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Re: Can't start Apache in XAMPP Portable

Hello Makrand.

Apache needs port 443 free to be able to start, so you will need to investigate your PC to find out what System program is using port 443 - could be a Microsoft product that starts at boot time and uses port 443.

If you are not going to use https in XAMPP then you can comment out this line at about 492 in the \xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf file so it looks like this
Code: Select all
# Secure (SSL/TLS) connections
# Include "conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf"
Then save the file and now try and start Apache.

But remember it is best to try and find what is using port 443 and have that application use another port or disable the application that is using it.

Good luck. :)
by Sharley
15. March 2012 20:19
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Can't start Apache in XAMPP Portable
Replies: 1
Views: 6235

Re: Object not found / error 404

Your Operating System Windows 97 has me somewhat confused.
What Windows version are you using and if different to the one you have in your profile would you be so kind as to correct it by following these instructions here:
Thanks. :)

Port 80 in use means that your Apache in XAMPP can't bind to port 80 so that needs to be corrected - make sure that you do not have IIS (Internet Information Service) or any of it's related services running as they will conflict with Apache and MySQL in XAMPP.

Also this (error.log file doesnt exist) means that Apache in XAMPP has never started and so you may be missing a runtime file that you can download and install from here: ... px?id=5582

After installing the missing runtime file and making sure that you do not have any other server service running then try this (check using the Port-check button in the XAMPP Control Panel):

1. Run your control panel - xampp-control.exe from the xampp installation folder and if you are using Win 7 then right click and select to run as an administrator even though you may be logged into your PC as an administrator.

2. Sop Apache and MySQL (and any other running component).

3. Remove any ticks in the Svc check boxes by simply clicking on the tick if there are any present.

4. Make sure now that you don't have any ticks in the Svc check boxes and all XAMPP components are stopped - you should now have a blank or greyed out control panel.

5. Click on the Port-check button in the control panel and make sure that all the ports in the list are showing 'free'.

6. Now you can start Apache and MySQL in the control panel but do not tick any of the Svc check boxes as they are not required for normal use of XAMPP - make sure that they both show a green running indication.

7. You can now do a port check again and see if Apache and MySQL are showing the path to your XAMPP Apache and MySQL on ports 80 - 443 - 3306.

8. Now you can type http://localhost in your browser's address bar and after selecting your language you should be at the XAMPP Welcome page - you could also click on the Admin button next to Apache in the control panel to have the same pages displayed in your browser.

9. To test your XAMPP installation is fully functioning, run all the demos in the left menu frame of the Welcome page often referred to the XAMPP admin page.

Good luck. :)
by Sharley
03. March 2012 23:26
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Object not found / error 404
Replies: 5
Views: 112397

Re: change MySQL port

Would you be so kind as to add your XAMPP version and Operating System to your profile as per these instructions and related info:
Thanks. :)
by Sharley
11. January 2012 12:34
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: change MySQL port
Replies: 9
Views: 43301

Re: 404 erro and blocked ports

Did you try a reboot, often this may fix this System issue.

Something is still using port 80 and it may be a registry entry for the Windows Apache service.

Again check the Task Manager.

Just to recap what version of XAMPP are you trying to start?

If 1.7.7 then you could use the version 3 control panel found in the xampp installation folder:
The latest version download link is in my signature.
Simply extract all the files from the archive to the xampp installation folder and overwrite when asked.
Then right click the exe file to run as administrator and to create a shortcut to the desktop, for example, for easier access.

Look for a green tick in the services column of Apache and if it is there try removing it by clicking on it.

If you can remove it then try and start Apache.
by Sharley
02. January 2012 22:06
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: 404 error and blocked ports [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 14607

Re: System Idle Process Listening on Port 80

First please check your \xampp\apache\logs folder and see if there is an error.log file.

If you find one then see if it contains any clues why Apache can't start.

If there are no log files in that folder then download and install the VC9 runtime file from here: ... px?id=5582

Reboot and try and start Apache again.
by Sharley
29. December 2011 17:17
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: System Idle Process Listening on Port 80
Replies: 1
Views: 5404

Re: how to xammp running

There is something using port 80.

Click on the Netstat button in the XCPv3 and see if it has more details about what the SYSTEM is.

Usually it is related to IIS the Windows default server which can be disabled as it uses port 80 and port 443 by default which Apache needs exclusively.

Because this issue has been covered here many times before I did a an advanced form search for post I have made for port 80 system in the XAMPP for Windows in English forum and came up with these results, see if any have the solution for you - you will see unrelated posts that you can skip and some that relate to Vista that may also be relevant for Win7.

After reading the results above please let me know if you find a solution.

Good luck. :)
by Sharley
19. December 2011 01:31
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: how to xammp running
Replies: 7
Views: 9906

Re: Remote access to mysql server?

You don't assign a separate port for MySQL but you do give permission for a particular IP to access XAMPP system files like phpMyAdmin as for obvious reasons these system files are protected and only available to the localhost server administrator by default.

You can also give access to a particular database for other than localhost if that is what you want.

Is the IP you want to give access to on your LAN or WAN?
by Sharley
16. December 2011 00:29
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Remote access to mysql server? (Win7 64) 1.7.7 [SOLVED]
Replies: 5
Views: 14838

Re: Yikes. I can't get to work on Windows Vista SP2?

Run the version 3 control panel in the xampp folder and click on the Netstat button and see what is currently using port 3306.

Latest version is linked in my signature simply extract and overwrite.

The new CPv3 may have more info in it's log file plus many more features for you to enjoy. :)

Only a guess, you may have a left over my.ini file in the system folders, do a file search as there should only be the one in the \xampp\mysql\bin folder if you uninstalled the other MySQL instance.
by Sharley
10. December 2011 23:49
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Can't get MySQL working (Win7 64Bit) 1.7.7 [SOLVED]
Replies: 16
Views: 30557

Re: XAMPP does not work on windows

Kosenko wrote:The issue here was that I had to set Apache to listen on port 8000 in order to get it to work with Windows Firewall. That is where the localhost:8000 is coming from. Whatever is set in the httpd.conf file has no effect whatsoever in enabling localhost.
If you changed the Listen directive to Listen 8000 then http://localhost:8000/xampp/index.php will give you the XAMPP Welcome page provided that Apache and MySQL are running after clicking on Start in the control panel.

C:\xampp\apache\logs\error.log file will give clues if this is not the case.

Kosenko wrote:The next issue is that I cannot get Apache to recognize ANY subdirectories except /XAMPP. In other words, the installation turns out to be completely useless for testing other PHP applications like Drupal, since it keeps giving an "object" or "URL" not found error.
And again the error.log file is where you will find the clue for these types of errors.
http://localhost:8000/drupal7/subdirectory will find the index file in the subdirectory if the folder structure resembles C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal7\subdirectory
Try renaming or deleting the index.php and index.html found in the htdocs folder.

You have to use an http:\\ URI to see php files not typing a path.

It would help if you told us what you are typing in the browser to access these folders.
Kosenko wrote:C:/xampp/htdocs/xampp installation always defaults to this

C:/xampp/htdocs/drupal7 (apache will not recognize)

C:/xamp/htdocs/xamp/drupal7 (moved to test . . . apache will not recognize).
BTW you can't put Drupal or any other file or folder in the XAMPP system folder C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp as this is protected and will give a 403 error.

Kosenko wrote:XAMPP on Windows appears to be useless.
Only for you and not for the millions of other successful XAMPP users who had it working right 'out of the box'. :shock:

New users can find self help by reading these first:
readme_en.txt file in the xampp folder.

Some useful reading that may help you help us to find suitable solutions:
by Sharley
08. December 2011 01:46
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: XAMPP does not work on windows
Replies: 6
Views: 14564

Re: localhost not working after fix of a redirector malware

Everything appears to be already running which usually means these are left over from a previous installation or from when you used the old control panel without stopping everything and uninstalling the services (removing the tick from the Svc check boxes).

The SYSTEM 8080 issue may be an installed Tomcat Windows service from your previous installation attempts or before you had the malware attack, that may be removed by clicking on the XAMPP-Shell button in XCPv3 and typing C:\xampp\tomcat\tomcat_service_uninstall.bat before following the uninstall/install instructions below and see if it has cleared the 8080 port in use issue.
Test by Quitting the XCPv3 and then start it again and look at the log window.

May I suggest that you uninstall/install XAMPP again by using the zip or 7zip version which has often helped clear things up
(don't use the freeware 7zip program to unpack the 7zip archive as it has a bug that does not extract zero length files which will cause serious issues, use WinRAR or a free zip extract program).

Try and follow these uninstall/install instruction to make sure that no residue Windows services are still installed:

It has been known that the installer.exe version can couse issues in some Operating Systems and using the archive version instead has been know to solve these issues.

Good luck. :)
by Sharley
07. December 2011 22:38
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: localhost not working after malware (Vista) 1.7.7 [SOLVED]
Replies: 13
Views: 19295

Re: localhost not working after fix of a redirector malware

Which Control Panel are you using?

If the older 2.5 then in the xampp folder is the newer version 3 panel:
This has more features and a Netstat button that may have more info about the ports.

First Exit the old panel before using XCPv3 and the latest version can be found by clicking on the link in my signature.

It also has a better log window that is also more informative and creates a log file in the xampp folder.

SYSTEM using the port may mean that the Apache Windows Service is in use.

If when you start the XCPv3 there is a green tick in the service module column then try clicking on it to remove the green tick, you will need to agree to remove the service which is what you want to do.
by Sharley
07. December 2011 13:53
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: localhost not working after malware (Vista) 1.7.7 [SOLVED]
Replies: 13
Views: 19295

Re: XAMPP & db MySql

Sorry, I have no idea what fastweb is or how it affects your access.

Do you have a firewall or a security system like ZoneAlarm or similar blocking port 3306?
by Sharley
29. November 2011 23:20
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: XAMPP & db MySql
Replies: 16
Views: 17187

Re: IIS off, SQL off but PORT 80 still used by system

Here's my 2 cents worth. :)

IMHO, a more feature rich process utilty than Microsoft's Process Explorer is the free open source Process Hacker from here:
It has very good reviews and my preferred process utility that has added advantages over the MS closed source utility.

Read these Vista specific instructions in this post...
...and follow the link mentioned as it also has instruction to help with correctly disabling IIS and UAC in Vista that helped the original posters with a SYSTEM issue.

The SYSTEM issue usually means that there is a Windows service occupying the ports that Apache/MySQL requires which have not been uninstalled\disabled correctly and so may be still installed - the services need to be uninstalled which will remove them from the Windows registry.

If you use the keyword system in an advanced forum search in the XAMPP for Windows English forum then you will see many posters had a similar issue.

Also try and use the new control panel xampp-control-3-beta.exe found in the xampp folder.
First Stop all components and then remove any ticks in the Svc boxes then click on Exit the older control panel before double clicking on the new XCPv3.

You can then use the many new and improved features it contains including the Netstat button that will show you the ports in use.

Latest XCPv3 versions can be found here:
by Sharley
26. November 2011 22:46
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: IIS off, SQL off but PORT 80 still used by system
Replies: 4
Views: 8015

Re: Mercury port 25 Error on Control panel 3.0.8

Sorry in the Windows Control Panel select Add or Remove Programs then select Add or Remove Windows Components from the left menu frame you will then see the clickable list and Internet Information Services (IIS).

I will edit the above as it was an old copy and paste for another system.
by Sharley
24. November 2011 01:49
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Mercury port 25 Error on XCP v3.0.8 (XP) 1.7.7 [SOLVED]
Replies: 8
Views: 9844

Re: Apache still won't start even after port change

Hello Barley,
Barry Fruitman wrote:Hi Shayley,

There is nothing in access.log or error.log. Apache doesn't even start.

Yes that is the important information I requested because if the log files are not created then Apache has never started as when it does eventually start you will notice that the log files have been created and entries for when Apache starts and when it stops will be added.

The runtime files missing from your Windows 7 64 bit operating system as mentioned by Altrea will fix your issues with 1.7.7 once they have been downloaded and installed.

You will then be able to enjoy Apache on port 80 (recommended) and if you change the settings in Skype (recommended) both at the same time.

Best wishes. :)
by Sharley
19. November 2011 23:57
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache still won't start even after port change
Replies: 14
Views: 37002

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