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Re: XAMPP Not working | HTTP Error 404.

The 'system' using port 80 can be one of 2 things - as suggested earlier the installation of the SQL server has an agent using port 80 and so if possible temporarily disable this or have the SQL server agent listen on a different port than port 80 (Microsoft seems to prefer that you use their $$$ products rather than a free Apache server and so seems to like hogging port 80 when ever it can)

The other could be that you are have installed the service module for Apache and MySQL (a green tick in the CP3 service module column).
If possible try and remove the ticks and answer the question when asked.

If it is not possible to remove the ticks then in CP3 there is a Win-service button and when pressed will go to the Service Controller where you can Start or Stop Apache2.2 then when you return to the CP3 you may be able to start Apache.

Also in the Service Controller you may be able to find the SQL server entry listed and perhaps be able to disable it for now.

There is a conflict with port 80 and if possible it is best to disable what ever is using the web server default port 80 as if you change the Listen port then this can lead to possible issues down the track.

Without a 404 log file entry it will be hard to solve your 404 issue but after we get Apache using port 80 then it may be that there will be a log file entry.
by Sharley
08. November 2011 07:29
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: XAMPP Not working | HTTP Error 404 (Win7) 1.7.7 [SOLVED]
Replies: 10
Views: 24703

Re: Apache can't start (Vista 32 SP2)

Thanks for updating your profile as requested by Altrea. 8) :)

You can't do anything about the system using port 80 except follow the below methods to get rid of what ever the system is that's using port 80.

Make sure that IIS is disabled (the Windows default web server) aka. World Wide Publishing Service:

The CP3 beta is only by name as it has been thoroughly tested with an the latest updated version found here:

Try and remove the Ticks in the service module and answer the question asked. This will not affect your PC in any way and is more than likely the cause of the system entry in the netstat results - make sure you are logged into Vista as an administrator as this is a requirement to run and administer a web server or at least disable the UAC.

If that fails then click on the Win-services button and find Apache2.2.
Click on either Start or Stop depending on what is presented.

Next go back to the CP3 and see if either the tick has gone or Apache is started.

Repeat for mysql.

The reason the ticks are there is when you installed XAMPP you selected to start XAMPP every time Windows starts and is really not needed for the purpose XAMPP was developed for.

If all else fails or you don't feel confident in learning how to do things as a web server administrator then follow these instructions to uninstall this installer exe version and then reinstall using the zip or 7zip version which is much simpler to get up and running:

The current installer used has been known to be buggy on some systems.

At least one of the above suggestions should have you moving forward - please let us know back which one did it for you. :)

Good luck. :)
by Sharley
07. November 2011 02:46
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache can't start (Vista 32 SP2) 1.7.7 [SOLVED]
Replies: 7
Views: 13023

Re: How to install and setup XAMPP Windows 1.7.7.

'System' - this is more than likely Internet Information Service (IIS) the default Windows web server and it has to be disabled.

Clicking on the netstat button in the CP3 may show you what is using port 80 and 443.

I don't have Win7 but I know there is a few posts about how to disable it.
These search results may help

No green tick next to Apache?

So MySQL starts but Apache won't?

Is there any error.log file in the \xampp\apache\logs folder?

If after disabling IIS Apache still won't start try a reboot then let me know if it still won't start.

Best wishes. :)
by Sharley
24. October 2011 09:09
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: How to install and setup XAMPP 1.7.7 (win7) [SOLVED]
Replies: 14
Views: 16938

Re: path for localhost not correct??

Valerie, have you tried using the new version 3 control panel instead of the older default version 2.5* as it has more features with a more informative log window:
You can, if you wish, create a shortcut on your desktop for easy access.

First though Stop MySQL and any other components running in the older Control Panel and Exit the older panel before running CP3.

If you then click on the Netstat button it will tell you what is using port 80 and port 443 that Apache needs and the log window is more informative.

You can also use the xampp-shell button to run the inetmgr command below.

In some Windows systems they also use the term World Wide Publishing as well as IIS (Internet Information Service).

Valerie, I should also mention that you should be logged into Vista as an administrator but if not then right click on files and shortcuts and select to Run as administrator, especially those in XAMPP including the control panels.

Sorry I don't use Vista but try this from the xampp-shell # command prompt type inetmgr

The full sequence.
1 - open inetmgr (see above)
2 - expand your computer
3 - expand sites
4 - right-click the default web site
5 - select stop (XP)
6 - manage web site --> select stop (Vista/Win7)

Here is another method:

Finally try a reboot after making all these changes tou have made to your system settings.

Valeries wrote:In case this is relevant, my host file contains the lines localhost loopback
::1 localhost
You can if you wish comment out IPv6 localhost entry and the add a comment to the like so:
Code: Select all localhost # loopback
# ::1 localhost
This may prevent possible issues down the track.

Best wishes Valerie. :)
by Sharley
11. October 2011 23:29
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: path for localhost not correct? (Vista) 1.7.7 [SOLVED}
Replies: 8
Views: 20655

Re: XAMPP 1.7.7 - MySQL not running or blocked by firewall

Thanks for the detailed post. 8)

Use the version 3 control panel found in the xampp folder, which has many more features than the standard 2.5 version and see what it has to say about it - there is a log file created in the xampp folder.

Make sure that any other security type application is not blocking port 3306

Make sure your firewall has port 3306 open as it is not port 80 related.

IMHO, something is blocking access to port 3306 on your system as MySQL has started no problem but you are prevented from access it.

It may also help to uncomment (remove the #) from this line in the xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini file
Code: Select all
Save the file and restart MySQL.
by Sharley
06. October 2011 05:22
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: 1.7.7 - MySQL not running or blocked by firewall (SOLVED)
Replies: 3
Views: 19244


Hello Ben.
Yes, these issues are well documented both in these forums and out in the big world wide web but following is some relevant content that has been posted before in this forum that may help with a solution.

BenCobbina wrote:When I checked the XAMPP Control Panel the following message is displayed:
"ERROR: Status Check Failure [3]"
Often the installer version of XAMPP 1.7.4 fails to do it's job properly for various reasons and has been posted about many times before.

My suggestion is that you try uninstalling the installer version of 1.7.4 then download and unpack the ZIP version using these simple instructions here:
Make sure you follow the uninstall procedure fully or you may continue to have installation issues.

I also recommend you download and use the latest XAMPP Control Panel V3 to be found here...
...which should always have the latest build, but keep an eye on the below topic for any future development issues until it possibly becomes an included XAMPP component.
Topic here:

Coupled with the above ZIP installation method and the use of the newer XCP it should now allow you to move forward without any problems and the Status Check error message should be gone.

Also, unless you specifically require XAMPP components to always start at boot then I suggest you do not tick any of the Svc (Service) check boxes - most people use XAMPP for development not for production so this feature is best left unchecked which allows you to start the components whenever you need them thus conserving some system resources.

BenCobbina wrote:Ports 80 or 443 (SSL) already in use!
If this is not corrected by following the above alternate install method and the use of the new version 3 Control Panel then you need to find what is using those ports.

Download and extract to suitable location ( a folder on your desktop perhaps) this little no install free app CurrPorts from here:

Check what is using and port 80 and port 443 and then try and kill the process. Now try and start Apache and MySQL again.

If they start then you should try and prevent what ever was using port 80 and port 443 from using those ports by disabling the offender which is usually either Skype or IIS (World Wide Publishing, inetsvr or any similar name that the default Windows web server uses).
This topic has another name associated with IIS 9Web Deployment Agent Service (MsDepSvc) service) that came to light in the last reply:

BTW it is not enough to simply stop a service using port 80 and 443 but rather the service must be disabled completely or it will simply start up again and hog the ports once again after a reboot.

Once all the above has been instigated and Apache and MySQL start with no issues using the new Control Panel after a reboot, then you should be able to move forward and enjoy your XAMPP and Joomla experience.

Good luck.
by Sharley
03. July 2011 01:15
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Replies: 5
Views: 26403

Re: port 80 issues after previous succesful installation

There is something using port 80 and you will not be able to move forward until you locate the culprit and disable it - 'system' may well be IIS, see below.

Read the \xampp\apache\logs\error.log file just after Apache fails to start.
(If Apache has not yet been able to start after installation then there may not be any entries in the error.log file).

You don't use Skype but are you running any other programs that may have access to the Internet, also is World Wide Publishing AKA IIS the Windows default web server disabled?

If not disabled go to the link in this post:
Or try this:
To disable IIS go to
Start>Control Panel>Programs and Features
on the leftmost side you will find an option
Turn Windows features on or off
click on it and uncheck
Internet Information Services
click OK
and then restart your computer.

Make sure that you have temporarily disabled your firewall and ZoneAlarm etc and try again to start Apache.

Also you could try this to remove any Sticking Windows Apache services that may be left in the registry:
Click Exit the XAMPP Control Panel.

Next open a command prompt like so
Click start
Click on Run...
Type: cmd.exe
Click OK

To remove old or sticking Apache services.
sc delete apache2.2
Click OK

If there are no Apache services installed in the registry then you should see:
"The specified service does not exist as an installed service."

Close the command console.

If the sc command found and deleted the service then start the XAMPP Control Panel again and try and start Apache.

Let me know if any of the above helped as with this issue I am as much in the dark as you and can only suggest some things to try - you do keep on top of your virus checking routine?.
by Sharley
09. May 2011 11:32
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: port 80 issues after previous installation [SOLVED]
Replies: 6
Views: 52249

Re: Xampp crashes internet & Windows

proxikal wrote:my problem is i have tried phperl, wamp server, Xampp and a ton others.
All these are web server suits and won't run together - only one at a time or else you will have port conflicts and who knows what else.
Check the \xampp\apache\logs\error.log file for clues.
What version of XAMPP?

proxikal wrote:as soon as i open the program and start the apache, mysql my internet locks up completely. and i cannot use ctrl+alt+delete an error pops up.
How are you trying to start Apache and MySQL in XAMPP and what error is that?

Make sure that you only run one of these servers at once and if using XAMPP and before starting anything check that the ports 80, 443 and 3306 are free and not in use by anything else.

Also check your Start>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer>Applications and or System for more clues why your PC locks up.
by Sharley
22. March 2011 07:10
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Xampp crashes internet & Windows
Replies: 6
Views: 10389

Re: Apache not working in Windows 7 32bit

Revert your httpd.conf file back to the default but make sure that line Listen 80 is used and not Listen

System usually means that IIS or World Wide Publishing is using the ports or some other Windows service related application.

Disable completely IIS and do the port check again and all should be free, then try and start Apache again:
by Sharley
22. March 2011 01:08
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache not working in Windows 7 32bit
Replies: 2
Views: 4484

Re: End of my tether with apache.

First of all try and put everything back to the XAMPP installation defaults so we can see where you are having difficulties.

When you return your httpd.conf file back to the original make sure the line Listen reads:
Code: Select all
Listen 80
Listen *:80
If you use then localhost will be the only method of accessing your server where as if you use either of the above then Apache will listen on any address using port 80.

Now the port 80 occupied issue, I take it you are using version 1.7.4 of XAMPP?

Go to start>Run... and type cmd.exe then cd C:\Windows
Next type netstat -ano |findstr "80"

Now check the PID using Task Manager - right click on the Task Bar and select Task Manager then the Processes tab - port 80 may be occupied by System, httpd.exe, apache.exe or other software using it like Skype and some others you may have installed.

From what I see you may have The Windows IIS - World Wide Publishing - default server still enabled so try this:

Code: Select all
[Sun Mar 20 21:32:12 2011] [warn] (OS 64)The specified network name is no longer available.  : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed.
[Sun Mar 20 21:35:18 2011] [error] [client] script 'C:/xampp/htdocs/judge.php' not found or unable to stat
These 2 may relate to your changing of the httpd.conf file and when ever you edit this file then you have to restart Apache.
OS 64 error help may be in these search results.

From your error.log file Apache is still trying to listen on port 80 and port 443 with no apparent errors from the server which would show up if there was a port conflict.

If the command line netstat is not helpful then you can download and run this nice little app CurrPorts - cports.exe, that requires no installation, to see what is using your ports and is the core app of XAMPP's own xampp-portcheck.exe that has been omitted in 1.7.4 due to a recently departed developer having some copyright code included in the exe file:
Download link near the bottom of the page.

Good luck.
by Sharley
22. March 2011 01:01
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: End of my tether with apache.
Replies: 2
Views: 8747

Re: Error messages installing XAMPP 1.7.4 for win32

phpforfun wrote:Where may I find the error log file you mention above? I followed a path like the one you gave me but the logs folder is empty. Apache is still not running on my system.
Apache has never run on your system from when you installed XAMPP as Apache creates the error.log file automagically when it starts and adds to the file on every occurrence of an error and when it is started and stopped.

So I suggest that you still have something running on port 80 and or port 443 that is preventing Apache from starting.

Similar issue with no log file being created in this topic where the fix seemed to be my alternative method below:

Some are having issues with the installer version on Win7 and in particular the 64bit Win7 OS that may be fixed by following the alternative instructions below.

Alternatively follow the instructions in the readme_en.txt file for uninstalling this installer version and uninstall it.

Then download either the zip or 7zip archived version and extract the xampp folder to the root of a drive or partition, for example C:\ which will give you C:\xampp when extracted.

Next run the setup_xampp.bat file from the xampp folder.

Then go to http://localhost and you should see the XAMPP Welcome demo page if your XAMPP is working as it should.

BTW what server did you have running that served your default web site mentioned in a post above?
Make sure that this server is stopped and disabled before trying to install XAMPP again.

phpforfun wrote:I typed in my browser (FF3.6): http://localhost/helloWorld.php and received the error.
That is the correct URI to load your file and the normal browser behavior when there is no server running to serve the file you requested, but the message is canned and so does not give you any meaningful clues as to why there is a file not found error.

Your missing error.log file would give details had Apache been running.
by Sharley
16. March 2011 02:38
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Error messages installing XAMPP 1.7.4 for win32
Replies: 9
Views: 14519

Re: Apache error when trying to use virtual hosts

pcs800 wrote:And to be clear, you want me to stop the apache service, switch to the new httpd-vhosts.conf and then kill any instance of apache, httpd and mysql in task manager, uncheck SVC on the xampp control panel for apache and mysql, then start them via the control panel?
No need to worry about this now as I have spotted the culprit causing your problems.

Problem solved.
You are using a non text editor to edit your conf files and this has caused an issue with the quote marks “ ” not being recognised by Apache in the httpd-vhost.conf file.

They should look like this if you had used a text editor like notepad etc. " " - can you spot the difference?

I picked this up when I copied my code which contained some copy and paste of your own very first posted code and entered it into a 1.6.3a version I have for testing and Apache failed to start with a system error not an Apache error which gave me the clue - I should not copy and paste other peoples code. ;)

Here is the code copy and pasted from your very first post
DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/site1folder
ErrorLog C:/xampp/htdocs/site1folder/errorlog
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.html

DocumentRoot C:/xampp/htdocs/site2folder
ErrorLog C:/xampp/htdocs/site2folder/errorlog
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.html

So to correct this simply use a text editor like notepad not a word processor like word or wordpad when editing any conf or ini files in XAMPP.

I have corrected the code here which all you need do is copy and paste over to your httpd-vhosts.conf file, save the file and restart Apache.
Code: Select all
NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs"

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/site1folder"
ErrorLog "C:/xampp/htdocs/site1folder/error.log"
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/site2folder"
ErrorLog "C:/xampp/htdocs/site2folder/error.log"
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm
I have just tested all this in 1.6.3a exactly as you should now have it configured and Apache starts and the and as well as localhost work perfectly - you should also see the error.log file created in your site folders after you have started Apache.

The apache -S command gave a Syntax OK indication
Code: Select all
F:\xampp\apache\bin>apache -S
VirtualHost configuration:
wildcard NameVirtualHosts and _default_ servers:
_default_:443          localhost (C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf:74)
*:80                   is a NameVirtualHost
         default server localhost (C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:46)
         port 80 namevhost localhost (C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:46)
         port 80 namevhost (C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:51)
         port 80 namevhost (C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:59)
Syntax OK


Good luck and best wishes. :)
by Sharley
15. February 2011 07:41
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache error when trying to use virtual hosts
Replies: 21
Views: 38806

Re: Help SSL / Starting Apache

First thing is when ever Apache can't start check the \apache\logs\error.log file - you did not mention you looked in that file.

Apache in XAMPP is configured for SSL by default and the is uncommented by default unless when you used the setup_xampp.bat file you elected to disable SSL, and if you comment out this module then you won't have SSL on your Apache server - I believe your error is caused by changing the SSL settings incorrectly from the working defaults, because we only have your word that you did it correctly which can't be checked effectively, so the SSL module chucks a wobbly. :)

Also check in the httpd.conf file that this line is not commented out
Code: Select all
# Secure (SSL/TLS) connections
Include "conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf"
as it would be if at some stage you elected not to use SSL.

You can run setup_xampp.bat file at any time in 1.7.3 to change or see the current settings state.

The Apache configuration file for SSL httpd-ssl.conf must not have any syntax errors and may be where your problem lies - the error.log or the ssl_request.log file may have clues.

So to test SSL was working before your configuration edits, revert your certificates and configurations back to the defaults when installed using the backup files you made and try and open https://localhost and move on from there if all is good - you could also change the port from 443 to say 4433 to see if it really is not a port issue then use https:/localhost:4433 to check.

IIS is now known as World Wide Publishing and it is this that needs to be disabled if it is installed on your system but in any case IIS must not be able to access port 443 or your SSL will fail unless you configure SSL on another port - not recommended - and simply stopping IIS and WWP is not sufficient they must be completely disabled as per instructions.

If as you say your OS is fully updated from MS then likely IIS or WWP has not been fully disabled and comes into the equation when ever your XAMPP services are started.

From the readme_en.txt file:
A matter of security (A MUST READ!)

As mentioned before, XAMPP is not meant for production use but only for developers in a development environment. The way XAMPP is configured, is to be open as possible and allowing the developer anything he/she wants.
For development environments this is great but in a production environment it could be fatal.
So you will have to learn as much as possible about how to harden your Apache server should you continue down the production path using XAMPP. (Google is your friend).

Good luck and best wishes.
by Sharley
31. January 2011 23:43
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Help SSL / Starting Apache
Replies: 3
Views: 10803


lucbrasil wrote:I had the problem that opening XAMPPLITE Apache didn't "run" (Apache service started - Busy...), while MySql was running correctly.
Go back to this point and look in the \xampp\apache\logs\error.log file and see if there are any clues why Apache can't start - usually a port conflict as Apache needs ports 80 and 443 and can't share them with Skype, SYSTEM and IIS etc. for example.

Next do a port check to make sure that Apache httpd port 80 and 443 are free:

Instead of using the bat files open your XAMPP Control Panel and remove any ticks you find in the Svc boxes and try and Start Apache again.

So to get a clean start remove any of the environment hacks you made so you are back at the beginning state when you installed XAMPP as it should work "out of the box" without having to make any system level changes at all if the Apache ports are free.

Good luck and best wishes.
by Sharley
22. January 2011 03:57
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Replies: 3
Views: 8327

Re: localhost/index.php 404.3 error

salsathegeek wrote:I have changed the default website to the sever's location using the IIS manager.
This part worries me as IIS and XAMPP don't coexsist easily as both IIS and Apache use port 80 and 443 which are not shareable.

So first I would decide which you really want to use and get rid of the other.

You can disable IIS and Apache will work just fine - see this topic for how to do this:

A sure way of knowing if Apache is running is to check in the XAMPP Control Panel, run \xampp\xampp-control.exe that it shows a green running indication and by the sound of it, only your browser is parsing the HTML code and not Apache as Apache would also parse the php code.

You can start and stop various XAMPP components and access the command line (Shell) and the Windows Service Manager (SCM) also access the XAMPP Setup all from the one handy control Panel.

Look in the \xampp\apache\logs\error.log file for server errors.

Run \xampp\xampp-portcheck.exe to find out what is using port 80 and port 443
You should see httpd.exe if Apache is using them or inetinfo.exe or System if IIS is using them - you can't have both of them using the same ports.

Before starting the XAMPP servers the readings in the portcheck should show all ports are free.

Usually there is no need to change anything in the httpd.conf file from the defaults to have a working XAMPP installation.

To test your installation type in your browser
You should see the XAMPP Welcome Demo Page.

Your web site should be placed in the \xampp\htdocs\mysite folder for example so if you type in your browser:
it should present you with your web site index page.

You should also be logged in to your PC with administrator privileges to best manager your servers.

Best wishes and remember that we are here to help you not to give you flak. :)
by Sharley
14. January 2011 05:04
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: localhost/index.php 404.3 error
Replies: 3
Views: 9968

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