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Re: XAMPP control panel python

measter wrote: I also have looked for any info in such as 8.0.8 release notes that says the CP for linux has been disabled.

Have you ever seen release notes saying that CP for linux has been enabled? By the way, it is not DISABLED. It is not maintained, its on you to get it running. I think it runs in a 12 years old environment. But it has never been recommended.
by Nobbie
20. July 2021 11:19
Forum: XAMPP for Linux
Topic: XAMPP control panel python
Replies: 5
Views: 13659

Re: XAMPP control panel python

Nobbie wrote:you have to start the manager

Yes I know; I meant in the graphical manager there is a button 'Get Started'. I tho't that was supposed to be to open the CP.

I did read the faq before I installed. I also have looked for any info in such as 8.0.8 release notes that says the CP for linux has been disabled. Thanks for your help.
by measter
19. July 2021 17:34
Forum: XAMPP for Linux
Topic: XAMPP control panel python
Replies: 5
Views: 13659

Re: XAMPP control panel python

Your Youtube Video relates to the WINDOWS Xampp CP. Thats not the Python Control Panel (its a Delphi Script, as far as i know).

Actually, you may want to do what you like, you asked for help, i told you that this CP is not maintained anymore, but of course you may do what you want. Actually there is a GUI in Linux, it is the "" as it is mentioned in the FAQ as well. Its on you to decide where to go. I simply answered your question.

On my xampp manager clicking get started does nothing.

Of course not, as you have to start the manager with elevated rights using "sudo", as the FAQ tells you. Why dont you read the FAQ and/or why do you ignore it?
by Nobbie
19. July 2021 16:27
Forum: XAMPP for Linux
Topic: XAMPP control panel python
Replies: 5
Views: 13659

Re: XAMPP control panel python

Nobbie wrote:P.S.: With the help of Google i found the share folder and the xampp-control-panel folder. That is super duper old (from 2009), its release 0.6 (what means no production) and has not been maintained since 12 years. Forget about that, Bitnami does not maintain it and it is not mentioned in the FAQ. Use the lampp script instead.

Yes the CP stuff is old and No it isn't mentioned in the faq. So you are saying the CP is now deprecated (for linux?) in favor of just using the manager which has a title bar xampp 8.0.8-0 and there is no more CP? I assumed that if you click the Get Started button the CP was supposed to open. On my xampp manager clicking get started does nothing.

I don't like to quote YT vids because I usually hate that resource, but I see a 2019 YT w/ the XAMPP CP open and the title bar says XAMPP Control Panel 3.2.4 (compiled June 30, 2019). The CP seems to have some features beyond that of the manager. Presumably the CP is built from the 2009 glade file also in that CP dir.

In case links aren't permitted, here's a .jpg of the 2019 CP
by measter
19. July 2021 15:46
Forum: XAMPP for Linux
Topic: XAMPP control panel python
Replies: 5
Views: 13659

Re: XAMPP control panel python

measter wrote:I don't usually post in web forums, so please excuse any of my slipups. I usually use newsgroups.

Problem: from the xampp CP readme:

Where did you find that? My Xampp 8.0.8 Linux Installation neither comes with a CP, nor with a readme. I am starting Xampp in a shell as shown in the FAQ:

P.S.: With the help of Google i found the share folder and the xampp-control-panel folder. That is super duper old (from 2009), its release 0.6 (what means no production) and has not been maintained since 12 years. Forget about that, Bitnami does not maintain it and it is not mentioned in the FAQ. Use the lampp script instead.
by Nobbie
19. July 2021 13:23
Forum: XAMPP for Linux
Topic: XAMPP control panel python
Replies: 5
Views: 13659

XAMPP control panel python

I don't usually post in web forums, so please excuse any of my slipups. I usually use newsgroups.

Problem: from the xampp CP readme:

To run the XAMPP Control Panel, you will need:
Linux (may work on other OSs)
GTK 2.x
PyGTK (also known as python-gtk) 2.x

Setup: My target goal is to make a WordPress on a stick where the underlying OS is Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.2 (which is based on Ub 20.04 LTS ie Focal Fossa repo/s) running live w/ persistence USB created by mkusb. I have only gotten as far as installing XAMPP 8.0.8 using the apachefriends .run file, but I haven't yet installed the bitnami WP module .run because my xampp isn't perfectly operational. After I get this xampp situation corrected, I will also establish proper credentials for user & admin which are missing in the default persistent live.

I can use the xampp to stop and start the 3 servers apache, mysql, & ftp; and I can start the xampp manager whose titlebar is xampp 8.0.8-0, but its Get Started button doesn't do anything. I can't access the control-panel CP. If I try to use the command line on, I get a python error.

Since the CP seems to need py2, I installed that, but its gtk module is missing.

$ python2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 18, in <module>
import gtk
ImportError: No module named gtk

$ pip --version
pip 20.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.8)

$ python3 --version
Python 3.8.10

$ python2 --version
Python 2.7.18

It seems to me that xampp is 'designed' to be a py2 operation, not py3. I don't have the experience to deal w/ environment issues. I don't think using the pip3 is to install a gtk module in py3 is going to help my py2 gtk problem which must be the missing PyGTK (also known as python-gtk) 2.x
by measter
18. July 2021 17:12
Forum: XAMPP for Linux
Topic: XAMPP control panel python
Replies: 5
Views: 13659

JupyterLite, eine JupyterLab-Distribution für den Browser.

Neues vom JupyterLab-Projekt: JupyterLite, eine JupyterLab-Distribution für den Browser.

Neues vom JupyterLab-Team:

JupyterLite freigegeben: eine JupyterLab Distribution, welche im Browser läuft und JupyterLab Komponenten und Extensions verwendet.
Das Arbeiten mit zahlreichen Python-Libraries wie Pandas, SciPy, Numpy und etlichen anderen wird ermöglicht.

JupyterLite - Jetzt ists nicht mehr notwendig den Python Jupyter Server auf dem Hostrechner zu starten.
Die JupyterLab-Distribution läuft im Browser.

Ziel des Ganzen ist es, eine sehr schnell zu startende Entwicklungsumgebung zu in einem Browser anzubieten.

Ermöglicht wird das Ganze durch den den kombinierten Einsatz des Python-Kernels Pyolite mit Pyodide (Python-Interpreter)
in WebAssembly.

weiterführende Links:

die offizielle Projektseite von Jupyter: JupyterLite: Jupyter - WebAssembly - Python ... e2e41ab3fa


Data Science: JupyterLite läuft auf WebAssembly und benötigt kein Backend ... 40250.html

Interaktives Testen mit Jupyterlab:

Interaktives Testen mit Retolab:
by unleash_it
17. July 2021 21:16
Forum: Allerlei
Topic: JupyterLite, eine JupyterLab-Distribution für den Browser.
Replies: 0
Views: 2030

Re: Bundling Python in XAMPP

I dont think there are any plans for Python in Xampp. Anyway, using the standard CGI option in Xampp it should not be a difficult task to add Python in CGI mode to an existing Xampp installation.
by Nobbie
03. July 2021 10:24
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Bundling Python in XAMPP
Replies: 4
Views: 9209

Bundling Python in XAMPP

Is it possible to bundle Python along with XAMPP? Because we have a lot of Python projects and it would be immensely helpful if the familiar XAMPP setup supports the same.
by lavanyadeepak
03. July 2021 08:37
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Bundling Python in XAMPP
Replies: 4
Views: 9209

Re: Apache unexpectedly shut down

Seems like you tried to implement Python with XAMPP, but followed a very old tutorial for the wrong operating system.
I have found this code in the book "Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages" for example:

But the syntax is outdated and for Linux, so i would recommend to remove this whole virtualhost for now.
by Altrea
20. June 2021 14:14
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache unexpectedly shut down
Replies: 6
Views: 8464

Re: Bundling Ruby + Python


shevegen wrote:Ich möchte vorschlagen das apachefriends auch ruby und python
inkludiert, und zwar als integrative option, i. e. so das man sofort
.cgi Dateien aber auch andere Dateien interpretieren könnte
wenn man apachefriends installiert. Das kann eventuell als
ein "fat bundle" oder so angeboten werden so das das nicht den
default für andere Benutzer verändert.

Die Frage ist, ob es technisch möglich ist Python und Ruby minimalinvasiv(*) und portabel zu installieren und zu betreiben, und zwar mit dem Funktionsumfang den ein Python oder Ruby Entwickler erwarten würde.

(*) minimalinvasiv heißt, komplett gekapselt in einem Ordner (z.B. C:\xampp\ruby), ohne PATH Variablen, Registry Keys oder sonstige externe Abhängigkeiten (außer u.U. eine Runtime) zu benötigen.

shevegen wrote:Jetzt stellt sich die Frage: wieso sollte sich das apachefriends
Team das antun? PHP dominiert doch die www Welt.

Na ja ... ich bin mir da nicht so sicher. Denke das PHP da sehr
viel an Boden verloren hat, vor allem an Python und Javascript.

Perl hingegen ist mittlerweile jedoch eine Fossil-Sprache wenn
wir ehrlich sind. Das war 2004 vielleicht anders aber wir
sind ja nun etwas älter.

Das kann niemand mit absoluter SIcherheit beantworten. Der Marktanteil von PHP mag gesunken sein, dennoch werden ca. 40% aller Webseiten im Internet mit dem PHP CMS Wordpress betrieben. Bei den Top 10000 Webseiten sind es immerhin noch über 35%. Und der Marktanteil steigt seit Jahren (Nun kann man von Wordpress halten was man will, es ist sicher nicht das sauberste CMS was die Codebasis betrifft, es läuft aber halt mit PHP.)

Es gibt verschiedene Indexes von Programmiersprachen im Internet (Tiobe, RedMonk, PYPL, um nur einige zu nennen). Hier ist Python tatsächlich beliebter als PHP. Das kann man aber nur bedingt vergleichen, denn hier liegt der Fokus nicht auf Webprogrammierung. Python wird zum nicht unwesendlichen Teil auch für Nicht-Web-Anwendungen verwendet. XAMPP möchte garnicht mehr sein, als ein Bundle aus weit verbreiteter Webprogrammierungs-Software. Und das deckt XAMPP immernoch ab. Es ist vielleicht auch eines der Erfolgsgeheimnisse von XAMPPs Beliebtheit, dass man in den 18 Jahren kaum signifikante Änderungen am Konzept oder den enthaltenen Sprachen machen musste.
by Altrea
05. June 2021 17:04
Forum: XAMPP-Wunschzettel
Topic: Bundling Ruby + Python
Replies: 1
Views: 24909

Bundling Ruby + Python

Sodale ... war schon ewig nit mehr hier aktiv.

Hab damals apachefriends XAMP auf windows benutzt.

Dann wechselte ich zu linux. Nutze primär ruby für www Sachen
und lighttpd, einfach weil ich das so bequem finde. Und auf Linux
funktioniert das alles wunderbar.

Auf windows ist das ganze etwas mühsamer. Zwar verwende ich
ruby dort, aber meine uralte .cgi skripte funktionieren nit. Ich
arbeite daher mit sinatra, das funktioniert.

Anyway das ist soweit bissi off topic.

Ich möchte vorschlagen das apachefriends auch ruby und python
inkludiert, und zwar als integrative option, i. e. so das man sofort
.cgi Dateien aber auch andere Dateien interpretieren könnte
wenn man apachefriends installiert. Das kann eventuell als
ein "fat bundle" oder so angeboten werden so das das nicht den
default für andere Benutzer verändert.

Jetzt stellt sich die Frage: wieso sollte sich das apachefriends
Team das antun? PHP dominiert doch die www Welt.

Na ja ... ich bin mir da nicht so sicher. Denke das PHP da sehr
viel an Boden verloren hat, vor allem an Python und Javascript.

Perl hingegen ist mittlerweile jedoch eine Fossil-Sprache wenn
wir ehrlich sind. Das war 2004 vielleicht anders aber wir
sind ja nun etwas älter.

Keine Ahnung ob ich jemanden überzeugen konnte. Aber das musste
gesagt werden. :)

PS: "Last visit was: 20. May 2011" what the ... 10 Jahre!!! Nun
fühle ich mich alt...

PSS: Eventuell geht es auf windows mit WSL2 aber ich möchte
eigentlich ein Paket, das ohne irgendwas sofort funktioniert, so
das ich nicht mit config-Dateien umadum spielen muss.
Genau das war ja so cool an apachefriends - man musste kaum
was ändern. Es klappte sofort.

PSSS: Es muss eigentlich kein integratives bundle sein. Ruby und
Python kann man problemlos downloaden und auf windows
verwenden, das ist nicht das Problem. Das Problem ist eher wie
man das ganze integrativ auf apachefriends "by default" verwendet.
Eventuell würde es reichen wenn man in apachefriends bundle ein
paar test-skripts inkludiert, die erklären wie man das macht?
So ein "hello world" in ruby und python, von dem man dann
sich vorwärts testen kann. Ihr könnt euch das vielleicht nicht
vorstellen, aber Linux hat mich für Windows verblödet. Ich hab
fast keine Geduld mehr für Windows!
by shevegen
04. June 2021 23:34
Forum: XAMPP-Wunschzettel
Topic: Bundling Ruby + Python
Replies: 1
Views: 24909

Anaconda vs Miniconda - which distri to choose?

hello and good day.

Anaconda vs Miniconda - which distri to choose?

have you ever wondered to which is the difference between Anaconda & Miniconda?
and if it is possible to choose Miniconda with let us say the most important packages for


and thinks like that - and besides

jupyter notebook

well if so see some threads & articles that may be interesting here _

"Anaconda versus Miniconda - what are the differences" ... -miniconda
In the Anaconda repository, there are two types of installers:

"Anaconda installers" and "Miniconda installers".

What are their differences?
Besides, for an installer file,, what does 2- stand for?

answer: The difference is that miniconda is just shipping the repository management system. So when you install it there is just the management system without packages. Whereas with Anaconda, it is like a distribution with some built in packages.

Like with any Linux distribution, there are some releases which bundles lots of updates for the included packages. That is why there is a difference in version numbering. If you only decide to upgrade Anaconda, you are updating a whole system.
end of cit. ... e-anaconda
- Update individual packages
- Updating just the packages in the standard Anaconda Distribution
- Why updating the Anaconda package is almost always a bad idea
- Leverage conda environments
- pip, PyPI, and setuptools?

What is conda-forge?
Conda-forge is a community effort that provides conda packages for a wide range of software.

Miniconda vs Anaconda | The Similarities and Differences

Anaconda is bloated — Set up a lean, robust data science environment with Miniconda and Conda-Forge

What is the difference between miniconda and miniforge? ... -miniforge

---some words regarding Anaconda, Miniconda, and thingsd like env, pyenv and also Virtualenv.

did you use pip and virtualenv in the past, now you can replace this with the usage of conda
With that you are able to perform all of the same operations.

some comparisons and insights into all of these things:
- pip is a package manager,
- virtualenv is an environment manager; but - here the good thing:
- and conda is both.

You ever thought that conda is well known as a so called packaging tool and besides that as a installer.
With conda you can do a whole lot more: you can do a whole lot more than you might have done with pip.
conda is developed to do more: it can handle all the library dependencies outside of the Python packages

But wait: there is more: Conda can manage the Python packages themselves.
Conda also establishes a whole virtual environment, like virtualenv did in earlier times.

All you have to do now - dive into conda - and get a cheatsheet with the most important commands for conda.
then learn the conda commands - and get familiar with them.
by unleash_it
23. May 2021 23:59
Forum: Allerlei
Topic: Anaconda vs Miniconda - which distri to choose?
Replies: 0
Views: 2462

CGI code not working


I am newbie to Apache, and I am trying to move one web application (which is html and python scripts) from one server to another. There is the html file which is calling the python script, and I had placed the cg-bin folder in the www folder, but it is giving me Error 500 when I am trying to access that script via web browser.

Thanks in advance for your support,
by houssamballout
20. May 2021 12:10
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: CGI code not working
Replies: 0
Views: 2932

Re: xampp portable: xmlrpc / ripcord library - how to

dear @Nobbie, Odoo is working fine, I can access the same using python from a VM under another machine. anyway, I have posted on PHP forum here:
hope will get a solution.
thanks for your passions.
by AhmedHaroon
07. April 2021 11:51
Forum: PHP
Topic: xampp portable: xmlrpc / ripcord library - how to
Replies: 4
Views: 40187

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