Installing Xampp on Fedora 32--Failed

Problems with the Linux version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Installing Xampp on Fedora 32--Failed

Postby ajfbiz » 31. May 2021 01:12

Followed all procedures to download & install. The installation wizard (Bitnami) ran & finished & started Xampp, listing MySQL, proFTPD, and Apache servers. However the only server that started was proFTPD. PHP was not even listed. This seems like a Bitnami problem, but my main question is: how do I troubleshoot this, as the log file has no clues?
Posts: 3
Joined: 25. January 2013 01:12
XAMPP version: 8.0.1-0
Operating System: Fedora 32

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