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Re: Wordpress dashboard crashes apache on xampp 1.5.1

Translated - Cassandra wrote:In Apache HTTP Server has encountered a problem and needs to close. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Details of the error:
szAppName: apache.exe szAppVer: szModName: php5ts.dll szModVer: Offset: 000a6582
This issue has been around for some time in older XAMPP versions and it appears to have been eliminated in the newer versions but there was never a definitive answer that I could find when it was a frequent post on the forums.

Consider that Wordpress 2.8.6 Dashboard, plug-ins etc. may not be backward compatible with your older version of PHP and is maybe why it's working in XAMPP 1.7.2 version that has PHP 5.3.0.

Here are some of the solutions that had positive results for some but not all.

1. Check in your xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf file, down near the end of the file for these 2 entries that should look like this - if not change them:
EnableMMAP off
EnableSendfile off

Also add this if it is not there right at the end of the file:

Save the file and restart Apache, then test for the issue again - always make a backup of *.conf and *.ini files before editing.

2. Make sure you only have those extension you require uncommented in your xampp\apache\bin\php.ini file - all extensions uncommented can cause strange issues.

3. Some had success by copying the php5ts.dll file from the \xampp\apache\bin folder into your C:\Windows\system32 folder then, after booting your PC, test for the issue again.

4. Another claimed to have had success by enabling this extension in the \xampp\apache\bin\php.ini file
Code: Select all
remove the comment character ; from the beginning of the line, then save the file and restart Apache and test for the issue again - but as always make a backup copy of any *.ini or *.conf file before editing and use a text editor when editing.

5. This fix seems to have worked for many:
Rename the file \xampp\mysql\bin\libmysql.dll to libmysql.dll_ which in effect causes the file in the \xampp\apache\bin folder to be used - restart Apache and MySQL and test again for the issue.

You can try any of the above fixes one at a time then test after each and see which, if any, fixes your issue.
If you find one, then I would appreciate a post back with which one did the trick for you.

To save you some time, there appears to be no help, that I could find, from over at the forums on this subject, except the reference to backward incompatibility with older PHP versions.

A search here in the XAMPP For Windows forum using php5ts as the keyword will give you results that will verify what I have posted above in condensed form.

And finally, if you can't solve the riddle of the php5ts.dll issue, you may have to upgrade your Wordpress, as recommended by their web site, to the latest version 2.9.1 to keep up to date with any security fixes they have incorporated.

The same would apply with XAMPP as now the version is 1.7.3 with PHP 5.3.1 and the developers always seem to keep abreast of any major component changes and security updates.

Good luck. :)
by Izzy
10. January 2010 22:58
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Wordpress dashboard crashes apache on xampp 1.5.1
Replies: 3
Views: 12141

Re: Problem with xampp - Apache

supercat wrote:Faulting application httpd.exe, version, time stamp 0x493f5d44, faulting module php5ts.dll, version, time stamp 0x49a56925, exception code 0xc00000fd, fault offset 0x00151f03, process id 0x15e0, application start time 0x01ca6a38aa69106d.
Susan, these forum search results may give some ideas for troubleshooting this like checking that you are using the correct php.ini file - look for php.ini files on your PC and rename or delete any you find that are not in the \xampp\php folder in 1.7.1+ XAMPP versions, then try again.

Some one else had success by copying the php5ts.dll to other locations mentioned in the search results.

Others had success by rebooting their PC, so as you can see the answers are varied indeed.

I have not been able to find a definitive solution for this.

If you can access phpMyAdmin before Apache crashes by using the http://localhost/phpmyadmin URI then you may be able to access http://localhost/xampp/phpinfo.php file to check the Loaded Configuration File (php.ini) setting.

Also try making a copy of the Drupal folder out of the xampp folder then deleting it and testing your XAMPP installation again - this is to isolate Drupal as the possible cause of this issue - you can reinstate the copy after testing.

A couple of Google links that may also give some ideas as this seems to have affected not only Drupal but also Wordpress.

This issue was very evident in 1.7.0 of XAMPP and for that there was a fix here:
But I thought that this was fixed in 1.7.1

Perhaps a more definitive solution may be provided by an XAMPP for Windows developer if your topic is spotted.

Sorry I can't be of more help Susan.
by Izzy
22. November 2009 07:42
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Problem with xampp - Apache
Replies: 19
Views: 43150

Re: php5apache2_2.dll not installed in 1.7.2?

dedicated wrote:I noticed that all the php dll were no longer in the C:\xampp\apache\bin directory.
\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf file loads this module located now in the \xampp\apache\module\ folder.
Code: Select all
# PHP-Module setup
LoadFile "C:/xampp/php/php5ts.dll"
LoadModule php5_module modules/php5apache2_2.dll

So if the dll is not where it should be then there maybe issues with your XAMPP 1.7.2 installation.

The 1.7.2 exe installation file you downloaded is an WinRAR archive file so if you right click on it, select to open the archive in either WinRAR or the freeware 7zip and locate the dll file, then you can extract it to the modules folder if it is missing as a sort of hack fix.
by Izzy
16. November 2009 01:45
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: php5apache2_2.dll not installed in 1.7.2?
Replies: 2
Views: 7142

Re: Apache HTTP Server Has Stopped Working

mapper65 wrote:Any suggestions?
These search results may help and an Advanced forum search in the XAMPP for Windows forum for your keyword php5ts.dll may also help.

Then there is always the Wordpress forums as it is a feature in WP and PHP 5.3 that is giving problems - but I see you have been there already.

Have you tried an older version of XAMPP with PHP 5.2 to see if you can replicate the issue?

You could try copying the php5ts.dll from the \xampp\php folder into the \Windows\system32 folder then reboot and try again, also copy it in to the \xampp\apache\modules folder.
by Izzy
12. October 2009 22:56
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache HTTP Server Has Stopped Working
Replies: 2
Views: 16045

Re: Apache error when accessing mysql php5ts.dll Offset: 0000ac5

Any help in these forum search results for php5ts (link) that you probably should have tried before posting your first message as outlined in the forum Announcements !!! Forum Search - Please Read First!!!.

What version of XAMPP?

Any more clues in the Windows Event Viewer?

Any clues in the Apache error.log file?

BTW WinMySQLAdmin is deprecated and the use of it in XAMPP is not recommended, use phpMyAdmin instead - a forum search for winmysqladmin may be fruitful for other alternatives.

It also sounds like you may have other issues with the XAMPP installation that is often fixed by uninstalling then doing a fresh install - make sure you backup your folders, files and databases before deleting the xampp folder ready for a fresh install.
by Izzy
21. January 2009 06:12
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache error when accessing mysql php5ts.dll Offset: 0000ac5
Replies: 3
Views: 11121

Thanks Lauren for a very detailed reply.

Unfortunately, from the info you provided, I am unable to locate an obvious or definitive solution - there seems to be many suggested solution and some work for some but not for others - visit the search link below.

I have just spent several hours combing the forums and NNTP computer groups for any clues for a fix but there was no definitive solution - I started to get a headache too. :)

But if it's any consolation and just so you don't feel alone or the only one with a headache because of this issue, please take a look at this Google Search for faulting module php5ts.dll - seems to be a common bug that has reared it's ugly head from way back and is not peculiar to any particular Apache/php version.

The crash would appear to occur when the php5ts.dll unloads, for what ever reason, but then fails to reload in time to prevent a crash - this from a php guru at php bugs way back in 2004 wrote:The short answer is don't use persistent connection in CLI.

The long answer: It matters because the persistent connection layer gets
initialized. Maybe there is a problem in reusing or storing the
persistent connection. So most probably this is no direct CLI problem.

I know you have tried the down grade approach to php4 but have you tried uninstalling completely your current version of XAMPP and installing again with an older version from the XAMPP Archive

Also you may like to post a bug report to the XAMPP Developers to make them aware of your issue:

My apologies once again for not having the headache pill you so disparately need. :D

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by Izzy
18. November 2007 05:02
Forum: XAMPP for Windows
Topic: Apache crashes when uploading recordset in Dreamweaver
Replies: 4
Views: 18686

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