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Re: sendmail.exe doesn't read sendmail.ini

Your php.ini is just fine so no need to post that again.

Not sure if this is required but it won't hurt and you will start to get into the habit of restarting the server components after editing ini and conf files - did you save the sendmail.ini file and restart Apache after editing also clear your browser's cache?

The authentication method is causing your email server (host) to chuck a wobbly.

Change auth on to auth plain

If that fails change to auth login

Don't change anything else other than the auth setting, save and restart Apache etc.

Also make absolutely certain that your password is correct.

See how you go as authentication method CRAM-MD5 is not being accepted by your host and this may be an automatic setting in sendmail when auth on is being used.

BTW your host is very much last century in it's attitude towards the secure transport of email and the secure transfer of user names and passwords - but this may well be intentional as IMHO all UK email is monitored.
by Izzy
04. November 2009 09:45
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: sendmail.exe doesn't read sendmail.ini
Replies: 16
Views: 29321

Re: sendmail.exe doesn't read sendmail.ini

Izzy wrote:Replace or comment out the above TLS/SSL entry with this one below if you don't use TLS (but you should use TLS/SSL if it is available on your server - most now offer this facility).
Code: Select all
# plainldexterldesign email settings without TLS/SSL (Transit Layer Security).
account plainldexterldesign
port 25
auth on
password x

# Set a default account
account default : plainldexterldesign
The above is the alternative to TLS which your host is not recognizing.
by Izzy
03. November 2009 22:04
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: sendmail.exe doesn't read sendmail.ini
Replies: 16
Views: 29321

Re: sendmail.exe doesn't read sendmail.ini

Lewis, first make a Copy of php.ini and a Copy of sendmail.ini, the default original files before editing.

Your php.ini file mail section with the required corrections for using sendmail - save the file after editing then restart Apache.
Code: Select all
[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
; SMTP = localhost
; smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
; sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost

; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
sendmail_path = "\"C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t"

; Force the addition of the specified parameters to be passed as extra parameters
; to the sendmail binary. These parameters will always replace the value of
; the 5th parameter to mail(), even in safe mode.
; mail.force_extra_parameters =

; Add X-PHP-Originating-Script: that will include uid of the script followed by the filename
mail.add_x_header = Off

; Log all mail() calls including the full path of the script, line #, to address and headers
; mail.log = "C:\xampp\apache\logs\php_mail.log"

Your sendmail.ini with your details added, save the file and restart Apache after editing - use plain or TLS/SSL (Transit Layer Security) not both for the same mail server to prevent confusion.
Code: Select all
# Set default values for all following accounts.
logfile "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.log"

# secureldexterldesign email settings with TLS/SSL.
account secureldexterldesign
port 465
auth on
password x
tls on
tls_starttls off
tls_certcheck off

# Set a default account
account default : secureldexterldesign

Replace or comment out the above TLS/SSL entry with this one below if you don't use TLS (but you should use TLS/SSL if it is available on your server - most now offer this facility).
Code: Select all
# plainldexterldesign email settings without TLS/SSL (Transit Layer Security).
account plainldexterldesign
port 25
auth on
password x

# Set a default account
account default : plainldexterldesign
See how all that lot goes by testing your script's mail function - read the sendmail.log file if you have no success and if you don't understand the entries then paste them here so they can be checked out.

Good luck.
by Izzy
03. November 2009 10:22
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: sendmail.exe doesn't read sendmail.ini
Replies: 16
Views: 29321

Re: sendmail.exe doesn't read sendmail.ini

ldexterldesign wrote:Has anyone got a working sendmail file they can post up? I'm having really difficulty getting mine to work today.
Perhaps it would be more use if you posted your own sendmail.ini file with the settings that don't work so it can be looked at - and obviously, please don't include your email password.

ldexterldesign wrote:Do I have to touch my php.ini file *at all* from default (1.7.2.) to get sendmail to work?
Yes, see the php.ini file the OP posted above as it has the required changes included which, in your case would only require the adding of the comment character ; to the beginning of the required lines- don't change the path to sendmail as it should already be correct for your installation.

An Advanced Search in forum XAMPP for Windows using keyword sendmail or msmtp should give good results.

BTW XAMPP versions before 1.7.2 used Fake Sendmail and since XAMPP version 1.7.2 the use of msmtp as a sendmail alternative is now in use.
by Izzy
02. November 2009 23:22
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: sendmail.exe doesn't read sendmail.ini
Replies: 16
Views: 29321

Re: Suddenly I can't send email

Basically there are 2 separate processes involved - sending and receiving.

1. You send the mail using TLS to the mail exchange server, the MX, and it then sits there waiting for collection.

2. You collect the mail using your Outlook which is not using TLS, the MX knows by your request that your client is not using TLS so it sorts out the decryption and sends a plain unencrypted email to you.

3. You collect the mail using your Outlook and TLS, the MX knows by your request that you are using TLS so it sends you an encrypted email, then Outlook decrypts the mail on arrival for your viewing, all this is transparent to the you in both directions.

I hope this crude explanation helps a little in understanding what goes on.

creacon wrote:Also, I'm not using msmtp (at least I don't think I am),
XAMPP 1.7.2 uses msmtp as a replacement for the Fake Sendmail used in earlier versions of XAMPP.
by Izzy
29. October 2009 20:53
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Suddenly I can't send email
Replies: 35
Views: 64938

Re: Problem with fake sendmail

Because this is very intermittent it would be hard to locate the offending issue unless you use a method to trap the offender - see the sendmail help page.

Have you set the error and debug logs in the sendmail.ini file to help with clues by checking the logs after you have the issue?

This page recommends you contact the author for help not covered in the help page by including the debug report after you have your intermittent issue or to report this bug in detail.

As a last resort a fresh latest 2.8 version sendmail install may well fix your issue.
by Izzy
27. October 2009 23:20
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Problem with fake sendmail
Replies: 2
Views: 6432

Re: Suddenly I can't send email

Bob, you need to check that your password is correct, but please never ever post it on a forum unless you intend to change it immediately after - I would have thought you would have checked that first before using it in your form and if, as you say, those credentials are the same in Outlook and work, then they should also work in sendmail.

BTW is your password really wrapped in [ ] brackets as this is not normal?

I notice you have posted your password a few times now and my advice is to change it ASAP and then use your new password to try and login to your email account using Outlook first, then if you can connect in Outlook to send and receive email then use the same credentials in your form.

Another item to check is the host name as often service providers use a different host name for TLS/SSL - I currently have a hosting service that does just that and so does GoDaddy hosting, so it may be worth checking, as this will also give authentication errors if you are trying to connect via TLS when the non TLS server expects plain email.

Just as an idea and you have nothing to lose by trying this in Outlook as you own the domain name and when I get hosting service's email configurations they usually don't tell you can use your own domain name for the mail host - it looks more professional:
E-Mail Host
Code: Select all
by Izzy
24. October 2009 08:52
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Suddenly I can't send email
Replies: 35
Views: 64938

Re: Suddenly I can't send email

I don't know if it will help but msmtp is not a true sendmail app even though it is supposed to be compatible and the arguments may or may not be responsible here especially the -i switch which according to the msmtp manual is ignored anyway.
Code: Select all
sendmail_path = "\"C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t -i"
Drop the -i to now read
Code: Select all
sendmail_path = "\"C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t"
Save the php.ini file and restart Apache, test again.

In the sendmail.ini file change this
Code: Select all
to your yahoo email account address and password, if you have one, for authentication purposes - for example and if not then leave it as it is.

Your web site was created by Yahoo and also the mail script and I would hope that it works on the Yahoo servers.
The form is being posted to

Not to
as is the form you are trying to send via XAMPP.

If I get time later today, I will test it out on another email service using 1.7.2 and sendmail.

BTW it's not necessary to restart MySQL if your not using it but I included it so people get into the habit of restarting the XAMPP components after editing configuration files.
by Izzy
24. October 2009 04:24
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Suddenly I can't send email
Replies: 35
Views: 64938

Re: Suddenly I can't send email

The term Transport Layer Security (TLS) has taken over from the deprecated term Secure Socket Layer (SSL) - changes for changes sake perhaps, as it means the same thing?

Lets recap and take a look at what you have got:
Paste here your php.ini mail setting section.
Paste here the full sendmail.ini.

What script are you using to send mail, perhaps I can load it on my 1.7.2 test installations to see if I get errors using another email service - this will point the finger straight at Yahoo if it works on another service.

Before testing your scripts, you are restarting Apache and MySQL after editing your ini and conf files?

No reason I can think of, off hand, why only your configuration is not working, yet it works for others and on another web server like the one on Yahoo.
Does this Yahoo server use Apache PHP and sendmail etc. the same as does XAMPP?
by Izzy
24. October 2009 02:39
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Suddenly I can't send email
Replies: 35
Views: 64938

Re: Suddenly I can't send email

BTW port 587 is the alternative port for port 25 if your ISP blocks port 25 and is not for secure TLS connections and will give an error - see below.

creacon wrote:BTW, I also have a Yahoo mail account in my Outlook. It uses port 25, and I can successfully send mail from it, as well as receive.
Do you mean Outlook or Outlook Express and this could possibly mean that you are not using Transport Layer Security (TLS - encrypted email) with Outlook - if your SMTP/POP server has Transport Layer Security email then IMHO you should use it as the equivalents in snail-mail are sending your letter into an envelope -TLS, or using a post card - plain email.
Yahoo wrote:We strongly recommend that you enable SSL for both POP and SMTP, as detailed in the above instructions. This will ensure that your Yahoo! ID, password and email messages are transmitted securely between your mail client and the Yahoo! servers. However, if you choose to not use SSL for SMTP, your email client will likely default the SMTP port to 25.

The configuration for sendmail not using TLS:
Code: Select all
account PlainYahooMail
auth on
port 25
password [is your secret only]

The configuration for sendmail using TLS:
Code: Select all
account SecureYahooMail
port 465
auth on
password [is your secret only]
tls on
tls_starttls off
tls_certcheck off

BTW Accepted methods for auth are 'on', ‘plain’, ‘cram-md5’, ‘digest-md5’, ‘gssapi’, ‘external’, ‘login’, and ‘ntlm’.

Here is the full documentation for the msmtp (sendmail in XAMPP 1.7.2):

Good luck.
by Izzy
22. October 2009 03:29
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Suddenly I can't send email
Replies: 35
Views: 64938

Re: Suddenly I can't send email

Ok, we are moving in the right direction now.
I did the search you reccommended, and found a similar topic by "Amanda" in which you explained how to set up the php.ini and sendmail.ini.
Go back to this post and you will find the fix for
the server does not support TLS via the STARTTLS command'

Good luck.
by Izzy
20. October 2009 23:59
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Suddenly I can't send email
Replies: 35
Views: 64938

Re: Suddenly I can't send email

If you used sendmail then there is a sendmail.log file in the \xampp\sendmail folder.

Other than that it would need you to supply the details of your php.ini mail section configuration and your sendmail configuration plus your script code especially any error messages reported by your script.
by Izzy
20. October 2009 22:22
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Suddenly I can't send email
Replies: 35
Views: 64938

Re: Suddenly I can't send email

creacon wrote:SMTP server response: 530 authentication required
This usually means you are trying to access your mail account without a username/password combination, which in Outlook you have supplied for this task and so would not give you an error message.

You can use Sendmail to do this which can be configured in the php.ini file and in the sendmail.ini file.

An Advanced forum search in the XAMPP for Windows forum using keyword sendmail should give you some useful and helpful results.

If you get stuck using the sendmail feature post back and someone will try and sort it for you.

Good luck
by Izzy
17. October 2009 00:38
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Suddenly I can't send email
Replies: 35
Views: 64938

Re: Mercury shows no errors but doesn't seem to send emails

MercuryMail may not be what you need to send email messages from within a php script - a bit like "using a sledge hammer to crack a nut".

Do an Advanced forum search in the Forum: XAMPP for Windows for Keyword: sendmail for some helpful results.
by Izzy
06. October 2009 03:00
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Mercury shows no errors but doesn't seem to send emails
Replies: 1
Views: 2594

Re: mail function not working

Do an Advanced forum search in the Forum: XAMPP for Windows for Keyword: sendmail for some helpful results.
by Izzy
06. October 2009 02:52
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: mail function not working
Replies: 2
Views: 3413

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