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Re: Having trouble setting up


First you should revert your "php.ini" to the default state. Only enable the line (remove the semicolon) with sendmail_path. So this part of the "php.ini" should looks like:
Code: Select all
[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost

; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
sendmail_path = "\"C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe\" -t"

; Force the addition of the specified parameters to be passed as extra parameters
; to the sendmail binary. These parameters will always replace the value of
; the 5th parameter to mail(), even in safe mode.
;mail.force_extra_parameters =

; Add X-PHP-Originating-Script: that will include uid of the script followed by the filename
mail.add_x_header = Off

; Log all mail() calls including the full path of the script, line #, to address and headers
;mail.log = "C:\xampp\apache\logs\php_mail.log"


Your "sendmail.ini" should be something like:
Code: Select all
# Example for a user configuration file

# Set default values for all following accounts.
logfile "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.log"

# Mercury
account Mercury
host localhost
from postmaster@localhost
auth off

# A freemail service example
account Home
host Outgoing_mail_server_from_outlook
from E-mail_Address_from_outlook
auth on
user User_Name_from_outlook
password Password_outlook

# Set a default account
account default : Home

Now delete the file "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.log" if its exists and restart Apache. Put this "mailtest.php" in "C:\xampp\htdocs":
Code: Select all
var_dump(mail('E-mail_Address_from_outlook', 'testmail', 'This is a testmail.'));

Access this file in your browser with http://localhost/mailtest.php.
- what's the output in your browser?
- what can you read in "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.log"?
- (after a delay) can you see this new mail in Outlook (maybe also check the spam folder)?
by Wiedmann
06. January 2010 15:27
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Having trouble setting up
Replies: 15
Views: 27466

Re: Server Side Include not working in XAMPP 1.7.2!

Code: Select all
<!--#include file="../includes/" --

According to your file/directory structure above, the path is wrong.
by Wiedmann
09. September 2009 03:56
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Server Side Include not working in XAMPP 1.7.2!
Replies: 11
Views: 33693

Re: XAMPP Alpha version (1.7.2-dev4)

I know, I have done no work on the documentation. And also the demopage is mostly the same. Just tweaked some things (e.g. adding ipv4/6 to the status page).

A most welcome XCP inclusion but I feel that once again you may have to give some clues for users that may want to use it, as the console window prompt does not appear the same in the Shell as it does in the Command Prompt.

The intention was, that the user immediately sees that is not in the normal command prompt.

BTW is there a switch/command when you call the Shell in the source of the XCP to have the console window open to a certain width and height which may help with the small "standard shell window size of 25 lines"? - I have configured mine to suit my needs for a larger width and length window in the properties configuration, which I believe stores those window size properties in the registry.

The button in XCP is just starting the batchfile "xampp_shell.bat" (like a double click in explorer). And this batchfile is only starting "cmd.exe", setting some ENV variables and also enhancing the PATH. If you are already in your own shell, you can start the batch with "xampp_shell.bat setenv" to have the same effect (without changing the prompt).

The idea behind is:
The user can work with shell tools (like mysql, htpasswd, openssl, cpanp, ppm, pear) without changing paths. Especially for pear that's important (if you use the pear command line in this shell, it's (should be...) fully working. Always a problem in the past releases).

How about including the Alpha testing info in the Beta pages of the web site perhaps for ease of locating everything to do with development in the one location?

It was Kai's decision not to do so. (but I'm happy we can use the feedback form for the alpha.)

BTW is there a list of these "things that have changed", as in a change log perhaps to help with locating and testing them much quicker?

Hm, the main differences are in the step to 1.7.2-dev2 (see changelog). Almost all programs are now own builds.
- therefore Apache knows IPv6
- MySQL is shipped with the PBXT storage engine (and you have a libmysql.dll which is working with PHP)
- Especially all libs required for PHP are also own build. (just enable some extension and compare the versions with a official PHP Windows build)
- in PHP, the XML and OpenSSL extensions are build in and not shared.
- xdebug should work on Vista.
- I've ported the latest Webalizer to Windows, and therefore it can use (is using) GeoIP. I've also tweaked the batchfile which is starting Webalizer.

- Perl is included and not a separate add-on.
- some corrections to the xampp_cli (e.g. in the old version, a "xampp_cli.exe stop mysql" sometimes results in an error, even MySQL is stopped)
- cli and cp knows Tomcat
- the portcheck knows all Mercury and Tomcat ports (on vista you still not see the real binary name)
- you must not install FileZilla as service
- and of course, moving XAMPP should now work correctly (and leave pear intact). That's was my starting point for the new setup script. (for Mercury it's not working correct at the moment, because Mercury is the only app in XAMPP, with must use plain old 8.3 pathnames, as I've just found out.)

Well, and for now, all additional Apache modules, PHP Pecl extension, PEAR packages and Perl modules are removed. (at the moment we are trying the get list with /some/ basic packages/modules we can/should include in XAMPP.)

Hm, I guess I've forgotten something...
by Wiedmann
15. May 2009 10:37
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: XAMPP Alpha version (1.7.2-dev4)
Replies: 5
Views: 13700

Re: setting up subdomains in order to do root based paths

However, I think when I said "however, when visiting that URL, and using "include('includes\header.php');", it's searching for it at "site1.localhost/creations/includes/header.php"," you may have thought that was a question - but it was a statemen

I know that's a statement. But this statement is wrong:
"include('includes\header.php);" is searching for the file at "C:\users\maki\docs\xampp\htdocs\site1\includes\header.php" (filesystem path) and not at "site1.localhost/creations/includes/header.php" (URI path)

but any more suggestions??

You are mixing two different things:

Code: Select all
<?php include_once('header.php'); echo realpath("header.php");?>

include() is working with filesystem path. (relative to the current script directory, or absolute from the top of your harddrive.

In your example, PHP is searching the file at: "C:\users\maki\docs\xampp\htdocs\site1\header.php", regardless if you request this file in your browser with "" or with "".

Code: Select all
<a href="index.php"><img src="images/logo_site1.png" alt=" logo"  width="370" height="88"></a>

A link in a html code is an URI and your browser accessing your server with this URI. A relative URI is relative to the current URI-path (and resource). With "normal" URIs, relative URI's are relative to the current document you request. With your friendly URI's, relative URIs must not be relative to the current document you request. And absolute URI is starting at the DocumentRoot (in the filesystem).

- If you request the document with this link with "", your browser is reqesting "" and Apache is searching this file at "C:\users\maki\docs\xampp\htdocs\site1\images\logo_site1.png".

- If you request the document with this link with "", your browser is reqesting "" and Apache is searching this file at "C:\users\maki\docs\xampp\htdocs\site1\creations\images\logo_site1.png".

Well, so the main question:
Did you have a problem with your PHP includes, or your links in HTML?
by Wiedmann
12. April 2009 16:26
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: setting up subdomains in order to do root based paths
Replies: 7
Views: 7727

Re: setting up subdomains in order to do root based paths

however, when visiting that URL, and using "include('includes\header.php');", it's searching for it at "site1.localhost/creations/includes/header.php",

No. As I've posted above, include() is not working with URIs and does not know anything about settings in a ".htaccess".
--> The location from the file creations doesn't change in the filesystem because of this ".htaccess". Thus a path, relative to the filesystem location of this file, is always the same.
by Wiedmann
12. April 2009 01:02
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: setting up subdomains in order to do root based paths
Replies: 7
Views: 7727

Re: Delphi Project Not work under Xammp

Code: Select all
Failed opening required 'vcl/' (include_path='.;D:\xampp\php\pear\')

Yes, its under "C:\Program Files\CodeGear\Delphi for PHP\2.0\vcl" directory..

PHP basics... ;-)

You include this file with a relative path ('vcl/'), but this relative path does not exists relative to any of your include paths:
- include the file with an absolute path.
- or better: add the framework directory to the include_path.
(- or copy the vcl dir to the script dir)

I would open "php.ini" and change the include_path to:
Code: Select all
include_path = ".;D:\xampp\php\pear\;C:\Program Files\CodeGear\Delphi for PHP\2.0\"
by Wiedmann
18. February 2009 10:56
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Delphi Project Not work under Xammp
Replies: 8
Views: 7349

Re: Can't get Wordpress to run under xampp

I even edited the last line in httpd.conf to comment out the call to the /etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf file

Don't do this.

My DocumentRoot in /etc/httpd.conf

You mean "/opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf"?

No matter what I do, I cannot get the actual web page to come up even if I include the full path to the Wordpress index.php file in the URL.

Please more details:
- Which URI must you currently using?
- Which URI want you use?
by Wiedmann
11. February 2009 22:27
Forum: XAMPP for Linux
Topic: Can't get Wordpress to run under xampp
Replies: 4
Views: 10977

Re: relative path problem

So you mean
Code: Select all
<?php Include("../abc.php"); ?>

Is invalid in apache ?

No, I don't mean this. I mean:
This code is not in the script which apache is executing. (Maybe you are editing a wrong script...)
by Wiedmann
03. February 2009 07:43
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: relative path problem
Replies: 12
Views: 16436

Re: relative path problem

Then can you tell me why I can't do reference (include , require , include_once, require_once) to any file in upper directory level?

Because you don't do this in this script (the script which apache is executing).
by Wiedmann
02. February 2009 20:52
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: relative path problem
Replies: 12
Views: 16436

Re: relative path problem

I tried to test it with Include("../abc.php"), then it gives me the error above.

The last try:
The above error message is not from this include statement!
by Wiedmann
02. February 2009 20:34
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: relative path problem
Replies: 12
Views: 16436

Re: relative path problem

If I put it in an upper level and use Include("../abc.php"), then it will fail and show the error above

As I wrote in my last post:
The above error message is from a Include("abc.php") and not from a Include("../abc.php")
--> Thus you can't have the above error message with a Include("../abc.php").
by Wiedmann
02. February 2009 20:10
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: relative path problem
Replies: 12
Views: 16436

Re: relative path problem

Code: Select all
Failed opening included 'abc.php'... in C:\xampp\htdocs\Project\Display.php ...

abc.php is located in c:\xampp\htdocs\
while C:\xampp\htdocs\Project\Display.php is trying to include it.
URL is http://localhost/project/Display.php

This error message is from a "include 'abc.php';", but you need a "include '../abc.php';".
by Wiedmann
02. February 2009 19:50
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: relative path problem
Replies: 12
Views: 16436

Re: relative path problem

Please hlep

Too less information to help....

let say INclude("../abc.php"), it will give me an error :
Code: Select all
Failed opening included 'abc.php' (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\xampp\htdocs\Project\Display.php on line 57

- What is the filesystem location for both files?
- Which file did you access in your browser with which uri (and what is the filesystem location from this files?)?
by Wiedmann
02. February 2009 18:47
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: relative path problem
Replies: 12
Views: 16436

Re: Help! Need to change trailing to correct path

Warning: include(E:/XAMPP/htdocs/conf/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Does the file "E:\XAMPP\htdocs\conf\" exists?
by Wiedmann
11. December 2008 20:54
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Help! Need to change trailing to correct path
Replies: 7
Views: 9069

The change I made was recommended initially by Mark in the PEAR forum and was then inserted automatically by the process to create the PEAR installer.

He is wrong.
1) always put the "." into the include_path
2) paths are separated with ";" not with ","
3) include the same path twice makes no sense

The file I used was xampp-win32-1.6.0a.exe extracted from its zip
I simply ran that file to instal XAMPP

You have read the install instructions and execute "setup_xampp.bat" too?
by Wiedmann
27. March 2007 14:41
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: XAMPP Re Instal Problems
Replies: 6
Views: 10754

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