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Re: Newbie ip address question

I mean the actual static ip address issued by my isp.

This static IP is assigned to a:
- NAT router
- a HTTP proxy (are you talking about HTTP requests?)
- a local network interface
by Wiedmann
07. December 2009 15:10
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Newbie ip address question
Replies: 5
Views: 5058

Re: IIS, XAMPP and domain issue

So you have to verify your firewall and router setting.
- with only changing the Listen directive in httpd.conf to 8080,
- and if is pointing to the IP of your server
- a request for "" must go to the Apache server
by Wiedmann
28. November 2009 21:57
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: IIS, XAMPP and domain issue
Replies: 5
Views: 5468

Re: Cant access from external location

it "didn't" work for any one including my self viewing my own ip .


Assuming a default XAMPP installation, Apache is listening to all incoming connections.
--> So you have to verify your firewall or router settings.

It's (can be) normal that you self can't use your external ip. So someone else have to test this.
by Wiedmann
05. September 2009 23:44
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Cant access from external location
Replies: 11
Views: 10870

Re: Apache Ports

I Know that i can just open port 80 on the firewall and give them the external IP address of the network, however, we already have a website running on port 80

So that's a NAT-router (with port-forwarding) and not (only) a firewall?
by Wiedmann
30. August 2009 19:30
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache Ports
Replies: 2
Views: 3212

Re: wie apache gegen das www absichern

Dann richte halt kein port-mapping in deinem Router ein, bzw. aktiviere eine Firewall.
by Wiedmann
25. August 2009 16:58
Forum: XAMPP für Windows
Topic: wie apache gegen das www absichern
Replies: 2
Views: 3999

Re: My Site is not opening with other network

you said that i am cannot connect with my ip

but how my friends came to my site

Your friends are connecting to the WAN IP (public_ip) port 80 of your router from the WAN (internet). In this case your NAT router can port-forwarding the packages on port 80 to the internal LAN IP port 80 from your XAMPP PC.

If you are trying to connect to the WAN IP (public_ip) port 80 of your router from the internal LAN, your NAT router can't do a port-forwarding of this port 80 back to somewhere in the internal LAN.

Your friends must use the WAN IP (public_ip) of the router to access your homepage.
You must use the LAN IP of the XAMPP PC (or to access your homepage.

At the moment there is no server accessible at your IP. Maybe a problem with your port-forwarding or your firewall.
by Wiedmann
24. August 2009 01:18
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: My Site is not opening with other network
Replies: 21
Views: 19680

Re: My Site is not opening with other network

what is the problem

Normally you can't use your public ip (I guess you mean the WAN IP from your NAT router) from inside your LAN.

Ask someone other to access your WAN IP (from the internet).
by Wiedmann
24. August 2009 00:55
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: My Site is not opening with other network
Replies: 21
Views: 19680

Re: Probleme mit PHP

Habe gestern Abend in meiner Router

Du musst ja auch nicht die IP deines Routers nehmen, sondern die deines PC's (im Zweifel die / localhost, welche immer existiert)
by Wiedmann
23. August 2009 11:56
Forum: XAMPP für Windows
Topic: Probleme mit PHP
Replies: 8
Views: 7467

Re: xAMPP and No-IP

Tried simply switching the "localhost" with the No-IP host I have, and got nada. I get the "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading" message in Firefox. Am I doing something wrong?

Verify your router and/or firewall settings.
by Wiedmann
21. August 2009 15:37
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: xAMPP and No-IP
Replies: 1
Views: 3968

Re: Website veröffentlichen

Aus der Windows Hosts Datei habe ich die Ipadresse und Localhost in die Httpd.Datei hineinkopiert.

Was immer du da gemacht hast, mach es wieder rückgängig.

eine dyndns adresse ist vorhanden, auch die ip adresse zu meinem Pc-Server besteht in meiner Fritzbox.

- eine Firewall auf deinem PC blockiert die Anfragen
- oder das port-forwarding (firewall) in deinem Router ist falsch konfiguriert.

Auf Seiten vom XAMPP/Apache muss man jedenfalls nichts anpassen damit das tut.
by Wiedmann
19. August 2009 23:13
Forum: XAMPP für Windows
Topic: Website veröffentlichen
Replies: 8
Views: 9686

Re: Join whit IP

Is "" working?

for my router does it work.

What does you mean with "for my router does it work.", is "" the ip from your router? (sorry, I have assumed it's the ip from your pc)

my pc is in DMZ

Hm, if your pc is in the DMZ (all ports forwarded to your pc), you should verify your firewall settings (or your router configuration). No port is open at your ip. And also it's not responding to a simple ping.
by Wiedmann
13. August 2009 16:26
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Join whit IP
Replies: 16
Views: 12536

Re: Join whit IP

but iam behind a router but its its my real ip from my internet provider...

So you are trying to connect to your local Apache with the WAN ip from your router.
I assume you have configured a port-mapping on this router?
by Wiedmann
13. August 2009 15:34
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Join whit IP
Replies: 16
Views: 12536

Re: Join whit IP

my real ip

- the LAN ip from your PC?
- the WAN ip from your PC (if directly connected to the internet)
- the WAN ip from your (NAT-) router?
by Wiedmann
13. August 2009 14:38
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Join whit IP
Replies: 16
Views: 12536

Re: Big Problem :(

but when i try with a no-ip domain then it redirects to my router

Just don't use your (WAN) no-ip domain (from the local LAN).

(or add this no-ip domain to your HOSTS file.)
by Wiedmann
11. August 2009 21:06
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Big Problem :(
Replies: 3
Views: 3944

Re: Apache external login?

Any reason why?

I guess it's your router webinterface.
by Wiedmann
04. August 2009 21:37
Forum: Apache
Topic: Apache external login?
Replies: 6
Views: 6832

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