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Please change the bold details to suit your actual details as they are only for use as an example.

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from =

This needs uncommenting and your email address at the SMTP server specified, as your SMTP server usually requires the sender's details.
; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from =

In your cart's mail configuration you would need to add your email authentication information for your SMTP server - username/password - the same details you use in your regular email client, Outlook Express for example to connect and send mail.

Make sure you are editing the correct php.ini file which is the one in .\xampp\apache\bin\ directory, then restart Apache after making your changes but make a backup of ini and conf files before editing.

The fake sendmail only needs to be configured if you specify that method in your cart's mail configuration section and, if not used, leave it at the default settings in the php.ini file - use only one of the 2 methods not both.

It should contain the same details as you included in the php.ini file plus the email authentication details for the SMTP server you specify, that would normally be included in your cart's configuration.


; configuration for fake sendmail


; you must change to your smtp server

; the default domain for this server will be read from the registry
; this will be appended to email addresses when one isn't provided
; if you want to override the value in the registry, uncomment and modify


; log smtp errors to error.log (defaults to same directory as sendmail.exe)
; uncomment to enable logging


; create debug log as debug.log (defaults to same directory as sendmail.exe)
; uncomment to enable debugging


; if your smtp server requires authentication, modify the following two lines

; if your smtp server uses pop3 before smtp authentication, modify the
; following three lines


; to force the sender to always be the following email address, uncomment and
; populate with a valid email address. this will only affect the "MAIL FROM"
; command, it won't modify the "From: " header of the message content

; sendmail will use your hostname and your default_domain in the ehlo/helo
; smtp greeting. you can manually set the ehlo/helo name if required


Fake sendmail works in a similar fashion to the php.ini method and only passes the email details to a known SMTP server.
by Izzy
11. February 2008 21:33
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Xampp & Viart Shopping Cart Mail problems
Replies: 1
Views: 5099

In the xampp\apache\bin\php.ini find near line 693:

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25

Change to:

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
(your ISP's smtp mail server - the one you use in your email client eg. Outlook Express etc.)
smtp_port = 25 (the port you use for sending mail via your ISP as above)

SMTP.ini ? - no such file in XAMPP

If you select sendmail in your script then you would set up Sendmail in XAMPP:
in much the same way as above.

Localhost is used usually if you have a mail server set up on your PC to send/receive mail via localhost, which most ISPs don't allow these days, and most receiving Mail Exchanges block without a dedicated IP/Domain name combo.

So best sticking with either the php.ini or the Sendmail method above, much simpler and does the trick for most php scripts.

Take a look at the new DeskTopXampp launch control posted by ridgewood: ... 967#103967

The DeskTopXampp launch control for XAMPP and XAMPPlite (DTX.exe)
is available here:

I highly recommend DTX.
by Izzy
30. August 2007 04:22
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: SMTP for the Mail fucntion in PHP
Replies: 5
Views: 9606

Re: A problem with XAMPP PEAR and OsDate

vercetti wrote:...We thought that we've made a mistake in the settings for the SMTP server, but we changed them.. and the error still appears.

What are your SMTP settings in osDate?

It looks like the default settings are for Linux web server.
The path to sendmail is wrong for a Windows Apache server.

What are your [mail function] settings in the xampp\apache\bin\php.ini file?

Did you set up xampp\sendmail\sendmail.ini in XAMPP if you are using sendmail in your script?
Do a forum search here for sendmail or mail settings or mercury etc. for clues as to how to set up these things in XAMPP.

There is also a osDate forum that might assist you better:
Do a search there for help with the mail settings.

Try this:
Go to the osDate forum above and select Configuration & Installation thread.
Click on Search this Forum enter mail settings in the Keyword(s) box.
Looks like there is some useful reading in the results.

If you want more help here then you need to give more info to work with as we can only guess else.

Take a look at the new DeskTopXampp launch control posted by ridgewood: ... 967#103967

The DeskTopXampp launch control for XAMPP and XAMPPlite (DTX.exe)
is available here:

I highly recommend DTX.
by Izzy
20. August 2007 11:14
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: A problem with XAMPP PEAR and OsDate
Replies: 2
Views: 8397

If you don't have an e-mail "client" then how do you read your email at present?

Re the phpBB issue did you set your config to use 'Sendmail'?

If so then this post might help: ... 0849#80849

Off topic:
I see an image july-30_banner.png that is 136kb which should be reduced in kbs to no more than about 20kb for the web, especially as you seem to be refreshing that image every few minutes.

Might be alright from where you are looking at it or if your visitors are all on broadband but dial-up users have no chance. Apart from that it is using up lots of bandwidth and consequently other resources.

Always save your images with an average quality setting of around 60% which is basically a "Save for the web" settings in your image editing software.

I was able to save your image as a 60% jpg file with a negligable drop in quality with a size of 9.63kb - a big drop on 136kb. I used Fireworks for this experiment but most good image editors will do the deed for you.
by Izzy
17. September 2006 03:57
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Outlook Express or Mozilla Mail!?
Replies: 2
Views: 5535

Re: SMTP Service deactivated ?how to get it insstalled

feelexit wrote:I installed xampp for windows.

I download a php web app, and test it. everything works except i couldn't send out emails.

I checked the status, SMTP Service is deactivated .

I dont know if SMTP is already installed or not.

if its already installed, how can i activate it.

if not, how to install it , couldn't find any info .

XAMPP Module MercuryMail handles all your incoming and outgoing mail including your use of SendMail in your php scripts.

xampp/mercury_start.bat or mercury_stop.bat

Full controls with an access button to all Admin.. configurations and the ability to install XAMPP modules as a service is here:
xampp/xampp-control.exe -> XAMPP Control Panel
by Izzy
09. September 2006 01:57
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: SMTP Service deactivated ?how to get it insstalled
Replies: 1
Views: 8737

This is done in xampp\apache\bin\php.ini file in this section:

Code: Select all
[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from =

; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
;sendmail_path = "\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

Use this post to configure it:

or this post:

by Izzy
25. July 2006 11:59
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: help please
Replies: 3
Views: 6557

There is a configuration for sendmail in xampp/apache/bin/php.ini that needs setting up for your particular needs.

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost

; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
;sendmail_path =

HTH :)
by Izzy
20. July 2006 12:46
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: phpbb & sendmail
Replies: 1
Views: 7077

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