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Re: Trouble starting apache

No leave the Svc check box unchecked as it seems you have another Windows service using port 80.

Take a read through these Advanced Search Results and see if any of the solutions helps your case.

Could be http.sys or some other service that uses port 80.

You say you disabled IIS7 but it goes by the name of World Wide Publishing in Win 7.
by Sharley
10. January 2011 01:17
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Trouble starting apache
Replies: 9
Views: 12105

Re: help with running apache needed

Port 81 is WebDAV and port 3306 is MySQL and both would appear to be installed as a Service in Vista - SYSTEM.

If you have Apache running then port 80/443 should not be free.
and localhost:81 doesn't show 'It works!' but xampp control panel
What is this xampp control panel that you see?

Check in the XAMPP Control Panel (xampp-control.exe) that Apache is showing a green running indication.

Also make sure that your firewall is not blocking you and also that in Vista you are logged in as an administrator and that UAC and IIS (inetserv) are both disabled.

BTW what version of XAMPP have you installed?
by Sharley
02. June 2009 02:26
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: help with running apache needed
Replies: 3
Views: 5349

Re: help with running apache needed

localhost:81 means you have edited a configuration somewhere.

xampp-portcheck.exe should show port 80 and port 443 as being free or in Vista it may show SYSTEM

http://localhost should work if Apache is showing running in the XAMPP Control Panel - xampp-control.exe

Try if Apache is running but http://localhost shows nothing.
by Sharley
02. June 2009 02:06
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: help with running apache needed
Replies: 3
Views: 5349

Re: Xampp - Apache listen port keeps switching back to port 80

entropicsinkhole wrote:Thanks! I use Apache with my webmail (squirrelmail) and need to restart the service whenever I make changes to the php.ini file.
No need to restart the service only the Apache server either by clicking on the Apache Stop then on the Start buttons in the XAMPP Control Panel or by executing xampp_restart.exe in the xampp folder or by running the apache_stop.bat file and then the apache_start.bat file, all in the xampp installation folder - the above is in order of preference.

Running as a Windows service means that the app will be started by the system when ever you reboot your PC and so there is a registry entry created by Windows so it knows to do this procedure.

Starting and stopping an app like Apache manually has nothing to do with a Windows service so can be done at any time without there being a registry entry involvement but by using any of the above mentioned methods above.

I hope this helps a little.

Best wishes.
by Sharley
02. May 2009 00:45
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Xampp - Apache listen port keeps switching back to port 80
Replies: 3
Views: 7889

Re: I can not find my.ini

k0kytak wrote:Well why are not these 3 lines to hell :x :x :evil:

Code: Select all
max_connections =
max_user_connections =
table_cache =
Please be patient as it is hard to understand your broken English.

You will have to add those line and increase the values as required.

You have this in the my.ini file and so just add those lines at the end like I have done here and save the file and restart the mysql server.
# The MySQL server
port= 3306
socket= "C:/xampp3/mysql/mysql.sock"
key_buffer = 16M
max_allowed_packet = 1M
table_cache = 64
sort_buffer_size = 512K
net_buffer_length = 8K
read_buffer_size = 256K
read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
max_connections = 200
max_user_connections = 200
table_cache = 1200

The my.ini and the implementation of MySQL is for...
# Example MySQL config file for small systems.
# This is for a system with little memory (<= 64M) where MySQL is only used
# from time to time and it's important that the mysqld daemon
# doesn't use much resources.
...if you cared to read the comments in the my.ini file instead of blowing off steam.
by Sharley
16. April 2009 00:00
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: I can not find my.ini
Replies: 7
Views: 32151

Re: Changed Listen Port Number

Ignore the message in the XAMPP Control Panel it is hard coded and quite brain dead.

Go to what ever port you changed the settings to in the httpd.conf file and remember to save and restart Apache for those changes to be recognized.

If that works and Joomla works then the issue is with your other script, which I know zero about and you have done the right thing and contacted that script's developer site - just have to wait I suppose, unlike these forums. ;)

On Windows it is quite often path issues not permissions as permissions are mainly associated with a Linux Apache sever.

Your path would be "C:\xampp\htdocs\{your bb folder in here}" contained, as posted, inside the quote marks if you installed XAMPP to the default location.

On a Linux system it might be usr/you/public_html/yourbbdirectory so if you see any of those type paths in the configuration settings change them to the above, which hopefully might help.
by Sharley
07. January 2009 01:23
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Changed Listen Port Number
Replies: 8
Views: 11244

Re: port 80 and 443

1. Open Control Panel. To do this with Microsoft Windows 2000 (which uses IIS 5.0), click Start, click Settings, and then click Control Panel. To do this with Microsoft Windows XP (which uses IIS 5.1), click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs. In the Add/Remove Programs window, click Add/Remove Windows Components (located in the lower left side of the window).
3. In the Windows Component Wizard window, click to select Internet Information Services (IIS), and then click Details.
4. Scroll through the list of Subcomponents of Internet Information Services (IIS), click to clear the check box next to the subcomponent or subcomponents that you want to remove, click OK, click Next, and then click Finish.NOTE: You can use this process to add subcomponents by selecting instead of clearing the subcomponent check box, but you may have to have the operating system CD available.
5. To exit, click Close in the Add/Remove Programs window, and then close Control Panel.

Google search How to for Vista
by Sharley
07. January 2009 00:55
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: port 80 and 443
Replies: 4
Views: 8136

Re: port 80 and 443

The port check should say free not system.

You have IIS (Windows Web Server) running, so disable it in the Windows Control Panel as described elsewhere in these forums.
by Sharley
06. January 2009 23:50
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: port 80 and 443
Replies: 4
Views: 8136

Re: php-switch can't find phpcli

Yes, your files appear to be in the correct locations but as an issue comparison, Apache likes exclusive use of port 80 and if IIS or Skype are using port 80 then Apache simply won't start.

Similarly, Apache uses exclusively the php.ini file in the .\xampp\apache\bin folder and if the PC System has an alternative path in the System\User Environment Variables then Apache\PHP will not function without issues.

You may have had or still have another instance of PHP, which Izzy mentions in his more than comprehensive troubleshooting posts, that residues after uninstalling the other PHP instance may also be the cause of this error message - Eclipse for example is known to have it's own PHP instance and to change the Environment Variables with it's own path to the php.ini file.

Open http://localhost and click on the phpinfo() link and look for this line:
Loaded Configuration File C:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini - your path to xampp may be slightly different.

If your line has any different php.ini location then you may have to do some tweaking.

Izzy wrote:The other possibility is that you have had another php installation or still do and the Windows environment path is sending requests to it perhaps or, after installing XAMPP a reboot may be required to have the C:\xampp path recognized.

To check your Windows paths and edit them to include the C:\xampp\php path go here:
(I have only XP but one would assume that your OS would be similar)

Open the Windows Control Panel
Click on System->Advanced->Environment Variables

There are 2 path locations
User variables->PATH
System variables->Path

Click on Edit on both of these and add at the beginning

Click OK Click OK Click OK

Then try again to run the batch file - you may have to reboot your computer to have the new paths recognized.

Also when in the above Environment Variable window check for an entry PHPRC which may include the other PHP instance's path which will also cause the PHP included in XAMPP to use the wrong php.ini file - I don't have that entry so it would be safe to assume that removing that entry or editing the path location will be of help.

Once you have the phpinfo() showing it is using the correct Loaded Configuration File (C:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini) then you should be able to switch php versions without issue.
by Sharley
05. December 2008 00:19
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: php-switch can't find phpcli
Replies: 19
Views: 70681

G64 wrote:After implementing your suggested configuration, if I want to load a test page from my local XAMPP install, I should then type in my browser: (using the server Alias) is that right?

So then what about if I want to load the same page from the live server?
Do I type the same?

How will my browser make the difference? Or how do I specify which server I want, local test server or www live server?

Use a local domain name for local testing for example
as if you're connected to the Internet then your browser will for sure go to your hosted because of DNS - at your registrar will point to your IP at your hosting service which is what you want it to do.


Hosts file

You could use an alias for example:

Then type in your browser with XAMPP running and connected to the Internet will go to the Internet would go to your local XAMPP hosted site.

In the hosts file you would use

It's a case of understanding what the ServerName is and what the DNS system is.

If your hosting service is on the Internet then your browser will send the request for a page through your ISP's DNS servers to look for the IP related to the domain name in the request that is registered at your domain name registrar, after first not finding it in your HOSTS file - relates to (or whatever the IP is)

If your hosting on your Localhost then your browser will look in the HOSTS file for an IP and related domain name then looks for a server configured with a ServerName related to that domain name usually on port 80 and request the server for the page - (or any domain name of your choosing associated with ip which is Localhost).

Sounds complicated but once you are engrossed in it I am sure it will become much clearer.

Hope this helps a tad.

My advise now is to get into it and have a go using say or as the ServerName - you could even just use mysite without the .com as the ServerName of your local site (I have a vhost configured in my httpd-vhosts.conf file just using mysite as the ServerName which I use for a live server in DreamWeaver.

Always backup conf files and ini files before making any changes so that if you make any typos or errors then it a simple job to revert to a known working configuration thats lets you start over again.
by Sharley
06. November 2008 13:10
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Can anyone shed some light on ideal test server config?
Replies: 6
Views: 9407

For those reading this thread and are interested in what xampp-portcheck.exe is then it is a WinRAR archive (open with WinRar) containing 3 items:
checkports.vbs - a visual basic script written by XAMPP developer Kirsten Wiedmann.
openports.exe - explained bellow.
openport.txt - an openports readme file.

Those familiar with vb script can quite clearly see how this xampp-portcheck.exe file operates to present the final port information results.

xampp-portcheck.exe provides a link which is incorrect and will give a 404 Not Found error - the link should be edited and the correct link displayed:

portcheck.exe is freeware and can be downloaded from the above link.

So in conclusion, if your system is balking at running vb scripts or executable files from a command console window then you will not be able to use xampp-portcheck.exe for it's intended purpose and so the use of the netstat.exe file included in the Windows folder would have to suffice.

You should then most certainly investigate why your system is not performing as it should.
by Sharley
10. October 2008 02:34
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Xampp dont start, cant delete
Replies: 13
Views: 41146

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