see if it is version related - try 1.6.3a as I find this to be quite stable or try 1.6.4 which again I am led to believe is stable.
by Izzy
16. January 2008 01:01
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: "Waiting for localhost..." localhost won't load ou
Replies: 4
Views: 14145

First, check all ports are Free for XAMPP to use before starting any modules
(check that no other instances of any program are occupying the ports XAMPP requires)

How to remove sticking XAMPP services
...that may not have have been removed from the registry after an unsuccessful uninstall or for other obscure reasons that are preventing XAMPP modules from starting.

Important - Stop Apache, MySQL and FileZilla if they are running.
(This is often the reason that modules fail to start after uninstalling XAMPP especially the uninstalling of modules running as services - these modules must be stopped and the services uninstalled before trying to uninstall XAMPP or else it can't delete the registry entries if services are running.)

Close/Exit the XAMPP Control Panel
(sometimes overlooked when uninstalling XAMPP especially if the CP is running as a service).

Open a command prompt
Click start
Click on Run...
Type: cmd.exe

Remove old or sticky services.
sc delete apache2.2
(or sc delete apache if an older XAMPP)
Click OK

sc delete mysql
Click OK

sc delete "FileZilla Server"
Click OK

Close the command console

Try and start the defaulting modules again using your preferred methods - bat files are preferred at this stage as they do give an error message if the modules fail to start or use the control panel - but no error messages.

Always check the Apache log files for errors first as they often contain clues.

This procedure is not guaranteed to fix all things for all issues but may be tried without any detrimental effects - only run sc on the module(s) that you may have issues with but in any event sc will tell you if there is nothing for it to do for a particular module.

Finally, if you believe that your issue is a bug then report it here after registering:
Included as much detail as possible so your issue can be replicated by the developers.

BTW - sc is an acceptable abbreviation for sc.exe Windows Service Controller and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means, among other services commands.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands HERE.
by Izzy
15. January 2008 00:35
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache and Mysql can't start on XAMPP 1.6.5
Replies: 8
Views: 28326

Did you set the server to start as a service at any time without subsequentlty uninstalling the Apache Service - which is evident after you rebooted your PC which would have reinstalled the Apache Service on port 80.?

If so then follow this to remove the old service:

Double click on the xampp\apache\apache_uninstallservice_2.2.bat

If that fails to uninstall the Apache Service try this which will remove the old Apache service.

Close/Exit the control panel.

Open a command prompt
Click start
Click on Run...
Type: cmd.exe

Remove old or sticking services.
sc delete apache2.2
Click OK

Close the command console

Start the control panel and try again or use the bat file provided in the xampp directory to give feedback on any errors it encounters during start up.

BTW - sc is an acceptable abbreviation for sc.exe Windows Service Controller and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means, among other services commands.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands here.

1. The new DeskTopXampp Launch Control for XAMPP / XAMPPlite
Posted by Ridgewood available from Ridgewood'sDTX web site

2. Build Rich AJAX Applications - Faster
TIBCO General Interface Pro Edition but FREE and Open Source
Fully working with NO donations required to get a user/password
by Izzy
29. December 2007 23:59
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Changed port in httpd.conf, worked until I rebooted...
Replies: 10
Views: 12940

It looks to me like the MySQL associated with your MiniPortal may be loading as a service and interfering with the XAMPP implementation when you boot your PC.

The clue is in the 2 very different MySQL versions when using phpMyAdmin.

Visit your MiniPortal configurations and try and remove the services from being started when you boot your machine.

It is advisable to try and keep these 2 servers (XAMPP and MiniPortal) as separate as possible so none of the server's implementations try and run at the same time as they will always be in conflict and give you a headache.

You can always check to see if the ports XAMPP requires exclusively are being used by other implementations or are free, by running:

To get rid of the MySQL service running at present try this:
Stop all Apache, MySQL instances if they are running.

Close/Exit the XAMPP control panel.

Open a command console
Click start
Click on Run...
Type: cmd.exe

Type at the command prompt in the console:
sc delete mysql
Hit Enter on your keyboard

After reading the returned message close the command console.

Start the XAMPP control panel and try start Apache and MySQL again or use the provided bat files so that any errors on starting may be revealed.

BTW - sc is an acceptable abbreviation for sc.exe Windows Service Controller and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means, among other services commands.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands here.

1. The new DeskTopXampp Launch Control for XAMPP / XAMPPlite
Posted by Ridgewood available from Ridgewood'sDTX web site

2. Build Rich AJAX Applications - Faster
TIBCO General Interface Pro Edition but FREE and Open Source
Fully working with NO donations required to get a user/password
by Izzy
22. December 2007 04:14
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: MySQL Help, Was working now it isnt [urgent work based site]
Replies: 2
Views: 7160

Izzy wrote:What OS are you using?

Then if you still have trouble starting Apache then double click on the xampp\apache_start.bat file and it may tell what is wrong by sending back an informative error message.

BTW - sc is an acceptable abbreviation for sc.exe Windows Service Controller and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means, among other services commands.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands here.

1. The new DeskTopXampp Launch Control for XAMPP / XAMPPlite
Posted by Ridgewood available from Ridgewood'sDTX web site

2. Build Rich AJAX Applications - Faster
TIBCO General Interface Pro Edition but FREE and Open Source
Fully working with NO donations required to get a user/password

i have open xampp\apache_start.bat and it said that ServerROot mmust be a valit directory" and it was in my httpd.conf file...

what should i do

i'm using windows xp sp2
by Princess_lulu
12. December 2007 04:08
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: apache can't start
Replies: 6
Views: 8549

What OS are you using?

Double click on xampp\xampp-portcheck.exe and see if all the ports XAMPP requires exclusively are Free.

In Vista right click on the file and select run as Administrator to keep the console window open.

Then if you still have trouble starting Apache then double click on the xampp\apache_start.bat file and it may tell what is wrong by sending back an informative error message.

Same here right click on the file and select to run it as Administrator.

Did you run Apache as a service?

Try and stop the service if you did.
Or the other uninstall bat file if that one does not work.

You could try this even in Vista:

Close/Exit the control panel.

Open a command prompt
Click start
Click on Run...
Type: cmd.exe

Remove old or sticking Apache service.
sc delete apache2.2
Click OK

Close the command console

Start the control panel and try install your services again or use the bat files provided in the various component's directories.

BTW - sc is an acceptable abbreviation for sc.exe Windows Service Controller and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means, among other services commands.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands here.

1. The new DeskTopXampp Launch Control for XAMPP / XAMPPlite
Posted by Ridgewood available from Ridgewood'sDTX web site

2. Build Rich AJAX Applications - Faster
TIBCO General Interface Pro Edition but FREE and Open Source
Fully working with NO donations required to get a user/password
by Izzy
10. December 2007 06:23
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: apache can't start
Replies: 6
Views: 8549

First find out what, if anything, is using the mysql port that XAMPP needs exclusively.

Double click on xampp\xampp-portcheck.exe and make sure all ports are free.

If you find another instance of MySQL is using the port then try uninstalling that other instance.

You can also remove any sticking MySQL service like this:

Stop Apache, MySQL and FileZilla if they are running.

Close/Exit the XAMPP Control Panel.

Open a command prompt:
Click start
Click on Run...
Type: cmd.exe

sc delete mysql
Click OK

Close the command console

Try and start MySQL again.

BTW - sc is an acceptable abbreviation for sc.exe Windows Service Controller and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means, among other services commands.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands here.

1. The new DeskTopXampp Launch Control for XAMPP / XAMPPlite
Posted by Ridgewood available from Ridgewood'sDTX web site

2. Build Rich AJAX Applications - Faster
TIBCO General Interface Pro Edition but FREE and Open Source
Fully working with NO donations required to get a user/password
by Izzy
07. December 2007 10:59
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: XAMPP and Joomla
Replies: 2
Views: 5984

Sorry, but the http.conf tip, the Windows Service Controller tip and the LMHOSTS tip all failed to work for me. I'm still getting site unavailable (ie Apache not starting) though Xampp control panel says briefly that it is then very quickly reverts to being off again.
by Trevor Jordan
13. November 2007 11:13
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Newbie question: can't access localhost
Replies: 13
Views: 19598

Also try this as you may have a sticking service issue:

Stop Apache, MySQL if they are running.

Close/Exit the control panel.

Open a command prompt
Click start
Click on Run...
Type: cmd.exe

Remove old or sticking services.
sc delete apache2.2
Click OK

Close the command console

Start the control panel and try install your services again or use the bat files provided in the various component's directories.

BTW - sc is an acceptable abbreviation for sc.exe Windows Service Controller and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means, among other services commands.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands here.

1. The new DeskTopXampp Launch Control for XAMPP / XAMPPlite
Posted by Ridgewood available from Ridgewood'sDTX web site

2. Build Rich AJAX Applications - Faster
TIBCO General Interface Pro Edition but FREE and Open Source
Fully working with NO donations required to get a user/password
by Izzy
13. November 2007 01:06
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Newbie question: can't access localhost
Replies: 13
Views: 19598

Close the XAMPP control panel after making sure all the XAMPP components are stopped and none of them are set to start as a service.

Uninstall the previous apache mysql and php by using the Windows Control Panel > Add Remove Programs

Then, after you delete the previous installations directories if any remain, restart your computer and check that none of those services are running by looking in the Task Manager and before you try and start XAMPP.

To get the Task Manager right click on the Taskbar and select Task Manager from the context menu.

Click on the Processes tab and look for any instances of Apache and mysqld

If you find any, then you have some services that have not been removed from the registry and they need to be removed or they will only interfere with XAMPP again.

XAMPP needs exclusive use to it's components default ports for it to run without problems.

To remove those stuck service:

Open a command prompt:
Click on start on the Taskbar
Click on Run...
Type cmd
Click OK

Remove stuck Apache service:
Type at the command prompt sc delete apache2
Press Enter on your keyboard

Remove stuck MySQL service:
Type at the command prompt sc delete mysql
Press Enter

They should do the trick for you.

(Just to add to the above list:
Remove if you get a stuck FileZilla FTP service:
type at a command prompt sc delete "FileZilla Server"
Press Enter)

Now open your XAMPP Control Panel or DTX and start the components you want and set them to run as a service if you prefer.

BTW - sc stands for sc.exe service control and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands here.

Take a look at the new DeskTopXampp launch control posted by ridgewood: ... 967#103967

The DeskTopXampp launch control for XAMPP and XAMPPlite (DTX.exe)
is available here:

I highly recommend DTX.
by Izzy
05. September 2007 01:08
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: already had php 4 & mysql 4 , so xampp gave errors ! hel
Replies: 2
Views: 11618

Which ports and what programs are on these ports please?

You may still have some traces in your registry of your old XAMPP installation that are stuck.

Try this:
Close/Exit the control panel after stopping any running components.

Open a command prompt:
Click on start>Run...
Type cmd.exe
Click OK

If it's MySQL that is stuck, type:
sc delete mysql
Hit Enter

If it's Apache that is stuck, type:
sc delete apache2
Hit Enter

Start the control panel again and try start your components.
Then try and visit http://localhost in your browser.

BTW - sc stands for sc.exe service control and will delete any stray services that won't shut down by any normal means.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands here.

Take a look at the new DeskTopXampp launch control posted by ridgewood: ... 967#103967

The DeskTopXampp launch control for XAMPP and XAMPPlite (DTX.exe)
is available here:

I highly recommend DTX.
by Izzy
16. August 2007 23:39
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Problems loading[SOLVED]
Replies: 2
Views: 5196

Some problems solved but still a query.

I decided to try to be helpful to anyone who would try to respond but then I unravelled most of my difficulties.

xampp-portcheck shows that the ports are FREE.

Xampp control panel shows Apache and MySQL as State 0 Service 1 Start 1 Thread 0 Op 0

Task Manager does NOT show Apache or MySQL running

Use of the .bat files to Start Apache and MySQL produced cmd.exe windows reporting that they both started.

Task Manager still does NOT show they are running but . . .

Access to localhost now worked and displayed the XAMPP home page and xampp-portcheck shows that the ports are occupied by Apache for http and https and MySQL holds its port.

So I had somehow set everything up but had not started Apache and MySQL.

Please tell me what I need to do to get Apache and MySQL to start from the XAMPP controller.
by addACUMEN
03. March 2007 10:06
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Newbie enquiry
Replies: 4
Views: 7587

In your forum search, unless of course you speak German, select XAMPP for Windows in the Forum: drop menu under Search Options.
Then select Apache Friends in English under the Category: drop menu.

Your returned search results will now all be in English only.

You may have come across this recent post, in your search, that you could try.
Sometimes a registry entry will stick and the sc (Windows XP Service Controller) command will clear it and allow MySQL to start. ... 2002#92002

If you have difficulty understanding it then let me know.
by Izzy
01. January 2007 08:00
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: MySQL Not Working
Replies: 6
Views: 8496

John Hjorth wrote:Izzy,

I can't delete it using that command - from where should I run that command? - from the xampp folder?

I posted the way to go in your previous issue here: ... 2212#92212

This is a similar problem caused by not making sure that all services were stopped (no ticks in the SVC check boxes in the XCP) and no components running before exiting the XCP and before trying to uninstall XAMPP. Also double check using the Task Manager as outlined in the above linked post.

You will not be able to delete the directories that have files (dlls) that are in use by the system services. You have to delete those running services then you will be able to delete the directories.

Follow the instructions for sc delete mysql in the link above.

sc = sc.exe which is the MS Windows XP Service Controller.

Microsoft explains the Service Controller Commands here.
by Izzy
30. December 2006 01:29
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Probs - fresh install - XAMPP 1.5.5 - phpMyAdmin broken
Replies: 26
Views: 33543

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